Last time they didn't know, but fortunately there was no accident, otherwise Zhan lengrui would regret his death.

Down, Zhan lengrui lies on an Xiaoxiao's stomach.

"Little fellow, grow up quickly and come out quickly, or I'll throw you away!"

"I can't bear to throw her away if I throw you away. Ah Luan said, this is his baby sister."

Zhan lengrui snorted coldly, "it's better to be a girl."

If you are still a broken boy, you have to give a good education. If you are a daughter, you naturally want to be held in the palm of your hand like an Xiaoxiao.

Suddenly, the clothes were lifted. An Xiaoxiao quickly reached out and grabbed someone's hand, "what are you doing?"

"I feel how the child is now. I'll give you a massage to save you too tired." Zhan lengrui looks at an Xiaoxiao with deep eyes and incoherent words.

An Xiaoxiao gave him a white eye.

"Have you ever seen anyone pregnant in the chest..." this big hooligan!


When an Xiaoxiao woke up again, Zhan lengrui was gone?

I don't know when I left last night.

However, someone gave himself a massage last night. It's really much better today. There's no back pain.

Just a little on the chest...... they hurt......

Forget it, it's been several years. Now it's not easy for two people. He still has to bear it.

Just bear it!

An Xiaoxiao gets up and washes. As soon as she opens the door, she feels something wrong.

Wait until you come out. Then I found that there was a God sitting in the living room.

It's really God!

"Adelaic, why are you here?!" In a moment of shock, an Xiaoxiao called adelaike's name directly.

"Miss Xiaoxiao!" Adelaic got up, his natural gentlemanly demeanor was completely different from some big hooligan.

Wei chengshao sat on the sofa next to him, crossed his legs and looked calm. He didn't feel uncomfortable because of adelaic and the people he brought.

It was Huizi next to him. He looks dull and formal.

"When I called last night, I told you why you forgot to tell me the location. Unexpectedly, it was at my house. When did you come here? I'm sorry, I'm a little uncomfortable these two days, and I don't sleep regularly. It must have kept you waiting for a long time?"

"No, No. just for a while." Adelaike shook his head quickly. "Mr. Zhan asked me to come here directly. He was worried that you would be uncomfortable if you went too far."

Remembering Zhan lengrui's appearance of an Xiaoxiao to himself, adelaic's face was full of a smile, "after so many years, the relationship between Miss Xiaoxiao and Mr. Zhan is still so good. I said, what happened five years ago must have been a misunderstanding, and you two must be the most loving husband and wife."

An Xiaoxiao shook his head in embarrassment. "What's the most loving couple? I think it should be you and your wife. It's really the most beautiful legend."

Adelaick's wife is the only child of a medium-sized family in England.

Looks very beautiful, people are also very capable, read books in the best schools in Britain, and get a full scholarship.

At that time, their story was also in the newspaper. Everyone thought it was the most beautiful love.

An Xiaoxiao is lucky to know the cause and effect of the matter.

It is said that the two met at a cocktail party. Adelaic didn't fall in love at first sight.

Originally, adelaic was not interested in her. Unexpectedly, an accident happened at the end of the reception, and the girl succeeded in resolving the embarrassment of the reception with her wit.

After the reception, the organizer thanked her, but unexpectedly, the girl left without saying anything.

That's different.

Originally, the following eyes suddenly didn't know where to catch up, adelaic just felt worried.

Like Cinderella's crystal shoes.

The thirst for knowledge in the heart is seduced, which makes people only feel that they have to get results.

Later, adelaic finally found the girl, and then the two of them were together.

But it is said that the two have no children up to now, and I don't know whether they don't want it or for some other reason.

"Miss Xiaoxiao." Adelaic looked at Huizi and Wei chengshao next to him.

Huizi hurriedly wanted to stand up and make room for the two people, but Wei chengshao stopped them directly?

"You said that all the people here are their own. You don't have to worry about anything." If you doubt Wei chengshao and Huizi an Xiaoxiao again, there should be few people you can trust.

Adelaic hesitated for a moment before he spoke slowly.

"In fact, the reason why I stay here so long this time is because my wife is taking care of herself here. She once fell into the water and suffered from the cold, so we have been unable to have children. We have been taking care of ourselves here for a long time, and now we have some results."

An Xiaoxiao nodded, but his heart was a little strange.

Shouldn't such things be kept secret in general? Why did adelaic tell himself?

"Miss Xiaoxiao, in fact, there are two things I want to tell you this time. The first thing is that in my country, my person sent a photo two days ago. I think the person inside should be the one you are looking for."

Adelaic handed an Xiaoxiao a photo.

An Xiaoxiao picked it up and saw the people inside. His face was shocked.


Why did he go to England again? What the hell is going on.

"I knew from Conrad that you were looking for him. So I asked my people to help. But I didn't expect them to send this picture directly." Adelaic opened his mouth and explained, "I have asked them to continue searching in China. If there is any latest news, I will tell you at the first time?"

An Xiaoxiao nodded and looked a little trance.

What's the matter with Locke Qin? Why should he appear in Britain now?

Look at the people in the picture?


Absolutely not!

An Xiaoxiao suddenly turned pale and handed the picture to Wei chengshao, "look, is there something wrong with this picture!"

Seeing an Xiaoxiao's expression, Wei chengshao knew what the problem would be. Seeing an Xiaoxiao hand over the photo, he immediately put away his foolishness.

Look at the picture in your hand carefully.

There's nothing wrong with the photo.

But if you look carefully, you will find. Rockqin should not be tied now.

And not only that, although I can't see everything clearly, I can see that Locke Qin is now a normal person.

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