What the hell does Vince want to do?

The cold light suddenly appeared in an Xiaoxiao's eyes.

Whatever WENCE wants to do, she can't let her hurt the people around her.

Zhan lengrui doesn't know what's going on now.

An Xiaoxiao thought and slowly closed his eyes.

When the mobile phone rang, an Xiaoxiao opened it and looked at the caller ID.

It's a little old man.

I should ask myself what happened just now.

"Where are you and where are you going?" Open your mouth, the little old man asked.

"I'll go back first. Didn't I make an appointment with Lin Dazhi in the evening? We'll have dinner together then."

"By the way, I just wanted to ask you why you didn't let me speak." It would be much easier to sell all the stones.

"You can't sell all the stones to him. Now it's just the beginning. Let Lin Dazhi buy those stones, which can be regarded as a sign of us, but wait and you'll find a more important thing." Apart from others, an Xiaoxiao still has a harvest this time.

"What's the matter?"

"You'll know later. I said, little old man. Are you really stupid? You can't turn your head now. You don't know how to make money."

An Xiaoxiao gave him a white eye.

Let others make money is to make money, so making money yourself is not to make money?

However, I still need to think about this way to make money.

Let Lin Dazhi open the market and monopolize himself.

She doesn't believe that there are people in the world who can compete with her!

"Do you know how to respect the old man? I'm also your elder. It's impolite for the little old man to call me all day. Do you understand? Now you dare to treat me like this. I don't think you know my strength."

"I know, little old man, you're the best. All right, how old are you? You're still so angry with me." An Xiaoxiao laughed. The little old man has a long temper today.

"It was me... Ah -"

Before he finished, an Xiaoxiao only heard a scream.

Then there is the sound of car collision!

An Xiaoxiao was stunned and the whole person was stiff.

"Little old man... Little old man... What's the matter with you... Grandpa Qin... Uncle Qin... Little old man..."

An Xiaoxiao kept shouting, but there was no sound......

"Stop, stop... Go back, go back quickly!"

An Xiaoxiao shouted at the driver.

Little old man, you must not have an accident.

An Xiaoman is flustered and hangs up his cell phone to call Zhan lengrui, but he finds that his hands tremble so much that he can't even touch his cell phone.

"Zhan lengrui... Call Zhan lengrui."

An Xiaoxiao handed the mobile phone to the driver.

The driver was found by Zhan lengrui after he came here. An Xiaoxiao doesn't know who he is, but he can definitely believe it. He handed the mobile phone to the man, cold all over.

"Miss Xiaoxiao, you don't have to worry. It'll be all right."

The driver said, then at the red light, hurriedly called Zhan lengrui, then called again, asked the address, and hurried over with an Xiaoxiao......

An Xiaoxiao's hands trembled and her whole body softened.

Little old man, you can't have an accident......

You absolutely...... Nothing can happen......

When an Xiaoxiao arrived, the place of the incident had been under martial law, and the ambulance seemed to have just left.

An Xiaoxiao was held by the driver to the side. Looking at the two cars damaged on the road, he felt cold all over.

No, absolutely not......

"It's really terrible. I watched the car suddenly rush towards the car and hit the tail of the car. Fortunately, there are only two cars. If there are more, I don't know what will happen."

"I saw it too. The car behind me is really fast."

"It's just a pity that these two cars had an accident. Looking at this car, there must be some rich man in it. I'm afraid something will happen again..."

An Xiaoxiao came to the people. "What did you just say, someone deliberately murdered? What about the car, the car that crashed, and where is the car now?"

An Xiaoxiao grabbed the man's clothes and kept asking, but it was a pity that the man seemed to be frightened.

"I'm talking to you. What happened to the car? What happened to the people inside..."

"Madam, what happened? Just ask the police. Besides, what are the people inside? We're not doctors..."

A man nearby grabbed an Xiaoxiao's arm and wanted the man caught by an Xiaoxiao to leave, but he didn't think he had time to move. He was immediately glared at by an Xiaoxiao, which made people feel cold and terrible.


"Tell me exactly what happened and what happened." An Xiaoxiao is beautiful. Now the vicious look is even more amazing.

The man looked at an Xiaoxiao and forgot to speak for a moment.

"Do you say..." An Xiaoxiao frowned and his face was very cold!

The woman nearby reacted and quickly stopped an Xiaoxiao.

"Madam, don't worry. Let's talk slowly about anything. If you are a family member, the most important thing now should be to hurry to the hospital. I think the patient is very serious..."


As soon as an Xiaoxiao listened, he only felt that his blood flowed back.

No, absolutely not!

Don't let the little old man have any problems.

"Bring them to me and we'll go to the hospital."

After that, an Xiaoxiao seemed to recover his strength and hurried to the car.

Those people haven't reacted yet. The driver has come to them.

Standing in front of them, a man of one meter nine, made several people only tremble.

Leave...... That's impossible.


At the hospital, Zhan lengrui and Luo Kefan are already there.

It seems that the situation is not very good. Zhan lengrui's expression is dignified. Luo Kefan just sits next to him with his head down.

Although neither of them showed anything, an Xiaoxiao felt that this seemed to be the most terrible......

"Zhan lengrui, the little old man can't have an accident. I absolutely don't allow an accident to happen to the little old man."

Someone who was still talking to himself one second before, and then something happened the second after?

No, it's absolutely impossible. I will never allow this to happen!

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