Chu Yuan and Chu Ling's taxi was in front.

The car following them was behind.

"Boss, when do we start?"

The younger brothers below were eager to try. There was 50 million in front of them!

How could they not be excited when there was such a huge sum of money ?

"Wait, wait until we reach the no-man's land ahead"

"When the time comes, Aliang, you go to the front and pretend that the car has an accident, and stop the car over there."

"Aaron, you disguise yourself here and stop the car over here."

"We'll stop the car in front."


The younger brothers said in unison:"Understood."

The boss nodded:"Okay, when the time comes, I will give the order and we will act."


Everyone nodded in unison, their eyes full of determination.

Not only them.

At this time, the same scene happened in another car.

There were three or five strong men sitting on it, and their eyes were also fixed on Chu Yuan's car.

"A walking hundred million, hehehe……"

"Brother Qiang, are you saying that someone offered 100 million?"

"That's right, I don't know which big guy paid for it, it doesn't matter, as long as I get the money���"Okay."

The men below were so excited that they were trembling all over.

"Oh my goodness, 100 million, if it succeeds, can't we just retire?"

Another person wiped his saliva.

"That's right, that way I can give gifts to my goddess."

The boss slapped him hard.

"Damn, you've been bewitched by that vixen! Still thinking about giving her gifts"

"I'm telling you, that bitch is a gold digger. You can't sleep with her even if you give her a tip. She's very cunning."

The little brother was beaten dizzy by the boss, lowered his head, and looked very aggrieved.

"Boss, yes, I really like him."

Boss:"Like him, right? I'll take you to a place in a few days to show you what heaven on earth is like. If you have money, you can get any woman."


The younger brother stared at the boss.

"Don't worry about where you are, just finish this order first."


This car was also following Chu Yuan's car.

There were even several more cars behind, all with the same purpose.

It can be said that there was not enough wolf meat!

There were so many wolves, but there was only one piece of meat in front of them.

If they were to fight for it, wouldn't it be a life-and-death fight?

I'm afraid this won't go so smoothly!

At this moment, a sharp-eyed younger brother discovered this abnormality.

"Boss, this is not good, look."

The boss looked over immediately and saw that many cars were following the car in front.

Instantly, the boss's eyes became gloomy.

"Damn, so many prey?"

"Damn, how could there be so many people!"

The younger brother was nervous, that was 50 million! If it was lost, it would be more painful than killing him.

The boss was silent for a moment:"Wait for the right opportunity."

Not only the people in this car noticed something unusual.

Other vehicles also noticed something unusual.

"Damn, how could this happen?"

"I thought it would be easy, but I didn't expect there would be such fierce competition."

The younger brother behind him looked fierce and said,"Boss, kill them."

"If anyone competes with us, I will fight them to death."

"Anyway, we must get this money."

The boss looked at the younger brother in surprise.

"You've changed a lot, kid."

"Okay, it's settled. We'll try our best to catch him."

The younger brother below nodded seriously:"Yes."

In a room, a man was smoking a cigar and watching the scene in front of the video.

The cigar was slowly exhaled, and the whole room was filled with smoke.

Behind him stood several black-clad bodyguards.

The middle-aged man with a slicked-back hair had a sneer on his face.

"A bunch of rabble dared to touch my teacher Chu, they are really tired of living."

A man in black behind him said:"Luo Shou, what should we do now?"

"Do you want all of them?"

After saying that, he made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Luo Shou shook his head:"No, my squad leader said that we can't make things bigger, otherwise it will be difficult to end."

The man in black said:"Then what should we do?"

Luo Shou said slowly:"Let them kill each other."

The man in black nodded:"Okay"

"I will have them control their vehicles and make them collide with each other. When they see each other, they will be extremely jealous and will fight to the death.

Luo Shou nodded:"Okay, let's do it this way."

"Remember, don't hurt Teacher Chu."

The man in black nodded:"Yes, Luo Shou."

The man in black retreated and prepared to act.

Luo Shou stared at the cars on the video.

These were the vehicles that followed Chu Yuan, at least three or four groups of people.

These people were basically desperate criminals.

For money, they could do anything.

This time, no one knew who their financial backers were.

However, it didn't matter. Luo Shou was investigating, and once the investigation was found out.

These people, prepare to reincarnate!

"Some people are just not afraid of death."

"Are they ignorant or fearless?"

Luo Shou shook his head, expressing helplessness.

He didn't want to see blood, but sometimes there was no other way!

Blood must be shed to stop some things.

On the other side.

Big Bage, Little Ma, Little Huanghuang, Little Lizi and others received a document.

It was Luo Shou who gave it to them.

It means, don't think about Chu Yuan, this is a warning letter.

Not only them, but many wealthy people on the mainland have received this document.

When they received this document.

Their faces changed drastically.

This is a special document, and only the upper class people know about it.

Only the upper class people know about such an extremely terrifying organization.

Even if they are worth hundreds of billions, in the eyes of this organization, they are just small ants.

Ant-like existence.

It's so terrifying.

Big Bage, Little Ma, Little Huanghuang, Little Lizi and others were shocked.

Sitting back in their original seats, they murmured:"Who is this old Chu? He actually has the protection of Luo Shou"

"Is his background so powerful? This is terrifying."

"Fortunately, I did not take action, otherwise, the trillion-dollar building would be destroyed by my hands. Just thinking about it makes my back cold."

Some people also think so

"Could this be the person that Luo Shou had his eyes on? Did he want to have a piece of the pie, too?"

"No, he wants to occupy"

"It can be seen that Luo Shou is interested in that magical thinking mode."

"Since Luo Shou has spoken, I can’t touch this matter."

(PS: In the new month, please ask for data. Thank you. Give the little author some motivation!)

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