This man doesn't know what blushing is.

There are a lot of people around here. It's not embarrassing for him to say such words directly.

An Xiaoxiao stared at him, got up and put away the leaves.

"What is this thing? Unlike tea, where did you get it?"

It's strange that no one has seen it.

In particular, the taste of Fuhe is strange, but if you get used to it, you will feel special beauty.

It's like poppy. I think it's poison when I first encounter it, but once I encounter it, I will find that this kind of thing has a fatal attraction that people can't quit anyway.

Of course, this kind of thing is not addictive.

If the metaphor is more appropriate, it should be more appropriate to compare stinky tofu and durian.

However, these two unacceptable people can't accept it at all, but the leaves are different. Once you start trying, you will like the taste more and more, and no one will hate it.

An Xiaoxiao subconsciously paused.

What should I say about this thing?

"From someone else."

Take the cup in an Xiaoxiao's hand and Zhan lengrui's face is not red and his heart is not jumping.

However, it doesn't seem to lie. It's from someone else.

No, no, actually, it should be from someone else's house.

Why is this man so cheeky.

Zhan lengrui said this, and the others didn't ask any more.

What can be used to send Zhan lengrui is really not bad.

But this kind of thing can relieve the summer heat. It's really rare.

After dinner, Chang Haomiao and Luo Kefan called Zhan lengrui to talk about things.

An Xiaoxiao felt a little sleepy, so she went back to bed first.

I don't know why. An Xiaoxiao was very sleepy. He just went back to sleep. When he heard Zhan lengrui coming back in the middle of the night, he obviously wanted to wake up, but his eyelids were really heavy. He struggled a little and went on sleeping.

After a while, he felt his neck pulled. An Xiaoxiao didn't even care about his struggle. He turned over and continued to sleep.

Looking at an Xiaoxiao's appearance, Zhan lengrui is vaguely worried.

He didn't know whether it was good or bad.

But twice.

First there was a sudden high fever, and then there was a sudden vomiting and diarrhea.

If he did it again, he really didn't know what to do.

There are some things on the jade pendant.

As Colin said.

Looking at the thing with a layer of red on the surface, Zhan lengrui carefully took down the thing and put it in a transparent box.

Then wash it and put the jade pendant on an Xiaoxiao's neck again.

And there was another layer of red on it immediately.

At the speed visible to the eyes, it is increasing rapidly.

If an Xiaoxiao wakes up and suddenly sees this situation, he will ask himself what's going on.

But the jade pendant must not be taken down......

Thinking, Zhan lengrui suddenly remembered the colorful stone.

Although it is not an upper stone, it is rare.

If we can absorb some and make an Xiaoxiao better as soon as possible, it should be better.

If an Xiaoxiao didn't feel it in particular, there should be no accident.

Zhan lengrui takes out the stone and puts it on an Xiaoxiao's neck, right next to the jade pendant on an Xiaoxiao's neck.

It had already absorbed a layer of red things, because it suddenly glowed faintly when it met the red stone next to it.

Zhan lengrui frowned. How can this thing shine?

It's strange. More suspicious things happened. The colorful light on the red stone seemed to be alive, shaking back and forth inside the stone......

Zhan lengrui was surprised.

How could there be such a strange thing.

He hasn't even heard of this happening.

He quickly picked up the red stone. At the moment he picked it up, the colorful light suddenly disappeared.

And what's more strange is that it adsorbs a thick layer of red material.

Is it difficult to say that this stone, which looks not as good as ice, is more precious than this imperial green stone?

How could it suddenly absorb so much.

Scrape off the material on it, and Zhan lengrui takes a bottle again and puts it up.

Hesitated for a moment, but still didn't put the little red jade on an Xiaoxiao.

Now let's make sure. The situation just now is really unexpected.

With two boxes, Zhan lengrui came to the door and made a gesture. Someone showed up immediately.

"Take these two things back for test. I'll see the test results tomorrow morning."

The man nodded, "yes!"

After being taken away, Zhan lengrui returns to the room, holds an Xiaoxiao in his arms and slowly closes his eyes.

The next morning, before an Xiaoxiao woke up, Zhan lengrui immediately washed the jade pendant and put it on an Xiaoxiao's neck again. He was afraid that if there was something on it again, an Xiaoxiao would find that Zhan lengrui specially smeared a layer of isolated transparent material on the jade pendant, although it seemed nothing on the surface, But in fact, this thing can't touch an Xiaoxiao's skin.

As long as there is no contact, there will be no such substance.

After cleaning up, Zhan lengrui comes to wash.

I was about to take off my - clothes, but I found something wrong in my pocket. I felt very heavy and obvious.

Zhan lengrui turns out his pocket, which turns out to be red sand that seems to stick together.

What the hell is this?

Zhan lengrui cleaned it under the faucet. The sand scattered easily. Looking at the sand falling, Zhan lengrui found that it was the red stone.

It's obviously on yourself. Why can you absorb so much.

No, we must see the test answer as soon as possible.

Just thinking, there was a sound outside the door, and Zhan lengrui hurried over.

It wasn't the boy who came back last night, it was Xu Bo.

Xu Bo sent things to Zhan lengrui. "Dr. Yang said the two are the same, but it seems that they can absorb more minerals, and the adsorption is more delicate."

This red stone is more delicate?

Zhan lengrui nodded, took two pieces of paper and looked at them.

Not only the adsorption speed, but also the adsorption capacity should be better.

Well, otherwise, get two bigger stones?

But I really don't know which kind. So far, it should not have been found, even in ancient books and books.

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