Mr. Ren looked at Chu Yuan.

He smiled and said,"Hello, Mr. Chu! I am Ren Zhengfei."

He walked over and shook hands with Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan also smiled and shook hands with him.

""Hello, Chu Yuan."

The two hands were tightly clasped together.

Chu Yuan smiled and said,"I have heard of Mr. Ren's name for a long time. When I meet him today, I find that he is indeed extraordinary."

Mr. Ren smiled and said,"No, I am just an old man."

Chu Yuan smiled and said,"Hahaha... We are all old men. It seems that we are all old. We still have to rely on the young people in the future!"

Mr. Ren:"You are right. Young people are the hope and future of the country."

He glanced at Li Daoquan with encouragement in his eyes.

This young man is Tang Youlong's favorite disciple.

He has a strong level of scientific research and is a talent.

Li Daoquan greeted him,"Mr. Ren."

Mr. Ren nodded and said,"Why are you here?"……"

Tang Youlong:"Oh, nothing, Xiao Li, go get busy!"

Li Daoqian nodded:"Okay."

After that, he glanced at Chu Ling and turned to leave.

Chu Ling also secretly watched him leave.

She still had a good impression of Li Daoqian.

After all, he was a nominee for the Nobel Prize in Physics.

He also had a masculine aura, which was very attractive to women.

Tang Youlong looked at Mr. Ren.

"Mr. Ren, this is my personal matter, but I didn't expect to alarm you."

Mr. Ren looked a little blaming.

"What are you talking about? Mr. Chu came to Huawei for an inspection."

"I should have received him personally, but you didn't inform me in advance."

Tang Youlong looked at Mr. Ren in surprise.

What's going on? Mr. Ren was actually a little angry?

Based on his understanding of Mr. Ren, he was really angry, not pretending.

What's going on? Tang Youlong was a little confused.

Especially those two words.


Was it flattery or the truth?

Tang Youlong didn't know.

Mr. Ren looked at Chu Yuan and smiled.

""Mr. Chu, let's go. I'll introduce Huawei's products to you."

Chu Yuan nodded:"Okay."

The group walked towards the depths of Huawei Research Institute.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were stunned.

"Oh my God, is President Huawei accompanying him personally?"

"What is Grandpa Chu's identity? How could he deserve such a"

"Yeah, it's incredible."

"Not only did he call Grandpa Chu"Old Chu", he also said that Grandpa Chu was here to inspect. The meaning behind this is a bit difficult to understand!"

"It is indeed a bit hard to figure out. Anyway, I just feel that Grandpa Chu is not simple. His identity and background must be terrifying."

"That's right, I think so too."

Mr. Ren led Chu Yuan in front.

"Mr. Chu, you have taught a good student!"

Chu Yuan:"This is the result of his own efforts, it has nothing to do with me."

Mr. Ren:"Primary education is basic education, it is very important, I think it is the most important stage in a person's life.……"

"Every time there is a major technological breakthrough, he will talk about you and say that he is grateful to a teacher, and that teacher is you."

Chu Yuan looked at Tang Youlong curiously:"Really?""

Tang Youlong said:"Of course it is true. I still remember your teachings to me back then."

Chu Yuan smiled with relief. It seems that his efforts back then were not in vain.

Mr. Ren continued:"For example, our Huawei's 5G technology is the difficulty that Youlong led the team to overcome."

"If there is no Youlong, there will be no 5G of Huawei."

When this was said, netizens were not calm

"Holy shit, 5G technology was conquered by Chief Tang and his team!"

"Really awesome."

Instantly, the live broadcast room started a gift-giving frenzy.

Porsches, Maseratis, and Carnivals were given away one after another, covering the entire phone screen.

Chu Yuan was surprised:"5G was invented by a dragon?"

"Good boy, you can do it!"

He gave a thumbs up to Tang Youlong.

Tang Youlong smiled modestly:"It's all the result of teamwork. Without the efforts of team members, 5G would not have been born."

Chu Yuan nodded appreciatively:"Not bad, not arrogant or impatient."

Mr. Ren continued:"Not only 5G, but 6G was also developed by Youlong."

This time, netizens were not calm again.

6G was also developed by Chief Tang?

My God, what kind of talent is this.

This is too awesome!

A large number of gifts were once again swiped in the live broadcast room.

Netizens sent barrages

"Awesome! (broken voice)"

"Awesome + awesome, awesome + 10086."

The phone screen was completely covered, and no image could be seen.

Chu Yuan was surprised again.

He stared deeply at Tang Youlong.

He patted his shoulder and said,"Youlong, you really give me one surprise after another!"

"You have overcome so many cutting-edge technologies. No wonder you can become the dean of the Academy of Engineering. It turns out that your strength is here!"

Chu Ling also stared at Tang Youlong with admiration on her face.

"Wow, Uncle Tang is so awesome!"

"From now on, you are my idol, I admire you so much."

As he said this, he hugged Tang Youlong's arm tightly.

His face was full of excitement and excitement, just like meeting his idol.

Then he thought of something.

"These were all solved by Uncle Tang, how come I didn’t know about them before!"

This question raised the doubts of many netizens.

Mr. Ren explained:"Because Youlong is our Huawei's high-end talent, we need to protect them in secret. Their identity information is considered top secret at Huawei, and no one knows it."


Many people don’t even know what they are researching.

"I see. I was wondering, why is there no news about this thing online?"

"That's how it is, it's protected"

"It does need protection. If it is discovered by foreign spies, it will be troublesome."

Chu Yuan nodded to show his understanding.

Mr. Ren continued,"Mr. Chu also knows that a certain big country is imposing a technological blockade on us, which is simply inhumane. It is our responsibility to hide the personal information of cutting-edge scientists so that they can do scientific research without worries."

"Especially in this chip incident, that big country did not give us the slightest chance to survive.……"

Chu Yuan also hated that big country with gnashing teeth.

His eyes were full of coldness.

"Don't worry, one day, I will settle this account with him clearly."

Mr. Ren nodded:"That's right"

"It's just a matter of time"

"This time, their suppression has aroused the fighting spirit of our scientists."

"Stimulating their potential, after a long period of hard work, more than a thousand days and nights"

"Youlong finally led our Huawei scientists to develop the Kirin chip, completely breaking their blockade……"

"This was a perfect comeback for Huawei, and it also gave them a slap in the face.……"

When the word Kirin chip was mentioned, the live broadcast room exploded.

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