Chapter 83: Lin Fan and the Animals of the Countercharge! (Third more!) Subscribe please! Please! )

[I lean! ] 】

[What is the situation?] Did the owner stab the snake’s nest when he punched the hole? How did so many snakes suddenly come out? 】

[These snakes ran out of the Lashan Desert and should have nothing to do with the owner! ] 】

[I heard that when an earthquake comes, animals will sense it earlier than people and start fleeing, do you say it will be an earthquake?] 】

[You say it’s animals, if it’s an earthquake, you shouldn’t be the only one running out!]

Besides, aren’t these wild Bactrian camels still standing here and not running? 】

[According to my observations, the camel leader already wants to run!] 】

[Groove! ] How did you manage to chat so calmly? I saw these snakes coming out into a large area, and they were almost scared to death! 】

[Calm down! ] Across the screen! If you want to panic, the owner will panic first! 】

[You say the owner runs away?] Or run away? Or run away? 】

[Nonsense! It must be a run with a loss, a little white, and a camel leader who will not turn their heads!

These are the Rashan pit viper, the famous viper! 】

[How toxic is it?] Just curious! 】

[Half of China’s top ten poisonous snakes belong to the family of pit vipers, how venomous do you say they are? ] 】

[It’s scary! ] Owner, quickly lead them with Di Di, Xiaobai, and Camel! Mom is afraid! 】


The audience in the live broadcast room either calmly began to analyze because of the sudden emergence of the Lashan pit viper, or panicked to persuade Lin Fan to quickly run away with the little snow mastiff and the golden eagle.

Lin Fan, who knew why these Lashan pit vipers suddenly appeared, dropped the feed bag in his hand that had not yet shoveled the soil containing the spirit soil.

Start beckoning steppe horses, little snow mastiffs, and camels to leave.

The target of these Rashan pit vipers is the soil containing spiritual soil, as long as he leaves here with the steppe horses and walks farther, it will be safe.

“Camel collar!”

“Bring your wife, children, and your men to my side!”


“You cover Didi, Xiaobai, the two of them come to my side!”

“Lost! Xiaobai! You two stop playing, hurry up and join the horses! ”

Lin Fan slapped the blade of the sapper shovel with the palm of his left hand, and let the two big guys, the grassland horse and the camel leader, shoulder the role of leading the big brother, and lead the rest of the camels, golden eagles, and little snow mastiffs to safely retreat to his side.

After converging, they will evacuate the sandy land that he sprinkled with a lot of spiritual soil.




The leader of the camel who has long been restless because of the large number of Rashan pit vipers.

Hearing what Lin Fan said, he raised his neck and roared, allowing the group of camels to retreat to where Lin Fan was.

The frightened camels, hearing the leader’s command, took four hooves and trotted towards Lin Fan.

When the four wild Bactrian camels and twenty male camels all ran, the camel leader fell behind them and ran towards Lin Fan together.

Here, the evacuation of the camels was very smooth.

On the side where the steppe horse is responsible, there is a problem.


The little snow mastiff, who was interrupted by the sudden appearance of the Lashan pit viper, rushed at the Lashan pit viper who was swimming over, and milky to the mouth of the dragon without teeth.

Then, without looking back, it stumbled towards Lin Fan.

Angry to angry!

But it is still very afraid of the vast number of Lashan pit vipers!


Seeing that the little snow mastiff Xiaobai ran away, the golden eagle was still standing in place, looking straight at the Lashan pit viper that was getting closer and closer, the steppe horse was a little anxious, and nudged the golden eagle with its big head to remind it that it was time to go.

Don’t go again.

The two of them are about to be surrounded by the Rashan pit viper!!!

[Why don’t you leave?] 】

[Are you scared again?] 】

[Insulting Eagle Warning! ] 】

[Usually encounter a dangerous situation, is it not the first warning to lose it?]

The Lashan pit viper suddenly appeared, lost without warning, even if it was lost, and now it is still standing motionless in place, is it bitten? 】

[It can’t be! ] If Di Di was bitten, Xiaobai, who was with it just now, is estimated to have been bitten too! 】

[Lost! ] The snake is coming! Let’s go! 】

[Horses! Run! Don’t worry about it! 】




Seeing that the golden eagle did not respond to his urging, and the Lashan pit vipers were getting closer and closer, the steppe horse restlessly kicked its four hooves in place.

The number of Rashan pit vipers is too much, and poisonous, out of instinct, it wants to go.

But Lin Fan had just told it to cover the golden eagle and drop and evacuate, and now that the golden eagle was not moving, it couldn’t just drop the golden eagle.

“Camel collar!”

“You keep running with them, run farther!”

Seeing that something was wrong on the grassland horse side, Lin Fan patted the neck of the camel leader who had just brought the camels to his side, and let him continue to evacuate with the camels.

Finish speaking.

Lin Fan carried the sapper shovel in his right hand and quickly ran to the location where the grassland horse and golden eagle were.

Just as a steppe horse cannot leave the golden eagle behind and leave alone.

He also couldn’t leave the steppe horse and the golden eagle behind and leave by himself!!!

During the run, Lin Fan also bent down to pick up Xiaobai, the little snow mastiff who was stumbling towards him, and held it in his arms.

He’s got to bring this little guy with him!

Let this little guy follow the camel and lead them to evacuate, the risk is even greater!

The little snow mastiff is so small that if you are not careful, it is easy to be buried alive by the sand set off by the running of camels!


The camel leader looked at Lin Fan, who rushed towards the golden eagle and the grassland horse, and rushed towards the group of Lashan pit vipers that stretched into a large area like a sea of snakes.

Hesitated for a few seconds.

Shout at the remaining four wild Bactrian camels and twenty male camels and tell them to keep running, run farther.

Then, the camel leader resolutely chose to turn around, followed Lin Fan’s steps, and ran towards the golden eagle and the grassland horse.

It has two wives, a wild Bactrian camel leader that makes golden eagles, little snow mastiffs, and steppe horses envious!

It doesn’t do cowards to escape!!!




The camels who had always listened to the camel leader, this time, did not listen to its words and ran away, running far away.

Instead, he turned around at the same time and followed the leader of the camel.

Looking at the wild Bactrian camels and male camels who overcame the biological fear instinct and followed Lin Fan and launched a countercharge against a large group of Lashan pit vipers.

The audience watching the live broadcast only felt that their eyes were hot, and they cursed and launched a barrage.

[Run! 】

[A bunch of idiots! ] 】

[It’s enough for the owner to turn around and go back, camel collar, camel big, camel two, male camel, why are you running back?] Send to death? 】

[What are you doing?] Did Huluwa save grandpa? 】

[Hurry up and run!] Fools!!! 】

[Lost! ] Aren’t you usually the most afraid? Why don’t you run now? You’re running! 】

[Watching the owner live broadcast for so long, it is the first time that I hope to lose and run away when I encounter danger…]

[Earlier, my tears were about to flow out, but when I saw the barrage you sent, my tears were held back! ] 】


“Come here!”




“Xiao Xiao!”

Hearing the movement from behind, the golden eagle Didi turned his head and saw Lin Fan holding the little snow mastiff Xiaobai, running towards it while looking anxious, and let it hurry over.

I saw the leader of the camel who was running fast, but his pace was a little unsteady.

I saw wild Bactrian camels and male camels with their eyes closed and silently following behind the camel leader.

I saw the steppe horse standing beside him, irritably kicking on its four hooves.


The golden eagle turned its head back, and it finally moved, standing still all along.


What everyone and the animal didn’t expect was that its movement was not Lin Fan and the camel leader who turned around and ran to the rescue.

Instead, like Lin Fan and the camel leader, he countercharged towards the approaching Lashan pit viper group.

See this scene.

All the viewers in the live broadcast room had two words in their hearts——



Thank you to the book friend [N South] for the 1000V point reward!

Thank you for your generous rewards!

At the same time, thank you for the rest of the big guys for their tips, reminders, monthly passes, flowers and other data support!

15,000 words are updated daily, and 7,500 words have been completed today!!!


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