The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

Su Chen watched the ambulance leave with its sirens blaring.

He himself did not expect that...

It was his first time to sing as a rock DJ and host a funeral, and he would be liked so much.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Su Chen."

"This 100,000 yuan is worth it!"

"Our village has not been as lively as it is today for a long time."

"I believe that my grandfather's spirit in heaven will be happy too."

Zhao Fugui took out a bank card: "Here is 100,000 yuan, no password."

"Thank you."

So calculated.

In 24 hours a day, Su Chen made a total of 100,500 yuan!

A very high level!

"Bingbing, take this money, we will use it when we get married."


"Is this... too much?"

Lin Bingbing looked dazed.

Five thousand yuan a day is enough.

One hundred and five thousand yuan a day...

What is this concept! ?

Su Chen made the money that others make in a year in one day!

——【Fuck, I'm going to die! 】

——【Is part-time work so profitable now? Why do I only make ten cents for washing dishes part-time! 】

——【Comparing yourself to others makes you angry, there are always people better than you. 】

——【More than one hundred thousand a day, hahahaha, more than I make in a year! 】

——【Don't be envious, you have the ability of Brother Su, you can do it too! 】

Be able to take it and let it go.

The most important thing is...

Su Chen has no baggage.

What outsiders see is a yellow-haired guy.

Dig deep.

In order to be selected and to make money by acting, he changed himself into a yellow-haired image.

Now, he hosted a funeral and yelled all night long!

On the Internet...

#Death rock, funeral DJ!

#=That night, I saw my grandfather's soul floating in the air.

#What is a rock DJ? Even the godfather of rock has to surrender!

Su Chen's video was widely circulated on the Internet.

The two largest groups.

The first one is the ghost fire boys.

When they found this video, their souls seemed to be summoned.

"All ghost fire music will be replaced with this in the future!"

"This is the destination of our ghost fire boys!"

"From now on, Brother Su Chen is the big brother of our ghost fire boys!"

"I'm standing here, let's see who dares to diss my brother on the Internet!"

One night of death rock, completely conquered thousands of ghost fire boys.

The second one is the square dance army.

The old men and old women accidentally heard this rock song.

All the dancing cells in my body awaken.


"This song is so magical!"

"I feel like I have endless energy and strength!"

"It's like taking drugs, but it's more exciting than taking drugs!"

"Get up and have fun!"

"Keep playing music, keep dancing!"

"Tonight, I will fight until dawn!"

Square dance is falling.

A certain video was on the hot search list because it was too explosive.

In the video.

There is an old lady who plays Su Chen's live broadcast and turns the volume up to the maximum.

Use the live broadcast song as a dance accompaniment.

In the square, singing and dancing, dancing from dusk to dawn.

On the side...

An old man sitting in a wheelchair has a gloomy face, like the bottom of a pot.

A young man born in the 2000s came up to interview: "Uncle, why don't you dance?"

"Don't you like to dance?"

The old man rolled his eyes.

That resentful look was more resentful than the evil spirits that died in the early morning...

"Uncle, since you don't dance, why don't you go home?"

"Can you stop talking?"

"The one leading the dance in the front is my wife!"

"My wife won't go home, and I don't have the key to go home! How can I go home?"

The old man was about to cry.

He wanted to go home but couldn't.

1. Physical problem: no key to go home.

2. Life problem: the wheels of his wheelchair were locked.

3. Psychological problem: my wife was dancing happily with an old man she didn't know, how could you let her go! ?

At this point.

The young man born in the 2000s suddenly realized.

"Oh! Uncle, I understand!"

"Now I know how to help you."

The young man born in the 2000s was kind and good-hearted.

The old man showed hope on his face: Are you going to help me call my wife home?

When everyone thought that the young man born in the 2000s would attack the old lady.

He pushed the old man's wheelchair directly to the square

Dance in the middle.

"Uncle, I know you can't see clearly from a distance, now you can watch it carefully!"

"Hehe... don't thank me."

"I am a Lei Feng, I love to do good things!"

The young man born in the 2000s waved his hand and left.

The old man was left alone sitting in the middle in a mess...

The leading dancer saw her husband coming to support her.

Leading the army, surrounded the wheelchair old man, the magic of love spun in circles.

——【Puff! 】

——【Too mean, brother who pushes the wheelchair, you don't want to be a dog! 】

——【Are you happy? If you are happy, raise your hands. 】

——【Why doesn't the old man dance? Is he born not to like dancing? 】

——【Hahaha, what does this video show? It shows that you must take good care of your wife when you are old! 】

——【Seek the psychological shadow area of ​​the old man! 】

It is getting more and more popular on the Internet.

Narcissus Village Courtyard.

The yellow-haired people packed up all the reward items: "Brother, sister-in-law, these are the rewards from the villagers."

"Take them back!"


"You have performed with me for a whole night, these should not all belong to me."

"Open the package and let's share it among us."

Su Chen insisted on doing so, and the yellow-haired people couldn't resist.

But in their hearts, each one was warmer than the other.

Look, the elder brother is so good to them.

Never keep it all to himself, never forget them.

The package was opened...

There were all kinds of rewards inside.

The most common one was red bills.

The villagers of Narcissus Village were richer than each other, so it was normal to give red bills directly.

There were also some outrageous ones.

Some gave sugar cane, some gave green onions, some gave soy sauce...

Some gave live chickens.

Some gave sanitary pads...

You say, we are a group of grown men, what do you mean by giving sanitary pads, auntie?

"Brother, we don't need this stuff, you can leave it to my sister-in-law."

"And these cosmetics..."

Give all the women's products to Lin Bingbing.

For the rest, if everyone can share it equally, share it equally.

Su Chen has been picking out from the package, you take one, I take one...

"Huh? Why is there someone giving rock candy?"

In a relatively large crocodile leather wallet, there is an ID card, red bills, and a bag of rock candy...

"Who is this person?"

"Rewards are given, but you also give rock candy?"

"Hey? Brother, take a look at this rock candy, is it mint flavor?"

"This is the first time I've seen blue rock candy."

Su Chen opened the bag.

A yellow-haired man wanted to take one out to taste it.

On the side...

Lin Bingbing hurriedly stopped him: "Wait! Don't move!"

"Su Chen, look at this rock candy, is it decent?"

Rock candy?

Generally, rock candy is white.

This bag is blue.


It appeared in a wallet, a crocodile leather wallet.

There was a lot of money and bank cards in it.

The ID card showed: Zhao Budao!

Village chief! ?

Su Chen recognized this face...

It was the village chief of Narcissus Village!

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