The reasoning was very good.

"Shinichi, your reasoning is very good."

After the reasoning, Xiaolan walked up to Shinichi with a smile.

"Ah, ah, it's okay." Shinichi felt that something was wrong with Xiaolan in front of him.

She was obviously smiling, but it gave him a creepy feeling.

Could it be that Xiaosong was exposed, so Xiaolan began to suspect me?

Shinichi glanced at Xiaosong unconsciously, Xiaosong shook his head slightly, and then raised his thumb.

Shaking his head should be a denial, and with Xiaolan's personality, if she really knew everything, she would definitely chase after her to ask clearly.

It seems that Xiaosong is still very reliable, which makes Shinichi relieved.

However, Shinichi didn't see it. As soon as he turned his head, Xiaosong nodded again.

Shaking his head doesn't mean I deny it. I just feel itchy.

Nodding means I affirm it, but you can't blame me if you didn't see it.

After all, we are good friends. How could I hurt you?

"Shinichi, you..." Xiaolan wanted to say something, but found that something was wrong with Shinichi's state.

Shinichi's vision began to blur, and his head became dizzy.


Should I change back at this time!

No, absolutely not!

Don't let me become Conan in front of Xiaolan.

With the last hope, Shinichi fell to the ground and fainted.


Before he fainted, Shinichi only heard Xiaolan's anxious call, and then he didn't know what happened.


Shinichi didn't turn back to Conan. The doctor only thought it was a coma caused by a cold, nothing more.

This made Xiaolan feel relieved. At the same time, she found Xiaosong and whispered, "Xiaosong, can you tell me what happened to Shinichi?"

She clearly saw that Shinichi was in pain before he fell into a coma, and there must be a reason that she didn't know.

"I don't know about this." Xiaosong looked confused and pretended to know nothing.

It's time to drag Heiji into the water.

If he can't answer, Xiaolan will definitely find another insider, Hattori Heiji.

After all, Hattori Heiji deliberately pretended to be Kudo Shinichi, which was obviously a cover-up, and he must know something related.

After dragging Hattori Heiji into the water, it means that they all pretended not to know that Shinichi's identity has been exposed.

At that time, the offense and defense will change!

The only thing to worry about is Hattori Heiji's big mouth.

But Hattori Heiji should be happy to give Conan a lesson, after all, Conan called him "Osaka Black Chicken" before.

Now is a good opportunity for revenge.

As Xiaosong expected, Xiaolan did not get the relevant information from Xiaosong, and immediately went to find Hattori Heiji.

"What? You already know?" Hattori Heiji looked at Xiaolan in astonishment, his eyes full of evasion.

It's bad, Kudo, your wife knows your secret, you'll have to take care of yourself from now on.

"So, can you tell me what happened to Shinichi?" Xiaolan clenched her fist.

In this situation, how dare Hattori Heiji not say it, but he only knew that Shinichi was fed drugs by the criminal organization, and he didn't know about Xiao Ai.

Moreover, Hattori Heiji knew that Shinichi's recovery was only temporary.

After Xiaolan heard it, she couldn't help but worry about it, wondering if the drug would have other effects.

"Unexpectedly, Kudo couldn't hide it anymore." Hattori Heiji finally sighed.

"Hmm? I'm not going to expose him." Xiaolan explained, and then continued to remind:

"You should also keep a secret, after all, you kept a secret for Shinichi before, right? Hattori Heiji."

"Hmm!" Hattori Heiji nodded repeatedly, and couldn't stop complaining in his heart.

As expected of the two people who look like a couple, they actually made the same decision.

But thinking of what Kudo said before that he was "Osaka Black Chicken", Hattori Heiji felt that it was a good thing to hide it from Kudo.

Hehe, suddenly I am looking forward to what kind of expression Kudo will show after knowing the truth.

Kudo, don't blame me, who told you to call me Osaka Black Chicken.

A certain Xiaosong smiled slightly and left.

Who would have thought that he was the driving force behind the scenes, and even Osaka Black Chicken came from his mouth, Conan was purely blamed.

"You are really bad enough." Xiaoai said her most real thoughts.

This guy was the one causing all the trouble from the beginning to the end. No wonder Xiaosong dragged me out in the first place.


She had seen through Xiaosong's thoughts.

"Didn't you know it a long time ago?" Xiaosong asked back.

"But that doesn't stop me from scolding you again, right? You little bad guy."

"If you like it, but be sure to drink more water and be careful of sore throat." Xiaosong nodded and continued:

"Of course, I can help you if you need it."

While the two were talking, Shinichi slowly woke up on the hospital bed.

Looking at the familiar ceiling, he seemed to be back in the original ward.

Recalling the situation before the coma, did he become Conan? !

Shinichi hurriedly checked his body, but was surprised to find that he did not turn back into Conan, but still in Shinichi's body.


Could it be that I don't have to turn back into Conan in the future? !

Joy surged in Shinichi's chest. He could finally get rid of the body of the little devil. The body of the little devil was really troublesome to do anything.

"Shinichi, you're awake." Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Shinichi wake up, and the worry in her eyes was reduced a little.

This was not Xiaolan's pretending, but a real worry.

No one knew what kind of burden the medicine Shinichi took would bring, which reminded her of the previous time when Conan turned into Shinichi, and Shinichi was extremely painful at that time.

Although he looked much better this time, she still couldn't help but worry about it.

"Lan." Shinichi sat up slightly, leaning against the wall behind him, his breathing became more and more stable, and his body did not feel strong discomfort.

At this time, Shinichi noticed something unusual, Hattori Heiji, who usually talked the most, didn't speak now.

Hattori Heiji noticed Shinichi's eyes, smiled slightly, and cast a pitying look on Shinichi, and then quickly turned into gloating.

Just pray that you don't turn back into Conan, otherwise you will suffer.

"Kudo, I'm leaving first, and we'll talk another day." Hattori Heiji didn't want to stay here.

Because he was afraid that he would laugh out loud.

"Oh, bye." Kudo Shinichi did not realize the seriousness of the matter.

He was still happily immersed in the joy of recovery.

Hattori Heiji left and got on the plane back to Osaka.

On the plane, Hattori Heiji couldn't help laughing out loud.

"What are you laughing at?" Heye was a little puzzled.

"Nothing, I just remembered something happy." Hattori Heiji explained casually.

"Huh? Could it be related to your first love?" Heye's eyes became unfriendly.

Hattori Heiji seemed to have not noticed it at all, nodded repeatedly, and said: "Yes, that's it!"

Then, Hattori Heiji suffered.

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