Seeing its drooling look, the audience in the live broadcast room began to praise it for being smart and obedient, and it actually had the ability to restrain itself.

It's incredible, ordinary children are not so obedient and sensible.

Chen Nan walked out and looked at Dahei with sharp eyes. Dahei immediately covered his big face with a pair of thick bear paws, as if Chen Nan couldn't find out that it had eaten half of it.

When he walked in and took a look, he immediately discovered that a piece of meat was missing. Facing the oil stain on Dahei's mouth, he raised a smirk on the corner of his mouth.

"It's over, it's over, Dahei has been discovered."

"Dahei is going to be beaten. If he dares to eat secretly as promised, he will be beaten."

"Brother Nan can't be so cruel. Dahei eats secretly and doesn't eat too much. Brother Nan can't hit anyone."

"The one upstairs is not beating a human, but a bear. But Dahei only ate one piece, does Brother Nan really want to teach him a lesson?"

"Would you like to make a bet on whether Brother Nan will teach Dahei a lesson? I'll make a 590 super hot one."

"Bah, bah, bah, the people upstairs are not human. It's obvious that Brother Nan wants to teach Dahei a lesson, and he even made a bet with us. You bad old man is very bad."

"I'll do it, I'll do it. I don't think Brother Nan will teach Dahei a lesson. It's enough to scare him. I'll give you five super hits." Things that require money [Autumn Wind Fallen Leaves are always bought by the tenth field.

"I don't think so either. What do you think?" [Su Zimeng] also chimed in: "I also have five super hits."

"I think so. Dahei is just a child now. If you want to teach your child to be obedient, you must give it an unforgettable lesson the first time it makes a mistake so that it won't do it again next time."

"I bet five, Dahei will get beaten."

There was another bet in the live broadcast room, and this time the price was not low.

Chen Nan glanced at it out of the corner of his eye, rolled his eyes and reminded: "You guys (aceb), please take it easy and bet in the live broadcast room? Don't make the amount too big. "Otherwise, someone will report us for gambling in public after more than ten years. "

It's true that this kind of thing has to be guarded against. Although everyone was just making noise at first, fortunately there were not many people.

Now no one comes forward to report it, otherwise once someone reports it, everyone will be in constant trouble.

"Don't worry, we are just playing casually, not anything big."

"If someone reports it, we won't be afraid. There are hundreds of thousands of people in the live broadcast room. What's wrong with just a few people playing? Are there hundreds of thousands of people playing together?"

"Don't join in the fun, just watch."

[Autumn Wind Falling Leaves] A few crackling words came out, and soon the booing people came from below.

"No, no, I want to gamble and play too."

"I can't stop it because I'm so hot, so let's get a lollipop."

"Hahaha, Brother Nan is so rich, why are you afraid of being reported?"

"Don't worry, we have been reported, and we will all go and provide evidence to prove it to you."

When such an intermittent situation occurred, Dahei seemed to relax a little, and seemed to feel that Chen Nan's mood relaxed.

"Dahei, did you eat meat just now?"

Out of the blue, Chen Nan suddenly asked. Dahei was so frightened that he jumped up and stared at Chen Nan with his eyes wide open.

The big head shook like a rattle, indicating that he didn't eat it secretly.

That silly look made Southeast almost laugh.

"Didn't you eat? Come and see if your mouth is oily."

Chen Nan looked at it pretending to be suspicious. Dahei quickly wiped his mouth vigorously and walked over with an innocent look on his face, shouting "Ouch".

Chen Nan, who understood Dahei's words, couldn't help but laugh.

It was telling itself that it had just eaten here, and it was not because it had eaten the meat secretly that its mouth was oily.

"Then what you mean is, "You definitely didn't eat my flesh, right?"

Chen Nan asked again.

Dahei nodded his big head vigorously, seemingly saying 'yes, yes'.

"Okay, then I will believe you for a while, come and reward you with a piece of meat, and you can take it for yourself.

Chen Nan pointed to the basin in front of him and asked him to reach for the meat.

Dahei was stunned, his expression changed in shock, he pointed at the big basin in front of him, and shouted proudly as if he was asking whether it was true or not.

"I'm not going to lie to you, just eat it."

"But you can only eat one piece."

Chen Nan said to it.

Dahei jumped up and down excitedly, looked at the washbasin in front of him, observed it carefully, and finally picked up a piece of meat the size of a palm, and waved to Chen Nan, indicating that he wanted this.

"Okay, then you can."

Chen Nan waved his hand nonchalantly, indicating that it would be enough to let him eat.

"Ouch ouch ouch

Dahei picked up the piece of meat and blew on it with his lips pursed. He still remembered the burnt piece of meat before.

"Didn't you eat it secretly? How do you know the meat is hot?"

Chen Nan's ghostly voice suddenly sounded, shocking Dahei to the point of being stunned.

He couldn't even hold the meat firmly in his hand and dropped it into the basin, with a look of shock on his face.

With its straightforward head, I never expected that Chen Nan would use a roundabout way to deceive it.

Just stupid. .

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