The dog was killed, but the dog was killed.

A slip of the tongue caused trouble!

But fortunately, the dog is fine...

It doesn't matter.

I sighed that Chinese culture is broad and profound.

Everyone focused their attention on the eight pigs and sheep on the concrete floor.



The original plan was to finish the killing in the second half of the night.


Su Chen was alone with a butcher knife.

Less than an hour.


This speed...

It can catch up with high-tech slaughter!

——【Uncle boss trembled: Sarilang! Don't come over! 】

——【Hahaha! What a good sentence to spare my dog's life! 】

——【Laughing to death! Do you have to be so cheerful in the middle of the night? I'm going to have insomnia! ]

——【By the way... Brother Su is too fast, isn't he? 】

——【A man in a hurry! 】

Su Chen clapped his hands: "Uncle boss, the killing is done."

"Can I leave now?"



The boss wanted to nod.

But he noticed Lin Dashan's look.

What does it mean?

Want to keep this kid?

Although I don't understand what Lin Dashan's purpose is.

But the boss still did it anyway.

This kid can't chop me with a knife, right?



"Su Chen."

"Are you in such a hurry to leave?"

"Uncle can't leave you."

"Look at these eight pigs and sheep..."

"Not only do they need to be slaughtered, but they also need to be dissected."

The slaughtering is done.

To be honest, dissecting is not difficult.


It's also a technical job.

The old master can't use one of his arms.

The boss doesn't plan to do it himself.

Su Chen: "..."


Be a good person to the end.

"Do you have a boning knife and a disassembling knife?"

Su Chen asked.

Slaughter knives are used to kill pigs and sheep.

As for disassembling.

The tools must also be in place and complete.

The boning knife removes the bones and separates the bones.

The disassembling knife is a sharp meat cutting knife...

A good meat cutting knife.

It can save the disassembling master a lot of effort.

It's like a blunt knife, no matter how you cut the meat, it won't break it...

And a sharp knife can cut hair...

"Yes! Yes!"

"Old Ding! Haven't you been collecting a set of precious knives?"

"Take it out quickly and let everyone open their eyes!"

The boss was very happy.

The butcher old master Ding hurried into the house.

He took out a patinated wooden box from the room.

There are lines engraved on the wooden box.

In the middle of the lines, there is a traditional Chinese character "丁"...

Judging from the degree of wear and tear, it should be quite old.


Master Lao Ding opened the wooden box...


A cold light burst out from the inside...

Everyone felt a pain on their faces.

"What a sharp knife!"

Su Chen sighed.

Although he does not collect knives.


He has the ability to restore Hannibal 100%.

He is particularly sensitive to the evil spirit and murderous aura on the knife.


Hearing the praise.

The wrinkles on Master Lao Ding's face turned into a chrysanthemum.

"This knife is passed down from our ancestors of Lao Ding's family."

"I believe everyone has heard of an allusion called "Pao Ding butchers an ox!"

"I have a question, let me test you, what is Pao Ding's surname!?"

Lao Ding kept it a secret.

Without thinking, Lin Dashan blurted out: "Pao Ding Pao Ding, of course his surname is Pao!"

Everyone: "..."

Old Ding smiled but said nothing.

A pair of eyes full of vicissitudes and unique charm looked at Su Chen.

He was looking forward to the latter's answer.

Su Chen grinned: "If I'm not mistaken, it should be Ding!"

"And the word Pao represents a profession, that is, a chef!"


Is that so?

This story of Pao Ding butchering an ox, is there such a profound knowledge?

Many people looked at Old Ding.

I saw Old Ding clapping with admiration.

"I didn't expect that little brother Su Chen is so knowledgeable."


Just this one allusion question.

I don't know how many heroes Old Ding has stumped...

It works every time.

It's great to be able to be solved by Su Chen today!

——【Good knife! 】

——【This set of knives should be worth a lot of money. 】

——【Don't think it's old, laymen, it's not new. 】

——【Is this knife passed down from my ancestors? 】

——【If it's old, it's really valuable! 】


Hahaha! I know how to butcher an ox! 】

After the explanation.

Several people around looked at Lao Ding with strange eyes.

Even the slaughterhouse owner was puzzled.

"So Lao Ding..."

"Are you the descendant of the story of butchering an ox?"

Lao Ding scratched his head and said nothing: "Anyway, everyone has the last name Ding!"

Everyone: "..."

Ancestors insist on admitting it!

"Okay, okay."

"Everyone hurry up."

"Lao Ding, teach me how to disassemble it..."

"Start with the pig."

A whole pig.

Want to disassemble it.

It's not difficult to say it's difficult, and it's not simple to say it's simple.

Those who are difficult can't do it, and those who can do it are not difficult.

Lao Ding took out a machete, a boning knife, a hook knife, a splitting knife...

Put an old sow on the disassembly table.

Start explaining the various parts of the pig.

Ten minutes later...

Old Ding finished explaining: "Did you understand everything?"

Some shook their heads, some nodded.

"Old Ding, what are you talking about?"

"What about bones and tendons?"

"Just tell me how to cut it and that's it!"

Lin Dashan and his friends were old and had a poor understanding ability.

Old Ding rolled his eyes.

What he said was clear enough...

It was just a matter of getting started.


"Forget it, I can't teach you."

Old Ding finally understood how the teachers in the school felt about the poor students.

Hopes were placed on Su Chen...

Ask: "Brother Su Chen, how is it?"

"Did you understand?"


Hmm! ?

Hmm, did you understand or didn't understand?

Su Chen stared at the old sow on the dismantling table.

At the moment when Old Ding finished explaining...

In his mind, he already had the inner and outer contours.

Each organ, each joint.

Where is the meat tender, where is the meat inedible...

Where is the best to fry and roast, where is the best to cook soup...


Which parts should be cooked with which dishes, what flavors should be used to mix...

There is a huge blueprint.

It is constantly expanding...

What to do?

My hands are itching...

I want to dismantle something...

Just like a bee seeing nectar, it naturally wants to pick it.

And Su Chen, when he saw the corpse, he naturally wanted to dismantle it...

Tear it apart, tear it into pieces.

While talking.

Su Chen didn't say anything nonsense.

The desire to dismantle the corpse in his heart reached a climax.

He picked up the machete in one hand...

Click! Click!

Separated the pig's body from the head in two or three strokes.

And then...

Processed the pig's body.

Machete, hook knife, cutting knife, boning knife...

In Su Chen's hands, it seemed to come alive.

Very vivid.


The pork rubs against the blade, creating a wonderful melody.

As the speed increases.

The bones separate...

Without any blood or flesh!

Pork belly!

Spare ribs!


Completely divided and classified!

Neatly arranged on the table.

Where is the lymph to be thrown away...

Where is the most tender piece of meat...

Su Chen is dismantling it.

He explains with interest: "Pig kidneys are suitable for roasting and stewing."

"The pork belly here is the best!"

"In fact, pig kidneys are similar to human kidneys..."

"But there is one thing, human kidneys may be more tender than pig kidneys..."

"As for liver, it is almost the same."


"Wild boars often run in the mountains and exercise frequently."

"The meat quality is similar to that of people who exercise regularly."

"The taste is a little dry, but the muscle group is very good..."

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