Chapter 0007 Thoughtful! Plant potatoes! Large pythons!

   "Master, the hot water is ready!"

  In the castle, Mi Wei quickly called hot water.

   She herself got up early and took a shower.

   She was cleanly washed, and she looked more cute than yesterday.

   "Master, I will help you wash it."

   Seeing that Richard was about to take a towel and wash himself, Mi Wei said.

   "No, I'll do it myself."

   Richard said.

   But Mi Wei's hand quickly took off the towel and put it in the hot water.

   Richard used pure cotton towels. Although he only bought one for more than ten yuan, there is no such quality towel in this world.

  Mi Wei is very curious.

   This own master, what a magical thing seems to be.

   She was not actually a servant or a maid before. The reason why she entered the role so quickly is because she knows how to be grateful.

   If it weren't for Richard, she would probably be sold to some nasty men.

   And the men who bought her on the night they probably could not wait to ruin her.

   For Mi Wei, it's worse than death.

   However, Richard did not act rudely after replacing her from the slave merchant. On the contrary, he gave her bread and very delicious milk.

   When she got up this morning, she found that she was sleeping on a big warm bed. The clothes on her body were not intact, nor did she suffer any frivolity from Richard.

   She was particularly desperate and helpless these days, and she shed tears at that time.

   That's why she decided to be Richard's maid!

   She wants to repay Richard!

   Seeing Mi Wei taking such initiative in the castle, Richard was embarrassed to refuse.

   Fortunately, he is not broadcasting live at the moment, otherwise I don’t know what it will stimulate the group of people in the live broadcast room.

   After washing my face, it is time to have breakfast.

   Richard took out the bread and milk, and also gave Mi Wei a portion.

   "Master, I can eat whole grains."

  Miwei was a little flattered. She didn't expect to eat such good food every day.

   "Hold it."

   Richard couldn't help saying that it was stuffed into her hand.

   Kitty Ear Niang's eyes are a little red again.

   She took the bread, turned aside, and ate it quietly.

   After eating breakfast, Richard went out with the little cat ear mother.

   I'm going to plant potatoes today.

   By the time they came to the land that had been reclaimed, dozens of workers had already started working.

   These people are basically divided into males and females.

When    was almost there, Richard switched his phone to the auto-hide shooting mode, and then logged into the live broadcast room.

   After landing, Richard discovered that there were already more than 1,000 people waiting in the live broadcast room.

   Of course, these people are probably in a kind of on-hook state, but being able to make so many people wait in the live broadcast room with a black screen shows that his live broadcast room is really sticky.

There are many active netizens in   , and many people are chatting in the live broadcast room.

   Richard glanced around and started the live broadcast.

   Suddenly, the screen of the live broadcast room lights up.

   "The anchor is here, I fuck, wait for me to die."

   "I don't know why, if I don't see the anchor for a day, I feel sick all over."

   "As soon as I saw this handsome face of the anchor, I felt like I was alive, but the anchor, can you let me see Mao Erniang again?"

   "Fuck, the cat ears are behind the anchor, it's over, I'm in love."

   "I even figured out the child's name."



   In the live broadcast room, as soon as Richard started broadcasting, the live broadcast room became lively.

   Then, in less than two minutes, the number of people online in this live broadcast room rose from more than 1,000 to more than 2,000, more than 3,000, to more than 5,000!

   Then it keeps increasing.

   Obviously, many people have set up live broadcast reminders.

   "I started planting potatoes today. Since the residents of the territory are nearby, I won't explain too much. Let's see for yourself."

   After a few simple words, Richard also walked to the cultivated land.

   The area of ​​this piece of land is not small.

   "Ellie, call everyone here."

   Richard said to the thin girl Allie.

   "Everyone, come here."

   Ellie called everyone over.

   Richard put down the bag in his hand, took out a potato from it, and said, "This is called a potato. I will show it again. Everyone will learn from it. The three best performers today will each be rewarded with a piece of clothing."

   After speaking, Richard took out another dress.

  As soon as the clothes were taken out, all the workers’ eyes lit up!

   Because the clothes that Richard took out are so good.

   It is difficult for ordinary people in the territory to wear a new dress all year round!

   Suddenly, everyone looked at Richard with scorching eyes.

   "Hey, how are these foreigners' acting skills so good, look at the eyes of each of them, they are too good."

   "Yes, it's the same as it really is."


   In the live broadcast room, people watched it with gusto.


   At this time, on the edge of the crowd, a female voice yelled.

   People followed the calls, and they were startled.

   I saw a large python, several meters long, swimming out of the newly opened channel.

Chapter 0008 shows off the cat ears girl! lottery!


   "Cao Cao Cao, how come such a big snake suddenly appeared, scaring me to death!"

   "Youkai, I can tell at a glance that you are not a human being!"

   "Dawei Tianlong waits on you!"

   "The front-arm combatants are arrayed in front, as anxious as a law!"



   In the live broadcast room, because of this big python, it became lively in an instant.

   A full screen popped up.

   After the boa constrictor swims out of the water, he is not afraid of dozens of people here, spit out letters, and swims towards the crowd.

   Even if some women were holding farm tools in their hands, they were so scared that they withdrew one after another.

   Seeing that this python is thick and big, some men are also persuaded. Only a few men hold farm tools and do not back down.

   "Run it away."

   Richard said.

   While talking, he also took out a knife.

   The few men are not worthless because of the large number of people, and they greet them with farm tools.

   I saw a middle-aged man holding a **** and hitting the python.

   However, the python reacted very quickly. The snake's head shrank and escaped his attack, and then spit out a snake letter and was about to rush forward.

   Fortunately, a man next to him was hit by a **** again.

   The snake shrank its head and escaped again.

   "I, Cao, this snake has become fine, and the reaction is so fast."

   "I bet this is Bai Suzhen's grandma."

   "The anchor's potato career is about to be destroyed in the hands of a reckless snake."

   "Police: Only some farm tools and this video are left at the scene."

   When many barrage appeared in the live broadcast room, the battle between several men and the python was still going on.

   A few men kept attacking with their hoes, but the python's reaction was also unusually fast.

   At this time, the python escaped a man's hoe, and the snake's head turned sharply before chasing the man.

   That man was also unlucky, stepped on the stone and fell directly to the ground.

   Seeing that he was hit by an anaconda, suddenly, the anaconda stopped knowing what he heard.

   Others saw that Mi Wei, the cat ear lady, had come to the front for some time. She stretched out her hand and opened her palm to face the python, speaking some extremely mysterious language in her mouth.

   Following her movement, the python stopped attacking and looked at Mi Wei while spitting out the letter.

   "Go back to the forest, this is not your place."

  Mi Wei said.

   The python spit out the letter, looked at her faintly for a while, then turned his head obediently, returned to the canal, and swam towards the distant forest.

   And this scene not only made the residents of the surrounding territories look at Mi Wei with admiration.

   In the live broadcast room, it also exploded.


   "666, Mao Er Niang has such a skill?"

   "Which one is big, please tell me how to play a python."

   "Absolutely, the situation is beyond my control, I suddenly felt that the anchor really passed through."

   "However, there is no culture in one's family, and one sentence is in the world."

  [I love a piece of firewood] I rewarded the anchor with 10 rockets and left a message: Bull!

   Mao’s ear girl’s operation immediately stirred up waves in the live broadcast room, and all of a sudden, the subtitles were flying all over the sky.

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