Then, dozens of tauren in heavy armor rushed out from the inside.

   Behind these tauren, there are also a large number of heavily armed soldiers!

   "They are out of town!!!"

   When seeing this scene, the leader of a horse thief was first surprised, and then he was happy!

   "Everyone, get ready to fight!"

   Another horse thieves shouted.

   Suddenly, thousands of horse thieves moved one after another.

   About half of the horse thieves faced the city wall, and more than two thousand horse thieves faced the people and horses rushing over.

   "Let me go, why the anchor is so reckless, you are only more than a thousand people, is it really okay to just rush out like this?"

   "It's over, the anchor is about to capsize."

   "The anchor is really too reckless, it shouldn't be!"

   "There are more than 5,000 people in the family. If you rush out like this, even if the orcs have a strong combat power, you can only kill two or three thousand people when they die. They still win!"

   "It's reckless!"


   In the live broadcast room, when he saw the soldiers rushing from the west gate of Richard to rush out of the gate, it instantly fryed.

   Now the people in the live broadcast room have reached a new high, surpassing the three million mark.

   In the process of watching the live broadcast, someone already took a screenshot of the live broadcast and posted it to Douyin, which attracted a lot of traffic.

   However, many netizens think that it is unwise for Richard's soldiers to rush out to fight.

   Before using Wengcheng to solve nearly 3,000 horse thieves, many people feel very enjoyable, winning with less, and appearing very wise.

   But now, rushing out like this seems a bit reckless.

   After all, there is an advantage in the number of horse thieves.

  Equivalent to three times the number of Richard!

   In the eyes of many netizens, Richard is the best choice to rely on the city and slowly consume the horse thieves!

   Therefore, in the live broadcast room, a large number of netizens have spoken one after another, and a large number of netizens are also worried about Richard.

   "Hahahaha, this lord's head is amused, he actually rushed out to fight."

   A horse thief's leader has a feeling of dazzling blossoms in an instant.

   "Don't take it lightly, the people in Xicheng are likely to be wiped out!"

   Another horse thief leader said.

"Hmph, they must have been in the game. I have said that playing conspiracies and tricks will not work. They have to play, and they deserve it, but this lord dare to come out and see if we can destroy them all, brothers, Punch me!"

   Another horse thief leader with scars on his face said loudly.

   When these horse thieves were talking, the camera automatically shot by the system had been aimed at them, and the horse thieves had been photographed.

   These horse thieves are far away from the city wall, even if the fox archers stand on the tower, they cannot attack them.

   However, what these horse thief leaders didn’t notice was that a horse thief wearing horse thief clothes and a large scarf on his head had approached them.


   There are many core horse thief guards beside these horse thieves.

   The horse thief was immediately stopped by the guard horse thief.

   At this time, the horse thief suddenly untied the scarf on his head and threw it at them. Suddenly, a large amount of lime was scattered on the horse thief.


   The guard horse thief was caught in an instant, covering his eyes and screamed.

   And the "horse thief" had already jumped over them, the short sword in his hand flashed with cold light.

   After taking off the square scarf, her hair is extremely shiny!

  She is Dorothy!

   After Dorothy killed the horse thief, with the help of a horse thief's clothes, he sneaked all the way to the vicinity of the horse thief's leader and launched an attack brazenly.

   Before the netizens in the live broadcast room could react, Dorothy’s sword had passed the head of a horse thief.

   One sword owl head!

Chapter 0094 Dorothy's debut! Mang is right! Great defeat!


   On the battlefield, the laughing horse thief only halfway through his laughter, he was swept across his head with a sword directly by Dorothy, and he was suddenly uplifted!

   Dorothy moved too fast.

   In the orc kingdom, she and Mia were both very powerful assassins, and they had assassinated many powerful characters.

  Compared with those characters, these horse thieves are too bad.

   I saw that after she killed a horse thief leader with a single sword, the sword in her hand did not stop, and it drew a beautiful arc, directly piercing the body of the other horse thief leader.

   And at this time, the screams of the guards came.


   The leader of the horse thieves finally reacted and slashed at Dorothy.

   But Dorothy's body showed great flexibility, and her body twisted to the side in an incredible but beautiful posture and escaped the knife.

   At the same time, she drew a short sword from her leg with the other hand, and the sword pierced the horse thief's body.

   In a short period of time, she solved the three horse thieves with great strength.

   Then she saw her legs rubbing lightly on the ground, one of them changed direction and rushed towards the other horse thief leader.

   The horse thief leader also reacted, and his first reaction was to draw a knife.

   But his movements were too slow. Before his knife was pulled out, Dorothy had a sword swept across his throat, killing him.

  As soon as the fourth horse thief leader was killed, Dorothy threw the dagger fiercely and hit a horse thief who was about to slash.

   Then she changed direction again and lay down again.

   Her pointy ears kept trembling lightly. In such a battle, every inch of her body was serving the battle.

  Especially the ears, the effect is even greater than the eyes.

   Because the eyes can only see the front.

   But her ears can hear sounds from all directions.

   "I'll go, is this still a human?"

   "Isn't this the fox ear girl next to the anchor?"

   "It's too fierce!"

   "Kill five people in ten seconds, one horse!"


"too strong!"


   In the live broadcast room, it is already boiling at this time!

   Barrage is flying all over the sky!

   More netizens are still watching attentively!

   Dorothy’s sudden attack surpassed everyone's expectations.

   No one thought that she had such a powerful combat power!

   Dorothy has never fought in front of the camera since arriving in Richard's territory.

   However, because of her beauty, even if she rarely goes on camera, she has a lot of fans in another world.

   Many people are arguing every day to see the cat ears and fox ears.

   Now Dorothy’s outrageous shot made these netizens startled!

   Before this, there was no way to know that she, who seems weak, actually possesses such a powerful combat power!

   and he has great courage.

   actually sneaked into the horse thieves' den alone, and outrageously shot the horse thieves!

   Therefore, many netizens are almost staring out of their eyes!

   On the battlefield, Dorothy didn't know that her battle was being watched by millions of people in another world.

   I don’t care if I know it.

   Now she is immersed in the battle, physically and mentally.

   I saw that after she threw the dagger, she violently threw the dagger in her other hand, killing a horse thief who was about to escape.

   Although both daggers were thrown out, she immediately drew two daggers from between her legs.

   Then he twisted his body, and escaped a blow from a horse thief leader, and then with a stroke of the dagger, a deep wound was made on the horse thief leader's body.

   Then she threw a dagger fiercely, and solved a horse thief who was about to attack.

   Now she has the last dagger left in her hand, and there are only two horse thieves left, but the horse thieves who reacted around have rushed over.

   In the live broadcast room, many people saw that Dorothy killed six horse thieves in a short period of time and injured one seriously. They were dumbfounded!

   Someone also worried about Dorothy.

   There are fewer people typing and posting barrage, because everyone is watching with all their attention.

   However, these netizens soon discovered that their worries were unnecessary.

   Because even Dorothy, who has only one dagger, is terribly powerful in combat.

  The strength of the remaining two horse thieves is not weak, one seems to have quite a wealth of combat experience, but in front of Dorothy, it is not enough.

   In the blink of an eye, a horse thief leader was brought down by her again.

   The last horse thief leader yelled and slashed, but Dorothy shot the dagger in his hand fiercely. The dagger hit the horse thief leader’s brow, and the horse thief leader went directly to the west.

   After killing the last horse thief leader, Dorothy rushed to a corpse, drew back his short sword, and proactively rushed to the horse thief guards who rushed to start the killing!

   In a short period of time, a large number of horse thieves were killed by her.


   "Fox ears are invincible!"

   "Too sturdy, my goodness, what kind of monsters are all around the anchor!"

   "This battle is simply textbook-like. It's too fierce. I guess we are not enough to kill a hundred pieces of trash."


   In the live broadcast room, seeing Dorothy killing all the horse thieves alone, and killing the horse thieves guards who rushed over one after another, the netizens were frightened one by one, and even their jaws were about to fall!

   "The bosses are all dead!"

   "My God, is she the devil?"

   "Quickly withdraw!"


   Not only the netizens in the live broadcast room were terrified, the horse thieves who came to support the horse thieves around the leader were even more terrified by Dorothy!

   After seeing the horse thieves being slaughtered by Dorothy, some horse thieves instantly became the gods!

   There are a lot of horse thieves who have come to support, but in front of Dorothy, many horse thieves have no fighting spirit at all and retreat one after another.

   "The bosses are dead!"

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