After Lu Shen’s words, everyone was honest.

For the first time, the five academicians felt that science had lost to theology.

The sense of oppression that Lu Shen exuded just now was simply substantial, overwhelming everyone!

This is definitely not something that science can explain.

Including the emergence of the continent of Tivat

Therefore, the five academicians have a new theory in their hearts, that is, science and theology, in fact, coexist!

However, this theory needs more evidence to confirm.

These answers are undoubtedly hidden in the magical continent of Tivat!

The five academicians were looking forward to the explosion, and their hearts had never been so passionate!

And the top business tycoons such as Ma Yun and Ma Tuteng also became jealous of Lu Shen, and did not dare to move the interests of the mainland of Tivat for the time being.

They are good at doing business with people.

But is it really a person to be able to span two tour guides?

The thoughts of everyone in the car rushed, but soon they couldn’t think.

Lu Shen started the off-road bus and began to cross the border!

The speed of the car quickly soared to a terrifying value, as if the door to heaven appeared again!

The three of Reba have long been accustomed to it, and they can calmly accept what is happening in front of them.

But others can’t.

The academicians exclaimed:

“Is this a wormhole formed at extreme speed?”

“Could it be that the speed just reached the speed of light?!”

“Wait, we definitely didn’t reach the speed of light just now, otherwise we would have been squashed long ago, and it would be impossible to live!”

“Does Lu Guide have the energy to make the entire bus reach the speed of light?!”

Everyone used to watch the live broadcast screen, and when they actually experienced it, it felt completely different.

Netizens listened to the analysis of the academicians and laughed crazy:

——[Haha, it’s really analyzed, I’ve already watched it as a fantasy movie, don’t get involved in science fiction films! ] 】

——[Interesting and interesting, the analysis of academicians reminds me of Einstein’s later years, and he also studied theology! ] 】

——[Laughing to death, this face, science can’t explain it at all, well, I like to watch experts eat up too much! ] 】

——[Now no one doubts that the continent of Tivat is fake, it has been confirmed above! ] 】

The off-road bus rushed through the gate.

White light enveloped everything.

When everyone regained their vision, Lu Shen drove the off-road bus and was already on the way back to the original.

At the back is the towering Wangshu Inn!

Lu Shen introduced in detail:

“Dear tourists, welcome to the continent of Tivat, the country of Liyue.”

“Liyue is located in the east of the mainland, and its capital is called Liyue Port, which is the most prosperous port in the whole Teyvat continent and has the largest throughput.”

“Liyue’s institution ‘Golden House’ is the only mint in the continent of Teivat, producing the unified currency of the whole continent ‘Mora’.”

“And the god that the people of Liyue believe in is the god of contract in the ‘Seven Earthly Reigns’, Morax, the god of rock.”

“Therefore, Liyue has the title of the kingdom of contract…”

Lu Shengang read this, and still felt someone’s probing and gaze.

He sighed, knowing that after he entered the city, he had to clarify that he was a very good person.

No way.

Whoever makes himself too strong will be regarded as a nuclear bomb threat wherever he goes….

Everyone looked at the strange landscape outside with a shocked face, listening to Lu Shen’s introduction to Liyue, revealing a trance-like look like a dream.

The three of Reba turned their heads and looked at the rows behind them who had never seen the world, and their hearts were much more comfortable.

And what about billionaires?

When I arrived on the continent of Tivat, it was not a knife pulling a drum, and it opened its eyes!

Wang Hai, an academician who is proficient in historical archaeology, sighed after listening to it

“I really didn’t expect that the currencies of the seven countries of the Tivat continent were unified into Mora, which shows that the civilization of the entire continent is more developed than we thought!”

“Since Liyue is a country that makes currency, it is extremely heavy compared to the weight among the seven countries!”

Netizens are more curious about Morax, the god of rocks:

——[The God of Contract, sounds a little handsome!] 】

——[I found Huadian that the god of rock is called Morax, and the currency that passes through the continent is also called Mora!] 】

——[In other words, the god of rock should exist now, we have not seen the wind god Barbatos, how can this rock god be seen?] 】

——[How can God be so easy to see, I feel that their forms are definitely not human beings, right?] 】

Reba turned into Barrage’s mouth:

“Lu Guide, is there any connection between Mora and the God of Rock? The names are all the same. ”

Lu Shen explained:

“Mora was created by Morax, the god of rock, and is itself a magical catalyst.”

He continued with a smile

“But I tell you a secret, although Morax the god created Mora, he did not have Mora…”

Everyone had a question mark on their faces, listening in the clouds.


This is unreasonable, how could Morax not have Mora?

What do you mean?

Ma Yun asked for the first time

“Listening to what Tour Guide Lu said, you seem to know the god Morax very well, have you seen him?”

The topic of gods can never be tired of talking.

It is the most amazing existence in the continent of Tivat, and everyone is interested in it.

Lu Shen touched his chin and thought

“Hmm… It can be said that this rock king emperor was attacked and fell not long ago, I don’t know if it is a rumor or true. ”

Lu Shen naturally would not reveal Zhong Li’s identity, after all, it was not very polite.

I also want to develop tourism in Liyue.

Can’t mess with the old man.

After everyone listened, it was another pile.

“Wait, aren’t the gods the most powerful existence, how can they be attacked and fallen?”

“That is, who can slaughter God?”

Lu Shen said with a smile

“So I said, it’s a rumor, as for whether it’s true, I don’t know.”

The discussion on this matter has come to an end for the time being.

Everyone had vaguely felt that Lu Shen had a lot of things that he didn’t want to say explicitly, and if they wanted to know, they could only explore it themselves.

They now concentrated on enjoying the scenery of Liyue.

Turn your head and you can see the beautiful scenery of Wangshu Inn.

Everyone took out various high-definition cameras that had been prepared for a long time and began to shoot like crazy!

Since entering the continent of Tivat, they found that their mood was indeed not as impetuous as when they first arrived, and they were unconsciously fascinated by the scenery.

Lu Shen spoke

“In the evening, we will look back at the Shu Inn to rest.”

“The position we are in now is called Returning to the Original.”

“The origin of this name, speaking of which, we have to talk about an ancient demon god, the dust demon god is the end…”

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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