Chapter 229: King of the Snow Mountains, Snow Leopard! (Second more!) Subscribe please! Please! )

[Another first-class protected animal that is somewhat similar to the wild sika deer Zhou Taichang? ] 】

[Is it another wild sika deer?] 】

[A wild sika deer should not be able to drive the wild horse herd up to the mountains, right?] 】

[A herd of wild sika deer is almost the same! ] 】

[A group of wild sika deer is not good, the weight gap between sika deer and wild horses is too big! ] 】

[What are the first-class protected animals that are a bit similar to Zhou Taichang of the wild sika deer?] 】

[Tongxiaotang Xiaohei: There are many first-class protected animals that have the ability to drive wild horses to the mountains, and have the same pattern as wild sika deer Zhou Tai! ] 】

[Tongxiaotang Xiaohei: Clouded leopards, money leopards, and snow leopards all have patterns on their bodies! ] 】

[Is it really possible that it is one of the three animals mentioned by the little black boss, wasn’t there a barrage saying that there were these large carnivores around the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau before?] 】

[Little black big guy, you seem to be a little familiar with clouded leopards, money leopards, and snow leopards! ] Can they also be medicated? 】

Regular viewers who often watch Lin Fan’s live broadcast know that Tongxiaotang Xiaohei, as a member of the family that owns Tongxiaotang, a traditional pharmaceutical company, has some understanding of plants, animal organs, and some special items that can be used in medicine.

This led to the appearance of Tongxiaotang Xiaohei and a barrage, and the old audience couldn’t help but guess whether what he said could be used in medicine.

Imperial capital.

Tongxiaotang headquarters, in an office.

See the friends in the live broadcast room blindly guess that the three first-class protected animals of clouded leopard, money leopard and snow leopard can be used in medicine.

Tongxiaotang Xiaohei (Yue Mianliang) shook his head helplessly, and was about to tap on the keyboard to send a barrage to explain.

Lin Fan took a step ahead of him and opened his mouth to explain.

“In traditional medicine in China, the bones of clouded leopards, money leopards, and snow leopards can all replace the bones of tigers in medicine!”

“It’s just that it was before!”

“Since the state announced the list of protected animals, Siberian tiger, South China tiger, snow leopard, clouded leopard, money leopard and other animals have been listed as first-class protected animals, and fresh tiger bones and leopard bones are not allowed to be used in medicine!”

“Don’t talk about medicine, even selling it is illegal!”

“After all, every extra piece of fresh tiger bone and leopard bone means that rare protected animals such as Siberian tigers or money leopards have died in this world.”

“What is now allowed to be sold are tiger and leopard bones that have survived before the list of protected animals is published.”

“It’s just that generally saying that they have old tiger bones and leopard bones for sale, they are generally liars!”

“The number of animals such as Siberian tigers and money leopards is originally small, and the bones are medicinal, and they are disposable consumables, where are so many old tiger bones and leopard bones preserved until now!”

“Xiao Hei, you have a long history with the Hall of Filial Piety, there should be a lot of old tiger bones and leopard bones left, right? The price should be quite expensive, right? ”

Talking and talking.

Lin Fan looked sideways at the ultra-blue light lens of the drone and asked with an expressionless face.

The reason why he talked about tiger bones and leopard bones in medicine was that he saw that there were audience members mentioning it in the live broadcast room.

The second is to remind the audience not to break the law and commit crimes, and not to be deceived by lawbreakers.

The third is to ask Yue Mianliang by the way to see if Tongxiao Hall sells tiger bones and leopard bones.

If there is, even if he appeared with Yue Mian before, he would distance himself from Yue Mianliang, and even want to delete Yue Mianliang’s WeChat friends and ban Yue Mianliang’s live broadcast room account.

Without him.

As he just said, tiger bones and leopard bones are used in medicine, which are disposable consumables, and there are not many old tiger bones and leopard bones that can remain.

As the largest traditional pharmaceutical company in China, Tongxiaotang has a very large business volume.

Since the list of protected animals was announced, after so many decades, leopard bones and tiger bones can still be sold…

That means that what Tongxiao Tang sells is not old tiger bones and leopard bones at all, but fresh and illegal tiger bones and leopard bones!!!

That means that Tongxiaotang, the Tongxiaotang family, and even Yue Mianliang are all executioners who kill wild animals!

In this case, how could Lin Fan be friends with Yue Mianliang!

Hearing Lin Fan’s words, Yue Mianliang was anxious, crackled on the keyboard, and launched a barrage.

[Tongxiao Tang Xiaohei: Owner, don’t misunderstand! ] What we do with Xiaotang is all legitimate business! This tiger bone and leopard bone, we Tongxiao Tang did not sell it decades ago! 】

[Tongxiaotang Xiaohei: Dear audience, our big traditional pharmaceutical companies do not have tiger bones and leopard bones for sale, you should know what are those tiger bones and leopard bones circulating in the market? 】

[Tongxiaotang Xiaohei: I advise everyone one. Don’t sell tiger bones and leopard bones to go back to medicine! This deception is small, and jail is big! 】


Seeing Yue Mian’s bright barrage, Lin Fan’s expressionless face showed a light smile and nodded with satisfaction.

Without chatting with the audience in the live broadcast room, he looked down at Haidong Qing Xiaowan, Golden Eagle Didi, and the two wild sika deer, and talked about business.

“Xiao Wan!”

“Later, you will lead the way in heaven!”


“Later, you hover over the heads of me, Zhou Tai, and Youyou, keep an eye on the surroundings, and don’t let the big carnivore that drove the wild horses running up the mountain turn around and trouble us, we don’t know yet!”

“Don’t let other large carnivores have the opportunity to quietly touch us!”

“Do you hear that?”

Haidong Qing Xiaowan is responsible for leading the way in front, and the task is relatively easy.

The task of losing the golden eagle is a bit heavy, and it is not even allowed to slacken in any way.

Once the golden eagle was lost, it let the large carnivores in the Lianqi Mountain Range quietly touch Lin Fan’s side.

Lin Fan, the steppe horse, and the sable may not be fine.

But the two wild sika deer next to Lin Fan, who was riding a grassland horse, were likely to suffer heavily!

When he separated from Qi Muge before, Lin Fan thought that the wild horse herd was in the grassland or the Lashan desert, so he did not send the two wild sika deer back to the felt bag area first.

Now, it was too late for him to send the two wild sika deer back to the felt bag area!

A herd of wild horses is being driven up the mountain by a large predator.


This large carnivore wants to fill its stomach with a herd of wild horses.

In this case, Lin Fan sent the two wild sika deer back to the felt bag area, and then came back to chase the wild horse herd…

Perhaps, the wild horse wife who has been longed for by the steppe horse for a long time has been disemboweled!

Therefore, Lin Fan can only take two wild sika deer into the Lianqishan Mountain Range now!



Got it!

Hai Dongqing Xiaowan and the golden eagle nodded heavily.




Golden Eagle Didiu knew that this time he went into the mountains to chase the wild horse herd, and the most dangerous thing was his new partner, two wild sika deer.

Therefore, after taking a deep look at the wild sika deer Zhou Tai and Youyou, the golden eagle Didi flapped its wings and soared into the air, with Lin Fan and the two wild sika deer as the center of the circle, constantly circling and flying at low altitude.

While circling and flying at low altitude, he constantly flapped his wings, making a lot of noise.

The golden eagle is lost This is to drive away the large carnivores that may pose a threat to Lin Fan, wild sika deer, Zhou Tai, and Youyou.

As for why he only flapped his wings and did not cry loudly, it was because the golden eagle Didi still remembered the instructions of Lin Fan and the grassland horse, and did not want to fight a new battle for airspace supremacy with the same kind inhabiting the Lianqi Mountain Range.

Now is not a good time to go to war!

“Zhou Tai!”


“You two are smart, when you encounter danger, don’t run around, hide behind me as soon as possible!”


“Let’s go into the mountains!”


Seeing that the golden eagle was so reliable, Lin Fan sat on the back of the grassland horse and gave it a thumbs up.

Then, after instructing the wild sika deer Zhou Tai and Youyou, he lightly kowtowed on the belly of the horse, rode the grassland horse, and stepped into the edge of the Lianqi Mountain Range.

[In the end, the large carnivore that looks a bit like Zhou Tai, a wild sika deer, is driving the wild horse herd to the mountains? ] Curious! 】

[Same curiosity! ] 】

[Horses! Hurry up and run! Your wife is right in front! 】

[Horses! Don’t run fast again! Your wife is gone! 】

Lin Fan did not pay attention to the urging barrage sent by the audience, rode a grassland horse, under the escort of the golden eagle and lost its flapping wings, put his arms around the sable, took two wild sika deer, followed Hai Dongqing, who flew in the sky to lead the way, and walked to the mountain without hurry.

As Lin Fan walked, he also introduced the mountain he was climbing now.

“This mountain is Jingyang Mountain of the Leng Longling Mountain Range!”

“The Leng Longling Mountain Range is about 220 kilometers long, and it is part of the Lianqishan Mountain Range in the broad sense and belongs to the edge of the Lianqishan Mountain Range.”

“The highest peak of Jingyang Mountain, if I am not mistaken, should be 4,400 meters above sea level!”

[Even the edge of the Qishan Mountain Range is two hundred kilometers long, is this even the Qishan Mountain Range so long?] 】

[The Lianqishan Mountain Range in a broad sense includes some surrounding mountain ranges, and this range must be wide! ] 】

[The highest peak is 4,400 meters above sea level? Two tigers? 】

【??? 】

[Front, can you drive this to Little Tiger?] Bull’s! 】

[Hey! As early as when the owner talked about tiger bones and leopard bones, I wanted to find an opportunity to open Little Tiger’s regiment, who let me know the tiger, only the tiger general!

I didn’t find the opportunity just now, but now I found it, then I definitely can’t miss it! 】

【Good open! 】 】


While chatting with the audience, Lin Fan took out the long bow and wooden arrow from the bow bag and quiver, and stared around with the golden eagle Di Di flying at a low altitude.


Lin Fan took two wild sika deer, riding grassland horses, and crossed the low-altitude grassland and forest area without hurry, and came to the high-altitude area where the vegetation of Jingyang Mountain was scarce.

Look at the bare rocks all around.

Look at the intermittent white snow that appears hundreds of meters away.

Lin Fan had already guessed what the large carnivore that kept driving the wild horses to high altitudes was.

“The large carnivore that drove the wild horse herd up to the mountain should be the king of the snow mountain – the snow leopard!” _

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