The cap of the bamboo fungus cannot be taken, only the cap and the stipe are needed.

Su Ran picked all the mushrooms.

Sitting on the ground, he explained to netizens:

"We have a folk proverb"

"I would rather eat without meat than live without bamboo"

"This is called bamboo fungus, also known as bamboo ginseng"


It may look ugly, but it is actually the queen of fungi and is extremely delicious.

【The anchor is right. Bamboo fungus has been called the Eight Treasures of Grass since ancient times. Now it costs 150 yuan per kilogram to cultivate it artificially here.】

【The anchor is awesome. Wild delicacies grow right outside my house.】

【Linlin's father, sent a plane: Bamboo fungus is the best for stewing soup. I have tasted it once and it is very delicious.】

【She is a slightly plump goddess who gave away a plane: Is it really that delicious? My mouth is watering. Please ask the anchor to recommend it!】

【Little fairy fish, send out 1 super rocket: It is too rare to find one in the wild, does the anchor sell it?】

""Let's take a look first, I don't think there are many."

Su Ran continued to look for bamboo fungus.

This bamboo forest was very remote.

It could be said that there was no one nearby except him.

The warm and humid environment provided good conditions for bamboo fungus.

Bamboo fungus is very delicate.

Once it emerges, if the temperature is high or there is a lot of rain, it will rot quickly.

Even if the villagers at the foot of the mountain want to pick it, it will probably be gone by the time they climb up the mountain.

"There are several trees here"

"We have this too!"

"I'm lucky today."

Su Ran picked half a basket.

He patted the basket and estimated that it was about four pounds.

"Now that we have bamboo fungus, let's find some other mushrooms"

"Try to make three days' worth of food."

Su Ran happily carried the basket on his back.

Buzz - a bee suddenly flew past him.

It was very fast.

Before Su Ran could react, it flew away.

Netizens laughed so hard that they peed.

【Holy shit! Isn’t that the anchor’s mistress?】

【It was so fast, I only heard the sound and it disappeared】

【I saw a black spot】

【He has no respect for his leader and his salary must be deducted!】

【The people upstairs are laughing to death, haha.

Su Liang touched his nose awkwardly:"It could also be a wild bee."

A slight buzzing sound came.

The bee flew back again. It started to dance the figure eight dance in front of Su Ran.

【Haha, you said it was a wild bee, and it comes back to protest to you!】

【I can't laugh anymore, Xiaomi is sad】

【Xiaomi: Do you have the guts to say it again? In the wilderness, the worst that can happen is that we both perish together.】

【Thumbs up to the above post, haha. 】

The live broadcast room was filled with joy.

Su Ran was looking at the little bee with joy.

This is a flower bee.

The activity range of ordinary bees is 3 to 15 kilometers.

Flower bees will be farther.

But the complex environment in the forest will hinder them.


(There is a big mushroom)

(Tell Wang)

Su Ran understood the message of the little bee numbered more than 6,000.

Big mushroom?

What the hell?

However, considering that bees are uneducated. Their cognitive ability is limited.

It is very clear that it can express such a meaning.

Mushrooms are good.

Isn’t he looking for it?

Thinking of this, he said to the live broadcast room:

"Xiao Mi might have lost her way and stopped when she smelled me."

"Let's ignore it and keep going."

After saying that, he quietly let the flower bee lead the way.

The flower bee happily flew beside him and led the way.

Netizens were very confused.

【Can bees get lost?】

【Of course not, it just turned back.】

【I think it may have encountered a wasp again and came back for help.】

【It's a pity that we don't understand the dance of bees.

Su Ran followed the flower bees, walking farther and farther in the forest.

Many places are easy for bees to fly over.

But he had to use a hatchet to clear the way. There were towering trees everywhere in the forest. Vines and thorns were everywhere, making it very difficult to walk.

Squirrels and birds hid in the trees, looking at the strange visitors curiously.

An hour later.

Su Ran found that he was lost.

He cursed the honey bees for being unreliable.

Why run so far if you want to pick flowers?

When he pushed aside the vines again.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

Buzz buzz buzz.

The complex sound of bees entered his ears.

Su Liang looked closely.

He saw several tall and straight trees in front of him.

The treetops were full of yellow flowers.

Many bees were shuttling between the flowers, which was obviously very lively.

There were flower bees and native bees from his home.

But there were more"wild species".

Every bee was happily collecting honey.

【Wow, what kind of tree is this that attracts so many bees!】

【So beautiful】

【There are so many bees. Will the host encounter a swarm of wild bees?】

【The anchor is running away. 】

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