Freeman was puzzled for a moment.

Are you crazy? Or is the industry crazy?

In the WGA back then, Jeff and he were the loudest and second-most vocal people in the organizing committee.

Both of them have the same vision, and the best games of the year over the years are the games that both of them think are the best.

Until a few years ago, Naughty Cat came into being.

Jeff admired this young and unconventional company, but Freeman always held a prejudice.

Because many of Naughty Cat's games are incomprehensible to him.

Now, this feeling is even stronger.

When Dark Souls came out, he thought it was a crappy game.

Like Digging Up, it is an inexplicably popular game that relies on torturing players to get out of the game. It is a game that became popular due to gimmicks.

But after the results came out, he was given a big slap in the face.

This game actually started a sect and named a category of games with the word "soul"!

I finally accepted this setting and successfully brainwashed myself. This is a classic game type.

We believe that this framework cannot be broken, and it is a special success story that cannot be replicated.

All innovative designs are self-destructive.

Therefore, he highly admires Electronic Arts' latest soul-based game "Darkborn".

The result was absolutely unexpected.

"Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice" came out.

A game that has nothing to do with "soul" except for a few settings.

Both of them played the game before it was released and came to the conclusion that this game did not deserve the best of the year.

As a result, after the game was officially released, it was completely unexpected.

Not only did it become popular, but the fire was so intense that it quickly spread out within a few days.

Such as "death", such as "hesitation will lead to defeat".

Freeman's back molars were almost broken.

But facing the young man in the studio, he still suppressed his anger and asked, pretending that nothing happened: "Aren't you soul players disgusted with those insignificant changes?"

The young man’s name is Jenkins, a well-known writer in gaming media.

He was also the person who most stood by Naughty Cat when Dark Souls selected the best of the year.

After hearing this, Jenkins nodded and said, "Yes, that's right."

"Then why do you still think Sekiro deserves Game of the Year?"

Hearing this question, Jenkins was stunned for a long time, and then said in confusion: "However, this is the WGA's annual best selection. What is selected is the best game of the year, not the game with the most authentic soul."



I felt even more depressed and a little autistic.

As a former game industry practitioner and now the head of WGA.

For the first time, I felt a little at a loss.

I feel like I don’t understand this industry anymore.

Then he looked at the other people and asked, "What about you? Although it's not the final day of voting, you can say what's best in your heart."

"I think it's Darkspawn."

Hearing this, Freeman nodded with satisfaction.

After Jeff was squeezed out, there were many more of his "own people" in the organizing committee.

This one is one of them.

"I think it's Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice."

They were also divided into two factions.


There are obviously more Sekiro factions.

Freeman looked calm on the surface, but he began to curse in his heart.

Did you miss the mark again? !

What's going on in this industry?

This year the situation is different.

Electronic Arts has spent so much effort to boost investor confidence with an annual award.

If this was the best of the year, it would still go to Naughty Cat

He may be the one who is eliminated next year.

After another discussion, Freeman excused himself and left.

He sat back in his car and made a phone call.

"Mr. Arnold, the situation seems to be not good. I need to listen to your opinions and suggestions."

Then, he talked about Sekiro’s recent reputation.

After finishing speaking, I waited anxiously for a while, but there was no reply.

After a long time, Freeman asked: "Sir?"

"What do you want to express when you tell me this? Are you asking me if I can give Lin Mo the best award of the year?"

Freeman frowned, these words were very sinister and made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"I still say the same thing, if "Dark Ones" scores 75 points and "Sekiro" scores 90 points, the best film of the year will be Dark One's."

After a pause, he added: "But now, "Sekiro" is not 90 points, but 120 points! If the best of the year is given to "Dark Descendants", a WGA that has ruined its reputation will be able to boost investor confidence. Is it useful?"

As soon as these words came out, the phone was silent for a long time.

Although Arnold was displeased, he also knew that what Freeman said was true.

The production level of "Dark Descendants" is not bad, but it has won the best trophy of the year in previous years.

But there is no choice, there is the company Naughty Cat, and there is the weirdo Lin Mo.

The gold content of the year's best has been raised by more than one level.

There was even a situation.

Players have already assumed that the best game of the year belongs to Naughty Cat, and they all feel that the current best action-adventure award is better than the best game in previous years.

Because there is a comparison, and the comparison is with Naughty Cat’s many classic and incomparable games.

It seems that the current annual best action adventure award has a much higher gold content.

If it wasn't a track, it would be easier to say something.

But the problem now is that the two games are on the same track!

Complete competition for the same position, whoever is worse will be embarrassed.

Thinking of this, Arnold became less angry.

Arnold was silent for a long time and suddenly said: "Dark Ones does not have to win this year's Game of the Year award. However, this year's Best Game of the Year award cannot be awarded to Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice."

Freeman was silent for a long time, knowing that the other party was taking a step back.

If this requirement can no longer be met, it would indeed be unreasonable.

"Then, how to do it? There are some good works this year, but is it too difficult to focus on "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice"?"

Arnold asked back: "What games do Naughty Cats have this year?"

Freeman frowned.

"Dead by Daylight at the beginning of the year, preparing for the middle of the year... Genshin Impact at the end of the year, Sekiro."

Counting them one by one, even Freeman himself frowned.

This year’s Naughty Cat game lineup is still very productive and of high quality.

But except for Sekiro, none of the other games can win the best theme or type of the year.

Thinking of this, Freeman asked again: "Do you want to stagger the selection cycle? From December 1 last year to the end of October this year? Include Sekiro in next year's selection?"


Freeman gasped. Although it felt ridiculous, it seemed possible!

During this time period, Naughty Cat really did not have a game that could win the best "temperament" of the year.

But during this time, Electronic Arts had a mid-budget puzzle game called "Lost" that was well-received but not a hit, and was lost to grandma's house.

If the selection range is changed, it will also cause turmoil, but compared to giving the best to the dark descendants in front of Sekiro.

This is undoubtedly more appropriate.

"Even if you can win the best of the year this year by beating the time difference, next year's dark descendants still can't beat Sekiro. What's the point?"

"Next year?" Arnold laughed, "I won't compete head-on with Lin Mo next year. Next year, Electronic Arts has an open-world game "Galaxy Hunters" that has been in production for many years and is waiting for release."

Freeman's eyes lit up.

Galaxy Hunters was long overdue for release, but Bowken stepped down and the game was able to continue being developed.

If there is a time difference, both Galaxy Hunter and Sekiro will be considered the best cycle of the year next year.

Two high-quality games with completely different tracks compete together. Who wins and who loses is full of suspense, and there is a lot of room for maneuver.

Thinking of this, Freeman couldn't help laughing.

At the same time, they also received a response from Arnold, and the two of them laughed out loud, like two old foxes.

Inside the naughty cat.

After the last game is produced in November every year, the whole of December is mostly free.

The company's internal game production speed is very fast and the output is as high as that of a sow.

But tired is also really tired.

So recently, apart from fixing bugs and making small updates, I haven’t had much work intensity.

After finishing his work, no one cares about playing games at his workstation.

At this time, several people in the company were engaged in a very special kind of gambling.

"It's my turn!"

With that said, Du Rui took out a ten-dollar note and placed it on a pile of banknotes on the table. He sat at his workstation and started playing the game.

On the screen, there is a wolf.

The game has just been released, but the first major DLC is already in final testing and ready to drop out.

What will be updated this time is the update of several BOSS.

Including Ashina Isshin, Ashina Genichiro, the giant ninja owl and the broken monk, their names were changed to the format of xxx in their hearts.

The wolf in the previous life also had Isshin, Genichiro and his adoptive father in his heart.

But to be honest, that level of difficulty is of little use to veteran Sekiro players.

What is updated this time is an additional set of AI logic.

When players fight against the series BOSS in their hearts, they will feel that the opponent is not a rigid procedural AI, but like fighting a BOSS controlled by the player.

In this way, every battle has a different sense of freshness. There are no routines for skills and moves, and they rely purely on adaptability and on-the-spot performance.

Even a 1,000-hour Sekiro player cannot secure every victory.

This system, after being tested by Sekiro, will gradually be implemented in Dark Souls and Monster Hunter: World.

At the same time, some small content will be updated from time to time, such as new appearance and new special effects, which can only be obtained by defeating the "Heart" series BOSS.

Now, some people in the company are betting on this.

Each person pays 10 yuan to try once. If he loses, he leaves the game. If he wins, he can take all the money away.

The jackpot isn't big, but it's fun.

As the day passed, there was an endless stream of people trying, making Zuo Xuming, who was sitting in the bank, smile from ear to ear.

According to the rules, if someone succeeds in the challenge, not only can he take away the money here, but Zuo Xuming will also pay the same price as compensation.

If no one succeeds in the challenge before get off work, the money will belong to Zuo Xuming.

Du Rui took over the controller and started the game directly, killing Isshin Ashina.

"Come on, Lao Deng, let's see how far you have evolved now!"

As he said that, he slashed directly with the knife.

In this mode, eight weeks of double-difficulty data are forced.

After eight weeks, all data in the game will no longer change and become fixed.

The double difficulty is to ring the bell and add the cross charm.

The location of ringing the bell is on the back hill of Xianfeng Temple. After ringing the bell, the enemy's health will increase significantly, and they can almost only be executed by rebounding. The tactics of grinding blood are basically ineffective.

The amulet is handed over at the beginning of the second episode, and Sekiro can choose whether to give the amulet to Kuro.

After handing it over, unless it rebounds perfectly, the blood will be deducted.

As soon as the game started, Du Rui felt a great sense of oppression.

It felt like Ashina Isshin opposite him was alive.

Often taking advantage of changes in rhythm, a knife that could have bounced back perfectly will make mistakes.

After a series of battles, it was clear that he was not hit by a single sword, but his health was constantly dropping.

Moreover, the use of skills is also just right, thrusting and sweeping are no longer "free" to increase the posture bar.

But a truly dangerous killing move.

Before even reaching the second stage, Du Rui was defeated and left his seat dejectedly.

Like a profiteer, Zuo Xuming glanced at the time and saw that it was already close to getting off work.

"Is there anyone else trying?"

At this time, Lin Mo was about to leave the company and go home. Watching this little game felt a little interesting.

"Good guy, Zuo Xuming, you are treating my company as a little game in the square." Lin Mo said and directly took a photo of a 100 yuan note, "Here! Let me try."

"Okay, I wish Mr. Lin good luck in martial arts and success!"

Zuo Xuming's smile turned into a flower, and it seemed that he didn't believe that anyone could get through it.

As a result, after the game officially started, his expression froze.

Although the process was quite twists and turns, all the potion gourds were used up, and many cherished props were also used, such as the Jizo swaddling bag that can be resurrected once more.

However, the good news is over.

Lin Mo let out a sigh of relief. He almost couldn't pass it with his gaming level.

I can only imagine how an ordinary player would die if he challenged it.

Next to him, Zuo Xuming wailed, with a heartbroken look on his face.

Next to him, Du Rui gloated: "Hurry up and settle the bill. Mr. Lin never expected that the salary could be recovered like this."

Zuo Xuming said pitifully: "Mr. Lin, you don't lack my three melons and two dates, right?"

Lin Mo looked at him with a smile: "It's more fun to spend money if you win it from a bet. This is no longer money, this is a trophy."

With that said, he turned off the game and planned to shut down.

What a trophy!

Zuo Xuming muttered, sorted out the banknotes, and then transferred money if he didn't prepare enough.

"Mr. Lin, here you go...Mr. Lin? What are you looking at?"

Lin Mo frowned at this moment and looked at the news pop-up window that popped up after closing the game.

【Breaking news! The WGA annual selection time frame has changed! "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice" may not be included in the selection! 】

There was a lot of laughter and laughter around, but after seeing this news, everyone became quiet.

They all looked at each other in confusion.

After Lin Mo's expression became gloomy for a moment, he suddenly laughed.

"There is no need to give me this money."

Zuo Xuming was also caught off guard by the news.

"Lin, Mr. Lin?"

"Use the money to take the brothers for a drink and relax." Lin Mo clicked on the news and gestured, "I'm going to be very busy for a while."

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