The other person was stunned.

His mind went blank.

He still vaguely remembered.

Before he was transferred to the criminal investigation team.

The director of the station commented: The best yellow-haired guy!

It took a long time.

He always looked down on me at the parents' meeting...

The yellow-haired guy he always targeted.

He was the hero of the police commendation meeting!

He was the winner of the "helpful" banner!

'I really deserve to die...'

Li Zihang hated it in his heart.

Compared with others, he was too narrow-minded.

He was still complacent.

Little did he know that he was shooting himself in the foot!




"But Zihang, don't be sad, don't be upset."

"You should be thankful!"

Li Zihang didn't understand: "What should I be thankful for?"

What should he be thankful for?

A colleague police officer laughed: "Didn't you just say you wanted to arrest Su Chen?"

"Fortunately you didn't really do that..."

"As far as I know, Su Chen can lift a fat pig weighing more than 500 kilograms."

"Great strength, great skills."

"Imagine, if no one stopped you just now..."

Li Zihang: "..."

A fat pig weighing more than 500 kilograms can be lifted.

If you lift him...

It's almost like the Monkey King playing with the golden hoop.

He can be played to death!


I don't have the face to stay any longer.

Li Zihang wears a "clown mask" on his face.

I said silently: "Well..."

"I'll take my son home first."



"There's another person who can't laugh in the world!"

It's not that I don't like to laugh, nor that I can't laugh.

I just can't laugh.

How can I say it...

A rare initiative in exchange for a lifetime of introversion.

"I guess!"

"Comrade Zihang will probably have to hide from Brother Su Chen in the future..."

"No way!"

"Okay, okay, stop talking nonsense, the captain is still in the classroom."

"Go see how the gangster is doing."


The live broadcast started.

Hundreds of thousands of fans and netizens who have been waiting for a long time.

See the result...

——【! ! ! 】

——【How is the gangster! ? 】

——【Is he dealt with? 】

——【How was he dealt with! ? 】

In the classroom of the large class.

The curtains were drawn.

The room was bright as before.

The criminal investigation team officers...

Block all entrances and exits.

"Don't be nervous."

"He won't do stupid things anymore."

Su Chen reminded.

The middle-aged man raised his head.

His face...

Bruised and purple.

He drooled and smiled bitterly.

He raised his hand: "Police comrades, arrest me!"

"I was wrong..."

"I was too extreme."

"I feel sorry for my wife and children..."

"I feel sorry for everyone."

Dong Shanhe: "..."

The police officers: "..."


This injury...

Su Chen didn't hide it: "I'm on behalf of his wife and children, his family, and those he killed..."

"I discussed the avenue of life with him."

Dong Shanhe: What a avenue of life!

——【Puff! Brother Su's natural way of dealing with it! 】

——【Avenue of life? I think it's the fist of the avenue! 】

——【Brother Su is humorous...】

——【It's good to say it or not.】

——【If you can't make sense, then come to the fist way!】

——【Well! You are worthy of being my loyal fan of Cyber ​​Tang Monk!】


Taken away in the police car...

The process went very smoothly.

The middle-aged man did not resist at all.

First, he was beaten by Su Chen, and his whole body was in pain and he had no strength.

Second, his desire for revenge was dead...

Dong Shanhe stood in the kindergarten.

Ask: "Brother Su Chen, this person..."

"How did you persuade him?"

Just using fists and feet.

It won't have such an effect.

Silence for a while.

Su Chen said: "Captain Dong, this person is also a pitiful person..."

The two sat on the bench in the kindergarten.

"He told me that he is the chief physician of a neurology department in Jinghai City."

"Very famous, I checked online, the reviews are very good..."

"He has good medical ethics in all aspects, and he has saved many people."

"One day, he was on duty for his colleague."

"My pregnant wife was worried that he hadn't eaten, so she came to

Bring him food."

"As a result... there was a medical disturbance, and a patient's family rushed in with a knife..."

"Then, his pregnant wife was stabbed several times to protect him and died in front of him."

"After that..."

"Hospital, police investigation..."

"It turned out to be him!"

At this point, Dong Shanhe had already remembered.

He was shocked.

"Medical disturbance cases are handled by our criminal investigation team."

"The murderer was caught on the spot, sentenced to prison, and the case has been closed!"

"Unfortunately, the medical troublemaker killed the wrong person..."

Fate plays tricks on people.


"His wife is about to give birth, and the family could have lived a happy life."

"In the end, it ended up like this..."

"He told me that he couldn't close his eyes every night, and his mind was full of his wife and the crying of the unborn child. ”

“He said he was in pain…”

“He drank all day and thought about suicide…”

“In the end, he chose revenge.”

“He chose a revenge that was worse than before!”

Speaking of this,

Su Chen’s words were full of emotion.

The two grown men were silent.

Su Chen continued: “He killed the son and daughter-in-law of the troublemaker…”

“The child who was held hostage just now was the grandson of the troublemaker. ”

“He told me that he couldn’t bring himself to kill the child…”

“He was afraid that he would not be able to face his wife and children after he went to hell…”

Dong Shanhe: “…”



——【Tragedy, this is simply a tragedy!】

——【Alas… fate is so cruel!】

——【How could this happen!】

——【He saved many people, but he couldn’t save the people he wanted to protect…】

——【He was an angel on earth, but turned into a demon…】


At this time…

The cell phone rang.

“Hello? What’s the matter?”


“The criminals have confessed all the evidence.”

“The bodies of the two victims have been found by us.”

“The child is fine and is currently recovering in the hospital.”

“In addition…”

At this point, the police officer on the other end of the phone was silent.

“What’s wrong? "

The police officer took a deep breath.

Answered: "Captain, the criminal wanted to commit suicide, he wanted to bite his tongue to kill himself..."

"Fortunately, our police officers found him in time and sent him to the hospital for treatment."


"In the operating room... he snatched the doctor's scalpel..."

"He cut his throat..."


Dong Shanhe's forehead was bulging with blue veins.

The big hand holding the phone.


"I know."

Hang up the phone...

Dong Shanhe took out cigarettes.

He smoked one by one...

"The man is dead."


Su Chen nodded.

"He chose to leave after all..."

Looking up at the sky.

A black and white butterfly danced.

Su Chen felt heavy in his heart.

"Captain Dong, I'm leaving first."

"If you need anything, call me anytime. "


Found Qiuqiu in the principal's office.

Qiuqiu blinked her big eyes.


Not scared.

On the contrary, after seeing Su Chen...

rushed over: "Brother Su Chen, are you hurt?"

Su Chen shook his head: "I'm fine..."

"Principal, Teacher Xu, if nothing else, I'll take Qiuqiu away first."

At this moment, the principal's office was full of people.

In addition to the police...

There were also many parents waiting.

Such a thing happened in the kindergarten...

I guess...

The principal is afraid that it will be troublesome.

"Mr. Su Chen, can you leave a contact number?"

The principal hurriedly stood up.

Su Chen wrote down his phone number.

The principal said: "Teacher Xu, please send Mr. Su Chen off..."

Resolve the crisis.

Rescue the child...

Everyone saw it.

Su Chen is a hero.

"Mr. Su Chen, thank you. ”

“On behalf of all the children and all the parents, thank you…”

“Well…it’s my duty.”

Su Chen didn’t say much.

Teacher Xu hesitated and finally asked: “Mr. Su Chen, actually…our principal wants to talk to you about something.”

“But, as you saw just now, there are many people in the office and the principal has no free time at all.”


“Well…I understand. You can call me if you have anything.”

“I have something else to do. I’ll leave first.”

Su Chen was in a roadside shop.

Bought flowers, fruits, milk powder…

Take the ball with you.

Take a taxi.

“Master, go to the cemetery…”

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