"He is actually the dean of the Academy of Engineering?"

"Oh my goodness, no wonder that guy named Xiao Li, who is an academician, is a student of Chief Tang."

"It turns out that Chief Tang has such a terrifying background. The president of the Academy of Engineering is equivalent to a ministerial-level cadre!"

"So awesome, so scary, Chief Tang is so awesome"

"A ministerial-level cadre who came out of a remote village is simply a miracle, a myth.

Then, everyone looked at Chu Yuan.

There was a deep awe in their eyes.

"What is so special about Grandpa Chu that he can teach such a student?"

"Now I am looking forward to Grandpa Chu's other 49 students."

At this moment, a large number of netizens poured into the live broadcast room again.

The gifts given by netizens were flying all over the sky.

There were so many carnivals that they had covered the video screen.

The popularity also increased greatly, and the live broadcast room reached 10,000 people.

Those netizens who just came in were confused by the large number of gifts.

"What happened? Why are so many people playing with gifts?"

"Yes, I really thought gifts were free. Damn, Carnival, and five of them."

"What the hell is this? Can someone explain it?"

Then someone explained it.

Those netizens who just came in were shocked and jumped up on the spot.

"My god, Chief Scientist of Huawei? Dean of the Academy of Engineering? And he came from a small village?"

"What? It's the student of the old man in front of you? My goodness, I want to give a gift too."

Chu Ling was also stunned when she heard this.

She naturally knew the value of the president of the Academy of Engineering.

It was incredible that her grandfather could teach such a student.

Even Chu Yuan was shocked.

The students he taught fifty years ago are so powerful?


Chu Yuan felt inexplicably happy and proud.

Now he is also looking forward to what kind of achievements other students have made.

Tang Youlong saw Chu Yuan's surprise.

But he did not show any loss of composure.

It can be seen that Teacher Chu is not simple either!

Of course, this is beyond doubt. His set of thinking was able to teach fifty top talents back then.

As a teacher himself, can he be worse than his students?

This is absolutely impossible.

Chu Yuan smiled and said,"Youlong, you are surprising me more and more."

Tang Youlong smiled and said,"Everything is taught well by Teacher Chu."

Chu Yuan:"You are too modest. This is the result of your hard work. It has nothing to do with me."

"I am just one of your elementary school teachers."

Tang Youlong:"But you have the greatest influence on your students, affecting their lives."

"It can be said that without your thinking, there would be no students today."

Chu Yuan smiled and shook his head:"That's too much."

‘Xiao Li heard the word"primary school teacher".

He couldn't help but frown. The old man in front of him was actually the dean's elementary school teacher?

It was incredible that an elementary school teacher could be so respected by the dean and there was a grand welcome ceremony.

Wait, what did the dean just say? Thinking?

What is this? What thinking?

‘Xiao Li was puzzled. He had never heard of this from the dean.

Netizens were also curious.

They were very curious about the thinking in Tang Youlong's mouth.

"Thinking? I heard this word twice from Chief Tang."

"What kind of thinking can make a person reach such a height?"

Netizens were puzzled, and Chu Ling was also puzzled.

Tang Youlong introduced Xiao Li to Chu Yuan.

"Xiao Li, whose real name is Li Qiandao, is the youngest academician of our Academy of Engineering.……"

He talked a lot.

Most of them were praises for Li Qiandao.

Chu Yuan could also hear from Tang Youlong's tone that he was very fond of Li Qiandao.

Tang Youlong actually hoped that Chu Ling and his student would have a good impression of each other.

This not only solved the major event in Xiao Li's life, but also made Xiao Li very lucky to be the grandson-in-law of Teacher Chu.

"Oh, nominated for the Nobel Prize in Physics?"

Chu Yuan was surprised.

Netizens were even more shocked.

"Wow, so awesome?"

"He was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Physics at the age of 33. He is really amazing!"

Chu Ling was also shocked.

What a genius!

Tang Youlong said:"He has made great achievements in quantum mechanics. Even if he has not won the Nobel Prize in Physics in the past few years, he will win it in a few years."

Chu Yuan looked at him deeply.


I didn't expect that such a talent would appear in Longguo.

The key is that he is only 33 years old.


Chu Yuan looked at Chu Ling, not knowing whether this girl was interested in him.

If not, it would be useless no matter how good she is.

Chu Ling seemed to be stunned and did not notice Chu Yuan's gaze.

Chu Yuan understood, with a smile on his lips.

Obviously this girl was a little interesting.

Tang Youlong also discovered this.

If they get in touch with each other, there is a chance to become a couple.

He looked at Li Qiandao with envy in his eyes.

If he could really become the grandson-in-law of Teacher Chu, it would be Li Qiandao's blessing.

In this world, there are many good horses, but few good horse trainers.

If this pair can really make it, Xiao Li's future will be limitless.

Chu Yuan said:"Xiao Li, if you have the chance, you can find Xiao Ling to play with more."

Li Qiandao was so smart that he understood what it meant as soon as he heard it.

He glanced at Tang Youlong and saw him nod.

Li Qiandao said,"Okay, Master, I will definitely go to play with my little sister when I have time."

Chu Ling hid shyly, her face red.

Just like a red apple.

This made Tang Youlong and Chu Yuan laugh.


The female netizens in the live broadcast room were envious

"Woohoo, such a good man, I also want"

"Why should I introduce her to that girl? I am also a Qinghua doctor, why can't I introduce her to me?"

"If only I could get to know him, I'm so beautiful and sexy, he would definitely like me and would definitely fall in love with me"

"This is definitely a potential stock. Once he wins the Nobel Prize in Physics, that would be five million. Plus his own ability, he would definitely be a billionaire."

"Wow, I'll remember him. I'm going to go to Shenzhen to wait for him. Hehehe, under my sugar-coated cannonball, he can't refuse."

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