The family status?

I think he is the younger brother of the family!

As the boss of the slaughterhouse, Lao Ding and his friends know everything but don’t tell us…

I thought: What kind of person is Lao Lin? How can we not know?

Not only is he a henpecked husband, but he is also a daughter slave.

Now he just has a son-in-law who can order him around…

If we have to rank them.

The status of Lao Lin’s family is as follows: daughter Lin Bingbing is first!

Son Lin Dong, who is studying in another city, is second.

Chen Cuilan is third!

The dog at home is fourth!

Lin Dashan is at the bottom of the list…

So sad!

“Knock, knock!”

As they were talking…

The door of the ward was knocked.

Several people looked over at the same time...


It would have been fine if they hadn't looked, but they were shocked when they saw it.

At the moment of rubbing...

Several big men in hospital gowns jumped up from the bed.

Their eyes widened, looking at what was in front of them in disbelief...

Sweating profusely.


This is...

Terrorists sneaked into the hospital to raid?


This COD ghost uniform!

Holding a gun in his hand?

No! ?

We haven't messed with such a ruthless person, have we?

It can be seen with the naked eye.

The atmosphere in the ward was extremely tense.

"Calm down! Calm down!"

"Good man! Hero, let's talk it out."

"A gentleman talks, not fights. Let's not shoot!"

"Tell me, tell me where we brothers have offended you three before..."

"We kowtow to you and apologize!"

"Please don't kill us. We have parents and children to take care of. We are the backbone of the family!"

"Brother! Uncle! Please..."

The slaughterhouse owner has seen a lot after all.

He saw the figures of two adults and one child.

He immediately apologized with fear.

Su Chen: "..."

I knew it...

Wearing a cosplay costume to the hospital will cause a misunderstanding.

But it's okay...

As my girlfriend Lin Bingbing said: add some color to the old man's dull life.

Otherwise, it's too dull to just go to three places and one line.

Life is full of flavors, and life is about experience!


——【Medical miracle! 】

——【Brothers, you just got out of bed so easily? 】

——【Even Hua Tuo would give a thumbs up: Miracle doctor! 】

——【The fastest apology in epic level! 】

——【Brothers, I think we are repenting in our minds...】

——【I have lived for most of my life, and I have thought about all the people I have scolded and offended. 】

——【I just want to ask you, if the cod ghost appears in front of you, are you afraid? 】

——【I am afraid... because it is really strong! 】


Su Chen opened his mouth and was about to explain.

Qiuqiu pinched his throat.

Imitating the man's voice...

He said viciously: "Don't move!"

"Raise your hands! Hold your head and squat!"

"Line up and squat!"

Several people did as he was told...

The wounds on his body no longer hurt.

The legs are no longer lame.

Before, I cursed when I moved...

Now I squatted with my hands on my head, nothing happened.

Lin Dashan and the others looked at each other.

They understood each other.


A man is a young man until he dies...

I finally got hurt.

How can I not pretend?

How can I feel sorry for my own tigress if I don't pretend?

I used to be a eunuch at home.

Now I'm lying in the hospital, it's the emperor's experience...


"Well, don't kill me, okay?"

"I know there's a bone-setting shop..."

"The skills are great!"

"Everyone who has had bone-setting knows: short people can become taller!"

"Uncle, I'm telling the truth!"

"I can take you there right now!"

The slaughterhouse owner began to seduce.


Su Chen and Lin Bingbing couldn't help laughing under their masks.

I can see...

The old guys were not seriously injured.

Just some superficial injuries.


They used their height to seduce Qiuqiu...

Maybe they found the wrong person.

Qiuqiu grinned.

He held the rifle in his hand, looking very serious.

"Shut up! Don't talk!"

"Let me see whose little hands are not behind their heads!"


"I'll give you a chance..."

The eyes signaled.

Su Chen understood immediately.

He immediately took out paper and pen from the table in the ward.

Lin Bingbing whispered: "Dear, what does Qiuqiu want to do?"

They just wanted to give the old guys a surprise by cosplaying.

Want to make them happy.

Don't let them get scared.

Su Chen grinned and whispered, "Don't worry, this girl knows her limits."

The little girl is very clever.

Don't underestimate her small size...

She's very smart!


"A piece of paper and a pen!"

"I'll give you a chance now."

"Write down where you hide your private money!"

As soon as this was said!

Everyone: ? ? ?

Su Chen and Lin Bingbing were also dumbfounded.

Good fellow...

Qiuqiu is simply a devil!

Little genius!

Why didn't we think of this! ?


——【Qiuqiu is invincible! 】

——【Hahaha, this girl is too clever. 】

——【Private money is in danger! 】

——【Brothers, your heads are buzzing, right? 】

——【I guess you're all confused, right? 】

——【I can’t stop laughing! 】

The first person is the boss of the slaughterhouse.

He has a good brain.

Just thinking: Huh? This criminal is not right...

Why is he asking for the private money? ?

"Oh, right!"

"To prevent you from lying."

"I have a secret weapon here!"

Qiuqiu's voice changes, she can definitely become a voice actor anchor!

She imitates it so well!

As she said...

The little girl took out a wrapped lollipop from her pocket?

Everyone: ? ? ?

What does it mean?

Is the criminal trying to bribe me with a lollipop...

Or is he trying to torture me with a lollipop?

Sweeten me to death with a lollipop?

Qiuqiu continued, "This lollipop is not that lollipop!"

"Little picture book... Oh no! Ancient books record it!"

"The smoke from burning lollipops can be used as a lie detector!"

"If you are a liar, your mouth will twitch unconsciously after inhaling the smoke!"

"So, you will each confess once!"

"Then write down the exact location of the hidden money!"


Lollipops can be used as lie detectors?

Or is it recorded in ancient books?

What ancient books are you reading?

Why haven't we read them?

Could it be a wild book?

Su Chen: "..."


Lie detector! ?

What kind of cosmic-level invincible brain hole is this!


It's only Qiuqiu.

She can think of it.


Since you want to act, do the whole thing.

It's not good for a man to hide his private money...

It's not harmonious for the relationship between husband and wife...

This drawback must be eradicated.

Su Chen decided to sacrifice his relatives for the sake of justice, and he was righteous.

He immediately took out his lighter.


"Let me do this!"

The flames roasted the surface of the lollipop.

The lollipop began to melt a little bit.

Put it next to your nose...

The wisps of smoke produced.

It made people unable to open their eyes.

"I... my private money is hidden in the shoe cabinet..."

"Also, there is a part behind my father's spirit tablet..."

"I, choke!"

The first slaughterhouse owner couldn't help it.

Not only did his lips twitch, but he also started to sneeze!

"You lied!"

The slaughterhouse owner was more wronged than Dou E: "I... I didn't!"

"Uncle, I really didn't lie!"

The second one...

Lao Ding.

Qiuqiu took action himself: "Where did you hide your private money?"

"I... I hid it in the refrigerator..."


Qiuqiu: "You lied too!"

The third one, Lin Dashan...

Lin Bingbing's lips were grinning to the back of her head.

Laughing: "Let me do this!"

"I think this man has a strange appearance, he must be a cunning person!"

"Must torture him!"

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