Five minutes later, the two turtles finally had their"meal".

Su Ran threw a dozen loaches into the basin.

The two turtles ate them.

"So this is a soft-shell turtle. This is the first time I have seen one alive in my entire life."

Mr. Song wiped the sweat off his face and said.

Su Ran sighed slightly:"Yes, it is too rare." The soft-shell turtle needs to eat live fish and shrimp.

Wang Xue had already fed them in the morning.

He didn't eat any of the two kilograms of loaches and had already given them away.

Wang Xue's face flushed, thinking it was his fault:"I will go to the town to buy them tomorrow?"

Wang Yuemeng suddenly said:"If you are going to the town, can you help buy some pork liver and offal, and then cook porridge in the morning?" The breakfast at Su Ran's house is very simple.

Either leftovers in the refrigerator or scrambled eggs.

When Wang Xue came, she only started with scrambled eggs and then fried vegetables.

Pork liver porridge is one of the most common porridges.

It is rich in nutrients.

It is suitable for both the elderly and children.

Wang Yuemeng's suggestion is very good, but it is a bad idea to buy it tomorrow and drink it the day after tomorrow.

Su Ran:"The pork liver in the afternoon is not fresh."

After speaking, he said to the live broadcast room:"Friends"

"Tomorrow morning at 4:30, we will live broadcast the rural vegetable farmers"

"Friends who want to see the real life of farmers come"

【4So early?】

【Is it from all over the world? The food truck just arrived. Haha, I kind of want to see it.】

【It's so rare, I've set the alarm】

【Little Fairy Fish: It’s a bit hard to get up so early】

【The rich are troubled: Me too】

【Wild Child: This is interesting, I want to see it. 】

Su Ran turned off the live broadcast and asked everyone to continue eating.


The next day.

4 am.

The rooster just crowed.

The whole mountain was still shrouded in darkness.

Thick fog filled the forest.

There was not even the sound of insects. It was eerily quiet.


Su Ran came out of the house, having just finished washing up. Wang Xue also got up.

"Wait for me, I want to go too..!"

Wang Xue was wearing a suspender pajamas, looking very beautiful.

She hurriedly ran to the water tank with a cup in her hand.

Su Ran reminded her,"It's cold in the morning, wear more clothes."

After that, he went back to the house to get the car keys and waited for her in the car.

After a while,

Wang Xue changed into sportswear again, wrapped tightly and got in the car:"Let's go for a walk."

Su Ran smiled and turned on the live broadcast.

Soon, more than 20,000 people were online

【The anchor is finally here】

【I have to go to work soon, please compensate me for my mental damages. I need to drink at least a bottle of honey to make up for it.】

【I’m so sleepy, where can I go to buy groceries?】

【The anchor is here so early, are you going to take Yu Jie to see the sunrise? 】

Netizens joked.

Su Ran was a little surprised that there were so many people online.

Although there were many people following him.

At 4 o'clock in the morning, this number was still terrifying.

He came back to his senses and put his phone on the shelf.

He started the car and the lights came on.

He said hello while reversing:

"good morning everyone"

"Our itinerary this time is to first visit the life of the vegetable farmers, and then go to the town to buy meat."

"When it comes to vegetable farmers, many people know that they grow and sell vegetables." (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"But we may not even understand half of their hard work."

"Today I will take this opportunity to show you how hard rural people fight for their lives."

The headlights of the minivan shone far away.

The trees in the distance looked white.

The car slowly drove through the mountains, swaying away.

After a while, the car drove into the village.

The roar of the car attracted the barking of the dogs in the yard.

In the dark night, it seemed very noisy.

【It's over, the anchor has been discovered】

【This is too burglar-proof. With so many dogs barking, I can't sleep.】

【Hey, someone turned on the light over there, anchor, run!】

【Haha, the whole village was woken up by you, as if you were a thief.

Su Ran interacted with netizens while driving.

Soon he arrived at the village.

In the darkness, there were more than a dozen bright spots.

They looked very strange.

People who didn't know what was going on would be scared when they suddenly saw them in the dark.

Seeing Su Ran stop the car, netizens were puzzled.

【Anchor, what is that?】

【I remember no one lived there.】

【My grandfather said that you should not run around in the mountains at night, and you should not go to the cemetery, because you may accidentally encounter ghost lights.】

【The guy above on the wucao building said something very scary!】

【Help! I'm hiding under the quilt. I'm so scared.】


Su Ran looked at the comments and smiled.

He said to Wang Xue, who looked unnatural,"Get out of the car."

Wang Xue's eyes widened:"Are they vegetable farmers?"

Su Ran nodded, opened the door and walked out.

When Wang Xue got out, she took out her cell phone and turned on the flashlight.

Su Ran led her and introduced:

"Rural people not only get the necessary food, but also grow vegetables."

"After all, this is their main source of income."

"Whenever they were picking vegetables, they had to get up at three or four o'clock, or even one or two o'clock."

"Now life is better, with three-wheeled motorcycles"

"In the past, villagers used to carry people on ox carts, bicycles, and other means to get out of the village."

"But their hard work has not been reduced much."

As he said this, they had already arrived at a vegetable field.

There were tall racks in the field.

Cowpeas were entwined on the racks like vines.

A villager wearing a headlamp was dragging a basket and moving back and forth in it.

His forehead was full of sweat, but he didn't have time to wipe it off. He just numbly picked up the fresh cowpeas and threw them into the basket.

In a ditch not far away, an aunt was standing in knee-deep water.

She put a handful of cowpeas into the water, shook it, took it out, adjusted it, and skillfully tied it with rubber glue, and placed it on the pile of washed vegetables.

The long cowpeas were tender green, and water droplets flowed out from the bottom, wetting the nearby ground.

Su Ran walked over and smiled at the aunt,"Aunt Liu, is the harvest good this year?"

Aunt Liu looked up and saw that Su Ran was a little surprised.

Aunt Liu wiped the sweat off her forehead and asked with a wry smile,"You kid, why are you getting up so late at night? She picked up another pile of vegetables and sank into the water.

The headlight shone into the muddy yellow water, revealing a large white dot.

The water rippled.

Some vegetables from upstream floated by.

"What’s the use of a good harvest?"

"After working hard for several months, the purchase price was only 1.45 yuan"

"The more you plant, the more tired you become. It is better not to plant."

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