It can be said that netizens were numb with shock.

It turned out that Tang was the chief developer of the Q9, and he said it was completely child's play.

If the car industry heard this, I don't know what they would think.

They must be cursing Tang Youlong in their hearts - a jerk.


A day passed quickly.

After visiting Huawei's headquarters, netizens were stunned by the luxury inside.

After all, Huawei is a top enterprise in Longguo, so luxury is not excessive.

Chu Yuan:"You have a dragon, I'm sorry to have delayed your day.""

"It's time for me to go too."

Tang Youlong was a little reluctant.

"Teacher, are you going to interview other students?"

Chu Yuan nodded:"Yes"

"You see, now my live broadcast room has 50,000 people."

"I first saw a live broadcast of a classmate blind box on the Internet, which gave me the idea of opening a student blind box. My original intention was to meet my students whom I hadn’t seen for fifty years."

"I hope to record it in the form of a video, which can also be regarded as a memory."

"I never thought that you would be my first student and achieve such great success."

"I am very pleased and proud to see you achieve such great success."

Tang Youlong said reluctantly:"Teacher Chu, you have been here for too short a time. I want to have a long talk with you."

Chu Yuan smiled and said:"Don't worry, we have plenty of time."

"Although I am old, I am still strong and will not die for the time being."

"After I interview fifty students, how about we have a big class reunion?"

"When the time comes, the teacher will treat us."

Tang Youlong was excited:"Okay, okay, okay, I look forward to that day."

He wanted to say something, but finally held back.

Let's give Teacher Chu a surprise!

Because none of his fifty students are simple.

Their achievements are no less than mine.

Netizens were very excited.

Finally meeting the next classmate?

So looking forward to it.

The first classmate is so awesome.

I wonder how awesome the second classmate will be. I'm really looking forward to it.


Back at the hotel.

Chu Yuan glanced at the live broadcast room.

60,000 people

"Wow, it seems this live broadcast is very popular!"

"Netizens, are you looking forward to the next student being revealed?"

Netizens were speaking frantically during the live broadcast.


"Looking forward to +10086!"

Countless speeches were made so fast that it was impossible to make out a single word.

Gifts were also given out like crazy.

Carnival was like free.

One after another, they were given out.

Chu Yuan frowned:"Xiaoling, what is this? Why is it blocking the video? Can it be removed?"

Chu Ling smiled and said:"This is Carnival, a gift from netizens to you."


Chu Yuan shook his head:"No, I'm just doing a live broadcast, not collecting money."

"Xiaoling, return all these things."

Chu Yuan nodded:"Okay, Grandpa."

Netizens were shocked

"Oh my god, this old man doesn't like money?"

"That's dozens of carnivals? You're just going to give it back? How generous!"

"It seems that Grandpa Chu is here purely for live streaming, not to make money (thumbs up)"

"No wonder he can teach such excellent students."

"Grandpa Chu is not short of money at all. A few dozen carnivals are nothing."

"That's right, you can tell from Grandpa Chu's temperament."

Chu Yuan looked at the five photos on the wall.

He covered his eyes and picked up the air gun.

""Bang!" hit a boy on the far right.

Turning over the photo, I saw the name - Qu Liangcai.

"Qu Liangcai?"

"I was also very impressed by this child"

"He is very calm and doesn't talk much, but he is very capable."

"I don't know how he is doing now."

Netizens looked at Qu Liangcai's photo

"Don't say, looking at the photo, he looks so righteous, like a high-ranking official."

"You know what, it's possible! I just don't know how high up the official is."

"I am looking forward to the secret."

This student is not in the same class as Tang Youlong.

He is one grade lower than Tang Youlong.

"Why don't you call Youlong and ask him?"

Then he called Youlong.

"Hey, there's a dragon!"

"Do you have any news about Qu Liangcai now?"

Tang Youlong hesitated and said,"Yes, I do, but he……"

Chu Yuan said:"What's the problem?"

"No problem. Let me ask him for you."

"OK, help me contact them."

After hanging up the phone,

Tang Youlong sat on the sofa, smiled and shook his head.

"Qu Liangcai? Haha, this guy"

"Let's call him first! If he knew that Teacher Chu was looking for him, he would be so happy."

"But I don’t know if his identity is suitable for live broadcasting, so I’ll ask first!"

Dial the phone

"Hello, Youlong, what a rare guest. How come you have time to call me today?"

"Haha, I have something to talk to you about, otherwise why would I talk to you?"

"I know you have something to do. If you don’t, how can you have time to contact me? Just tell me!"

"Teacher Chu is back"

"What Teacher Chu?"

"Chu Yuan, Teacher Chu"


The man was so shocked that he stood up from his chair.

"Are you saying that Teacher Chu Yuan from fifty years ago is back?"

"Where is he?"

Tang Youlong smiled:"Don't get excited, he just left me."

Then he introduced the matter of Chu Yuan's live broadcast.

He asked Qu Liangcai if it was inconvenient.

Qu Liangcai:"What's the inconvenience? No matter how high the official is, he can't see his teacher in public? Ridiculous."

Tang Youlong:"Aren't you afraid that this will affect your politics?"

"Don't worry, it won't have a big impact"

"I'm just a little curious. Teacher Chu actually started live streaming. He looks younger than us! It's quite interesting!"

"Although Mr. Chu is quite old, he is still in good health."

"That's good. Tell me, where is Teacher Chu? I'll rush over right away."

"No, Teacher Chu will come to you personally."


"I'll give him your phone number. He'll contact you later."



Chu Yuan got Qu Liangcai's phone number.


"It seems that Long is in constant contact with Liangcai!"

"I am the only old man who disappeared for fifty years, hahaha!"

(PS: Some people read it, but it feels like no one reads it, please give me some free data, woo woo)

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