He asked three times in a row where Teacher Chu was.

It was obvious how anxious this person was to see Teacher Chu.

Because this person was Qu Liangcai who had just returned from a meeting.

No, to be precise, his name was Qu Congzheng.

Xiao Zhao, Chu Yuan, and Chu Ling all looked over there.

Xiao Zhao was pleasantly surprised:"The leader is back."

He quickly walked over to greet him.


Qu Congzheng walked in and asked hurriedly,"Where is my teacher?"

Xiao Zhao said,"Inside."

Qu Congzheng walked in quickly.

He saw Chu Yuan at first glance and was stunned.

But it was only for a moment.

Qu Congzheng reacted.

"Teacher Chu."

His voice was choked with tears of excitement in his eyes.

Chu Yuan also whispered,"Little Qu." Qu

Congzheng nodded, walked over quickly, and grabbed Chu Yuan's hand.

The four hands were tightly clasped together.

No words were spoken for a long time.

Just like old friends who had not met for a long time.

They were also teachers and students who had not wanted to see each other for half a century.

The excitement was simply uncontrollable.

The people present watched this scene and sighed.

Fifty years of teachers and students finally met.

It was really rare.

Including the netizens in the live broadcast room, they all remained silent.

They were really moved by this kind of teacher-student friendship. The teacher-student friendship spanning half a century is too precious and too rare.

Looking at the two white-haired old men.

Hundreds of thousands of netizens were filled with emotion.

"Teacher, it's been fifty years."

"We haven't seen each other for fifty years."

Tears welled up in Qu Congzheng's eyes. This was the first time in all his years of work.

With his iron-blooded methods and vigorous and resolute work style, this kind of situation is almost unheard of at work.

Xiao Zhao's surprise could be seen in his eyes.

Chu Yuan said:"Yes, it's been fifty years. I'm old now, and now half of my foot is in the coffin."

Qu Congzheng said:"Teacher, you are not old yet, you are still strong, you are eighty years old this year!"

Chu Yuan nodded:"Yes, eighty"

"Time flies so fast, fifty years have passed in a flash"

"Look at you, your hair has turned a lot whiter."

Qu Congzheng said with a smile:"It doesn't matter if it turns white."

"Yesterday, Youlong called me and said that Teacher Chu was back. I thought he was joking with me until he sent me a photo. Then I was sure it was true."

"To be honest, after I turned fifty, I really didn’t think that we would have the chance to meet again as teacher and student. After all, so many years have passed.

Chu Yuan said,"Everyone is busy with work."

"I just happened to be free during this period, so I had time to contact you."

Qu Congzheng:"I went back to my hometown to look for you, but there was no news about you. I also tried to find out about you, but I couldn't find any news."

"Other students have also tried to find out about you, but there is no news.

Chu Yuan shook his head:"Forget it, let's not talk about such a sad topic."

Qu Congzheng nodded repeatedly.

"Right, right, let’s not talk about this anymore. Teacher Chu is here today, and I must have a good chat with you."

Chu Yuan suddenly asked,"Xiao Qu, I have a question for you."

"You say"

"Will my live broadcast here affect you?"

"No problem, this is not illegal, and there is no secret, just broadcast it."

"That's good. Youlong hesitated at first. I thought it would affect you."

"It's okay, that guy is too cautious."

Qu Congzheng then looked at Chu Ling

"Who is this?"

"Hello, Uncle Qu."

Chu Ling hurriedly greeted him.

Qu Congzheng nodded:"Hello, girl!"

Chu Yuan said:"She is my granddaughter Chu Ling."

Qu Congzheng nodded:"So that's how it is, she is so pretty."

Chu Ling blushed at the compliment.

Although Qu Congzheng is nearly sixty years old.

But the years have left vicissitudes, sophistication, and wisdom on his face. He is still so handsome, as handsome as when he was young.

This is the beauty of an old man. If he enters the entertainment industry, he will be a harvester of middle-aged women.

I am afraid that many young girls can't escape his palm.

Qu Congzheng is completely a beautiful man.

"Come on, Teacher Chu, I'll show you around."

Xiao Zhao came over.

"Leader, I have already taken Mr. Chu around here."

Qu Congzheng nodded:"Okay."

Qu Congzheng took Chu Yuan and the other person to another room.

There was also a whole wall of photos.

Qu Congzheng smiled and said:"Teacher, look, these are my achievements over the years."

""Political achievements?"

Chu Yuan was stunned.

What can be called political achievements? Perhaps only officials can achieve them.

Could it be that Qu Liangcai is an official?

Netizens in the live broadcast room were also attracted by Qu Congzheng's words.

These two words can probably determine Qu Congzheng's identity.

Before Chu Yuan asked, Qu Congzheng pointed to a photo.

The photo was of a beautiful lake, surrounded by wide roads, trees, and greenery. There were several intersecting wooden bridges on the lake.

This is a beautiful park, an inner city park, and it has become the iconic lake of that city.

It has also become the best place for local people to relax and have fun.

"Teacher Chu, look, this is the Yuelong Lake I planned."

Chu Yuan was stunned.


It seems that Qu Congzheng is really an official.

The netizens in the live broadcast room also noticed from this word.

Qu Liangcai is an official.

And not just an ordinary official.

The netizens were all shocked by Qu Liangcai's identity. They began to discuss in the live broadcast room.

"Holy shit, Qu Liangcai is actually an official? How is this possible!"

"Yes, I am a little confused. Isn't he an entrepreneur or a wealthy man? How can he suddenly become an official?"

"I also find it strange. Little Brother Ma, Big Brother Ma, and Belt Brother are all his younger brothers. How could he be an official? What is going on?"

"Still living in such a big house���This house alone is worth nearly 100 million yuan. How can an official afford it?"

"Yeah, I find it strange too, can someone explain it to me?"

One netizen suddenly said

"If he is an official, there is only one possibility that he can afford to live in such a luxurious house."

The netizen was puzzled:"What possibility?"

The netizen said:"A high-ranking official at the level of a provincial governor."

As soon as this was said, the entire live broadcast room exploded instantly.

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