The moment Chu Yuan picked Liang Xiaoru.

A middle-aged woman who was drinking tea in the office and watching the live broadcast suddenly shuddered.

This person was one of Chu Yuan's students - Liang Xiaoru.

She stood up suddenly, spilling tea all over the floor, but she didn't care.

Her eyes suddenly widened and stared at the live broadcast room, full of excitement.

"It’s finally my turn?"

"I was finally picked? Ah, I'm so excited"

"Teacher Chu, we are finally going to meet. I have waited for this day for fifty years.

Liang Xiaoru was so excited that her hands were shaking.

She could not help but

"Fifty years have passed, Mr. Chu, I can finally see you."

"Do you know how much I missed you these years?"

"Back then, you treated me like your own child."

"I have never repaid you for this kindness."

Liang Xiaoru couldn't help but shed tears, tears of excitement.

After a long time, she finally reacted. She took out her phone and looked at her face.

"No, I need to dress up."

I immediately called

"I'm going out for a while……"

Soon, a male driver drove the car over.

Liang Xiaoru got in.

"Go to Wanda Shopping Center"


The driver was a little surprised.

How could a strong woman who has always been a workaholic go to a barber shop?

In his impression, this was Liang Xiaoru's first time to go to the mall!

What happened today? It was really strange.

Liang Xiaoru, who was sitting in the car, showed off in the Shangang Primary School group

"Dear students, I'm sorry, Teacher Chu picked me."

"I want to see Teacher Chu first! You guys just keep waiting!"

This is a naked show-off, yes, naked.

In the Shangang Primary School group, a group of students rolled their eyes.



"You are the fourth person to meet Teacher Chu."

A group of classmates spoke in a sour tone, Liang Xiaoru smiled triumphantly.

She said she didn't care about their sourness, anyway, she would feel a sense of accomplishment if she could meet Teacher Chu first.

It can be said that every time Chu Yuan opened a blind box, the students in this group were extremely nervous.

Because they all wanted to meet Teacher Chu as soon as possible.

But they couldn't control this.

If they could buy it with money, they would probably offer a sky-high price.

Like Buffett's multi-million lunch.

That's not worth mentioning at all. Her classmates must offer prices in billions.

Hundreds of billions, hundreds of billions are not a problem, as long as they can have a meal with Teacher Chu.

Unfortunately, Teacher Chu didn't do that.

Liang Xiaoru seemed a little nervous, after all, she was about to meet the mentor she admired all her life.

He was @Zhao Dahu

"Dahu, you just met the teacher. Is there anything I should pay attention to?"

Zhao Dahu:"No, just meet normally. Teacher Chu hasn't changed at all."

Liang Xiaoru:"Is that so? I'm relieved. However, I have to dress up first. After all, I look very different now. I am no longer the same as I was when I was a child."

"Time makes people grow old! Fifty years have passed in a flash, and I am old now. When Teacher Chu passed away, I was only ten years old. Now I am sixty years old."

"I hope that when Mr. Chu sees me later, he won't be too surprised."

Zhao Dahu:"Don't worry, Mr. Chu has a good memory."

"I must remember you, you are the most beautiful girl in our class, the teacher treated you better than us."

Liang Xiaoru made a proud expression:"Of course, I am the only girl in the class, and so beautiful." Zhao

Dahu gave a thumbs up:"You are really boasting, Xiaoru, I admire you"

"By the way, there is one thing you need to pay attention to, that is security issues"

"Some netizens want to attack Teacher Chu, you should have seen it too"

"Even if Lao Wang takes action, you should still be careful to prevent any accidents."

Liang Xiaoru nodded:"I understand."

Then her eyes flashed

"If anyone dares to touch Teacher Chu, I will fight him to death."

Lao Wang:"Don't worry, no one can touch Teacher Chu when I am here."

"Even if an American agent comes, I will make sure he never returns."

Liang Xiaoru:"Brother Wang, you are still great, still so domineering"

"I admire you so much!"

He sent an ambiguous expression with a wink.

Lao Wang:"Forget it, you'd better stop admiring me, I can't bear it."

Liang Xiaoru was puzzled:"Why?"

Lao Wang:"You don't know what you did?"

Liang Xiaoru smiled:"Then let's talk about that. Don't worry, I won't cheat my classmates." Lao Wang stopped talking.

No one in the whole class group continued to talk.

Everyone seemed a little afraid of Liang Xiaoru.



Chu Yuan called.

Of course, this call was also from Zhao Dahu.

Liang Xiaoru was very excited when she saw the phone number.

After looking at it for a few seconds, she immediately answered the phone.

"Hello, Teacher Chuchu?"

""Xiaoru, long time no see."

Chu Yuan's way of greeting was a little special.

It was a little different from greeting other male classmates.

Liang Xiaoru's voice was choked with sobs:"Teacher, long time no see"

"This is a long time, no one would have thought it would be fifty years."

Chu Yuan said with a smile:"There is no way, we are all helpless, please forgive me."

"You girl, are you crying again?"

"You haven't changed this bad habit at all!"

Liang Xiaoru:"Teacher, no, I'm not crying."

The conversation behind the car made the driver lose control and almost hit the curb.

Liang Xiaoru was startled and looked at the driver in front fiercely.

The driver was almost scared to death. She quickly apologized:"I'm sorry, sorry, sorry."

Cold sweat ran down her forehead.

If she hadn't been on the phone with Teacher Chu, Liang Xiaoru would probably have lost her temper at this time.

In the end held back.

The driver let out a long sigh.

He was really scared just now.

Liang Xiaoru actually had this side, which simply broke his worldview.

He had never seen Liang Xiaoru like this.

Even when he met a senior leader who was more senior than her.

She had never had such a tone, expression, and demeanor.

The one in front of him was a strong woman!

More manly than a man.

When did she have such a side?

It was really shocking and unbelievable.

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