
Chu Yuan just opened his mouth after answering the phone.

An extremely excited voice came from the other end.

"Teacher Chu Chu Chu?"

Because of excitement, the person over there seemed a little incoherent.

Chu Yuan smiled and said,"Yes, I am Chu Yuan, you are You Long, right!"

Tang You Long seemed even more excited, and his words were choked with sobs.

"I, I, I am Tang Youlong."

Just like that, the other side seemed to be silent.

Chu Yuan didn't know what was going on.

After several seconds of silence, Tang Youlong finally spoke.

"Sorry, Mr. Chu, I'm a little excited and my mind is a little blank."

"Let me take a break and calm down."

Chu Yuan smiled and said,"Okay, it's okay."

Chu Yuan was also filled with emotion.

Fifty years ago, the students could not have imagined that the first phone call fifty years later would be like this.

No one could have imagined it.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were amazed by this.

"what happened?"

"What's going on with Tang Youlong?"

"Why are you silent? Are you really that excited to hear Grandpa Chu’s voice?"

"I am very curious about the status of Grandpa Chu in Tang Youlong's mind. What did Grandpa Chu teach him that made him remember it for fifty years?"

"I am also very curious about what kind of teacher can be remembered by students for fifty years and still be respected so much."

"I have almost forgotten my teachers during my school years."

"Me too."

A minute passed.

Tang Youlong finally spoke.

"Teacher Chu, just ten minutes ago, my aunt called and said you were back home. I thought she was joking with me."

"I didn't expect it to be true"

"Teacher, it has been fifty years. We haven’t seen each other for fifty years. In half a century, my temples have turned white. I never thought that I would still hear from you in my lifetime. I am so excited. I really missed you all these years!"

Chu Yuan sighed:"Teacher misses you too!"

"I was busy with work before, but now I finally have some free time to come and see you guys!"

Tang Youlong:"Teacher, I will go back now, please wait for me at home."

After saying that, he quickly stood up and prepared to go back.

Chu Yuan hurriedly stopped him:"Wait a minute!""

"Teacher, what's wrong?"

Chu Yuan:"I'll go find you, you tell me the address."

Tang Youlong refused:"How can you let the teacher find me? You are so old, it's not convenient, I'll go find you."

Chu Yuan:"It's like this……"

He explained that he was live streaming or something.

Tang Youlong nodded:"So that's how it is! It's just my identity."

Chu Yuan:"Is there anything inconvenient?"

Tang Youlong:"Nothing inconvenient, then teacher, thank you for your hard work, I'll wait for you here"

"Address: No. 157, Donglin Pioneer Park, Shenzhen Bay Area"

"OK, I'll leave now."

The netizen in the live broadcast room looked at the address and immediately checked it.

He was stunned.

"Damn, this is actually a technology startup park"

"This Tang Youlong is not simple! It is definitely not as simple as repairing TVs and electric fans."

"Wait, No. 157, Donglin Entrepreneurship Park? Damn, this is actually the R&D center of Huawei Company"

"What? Huawei's R&D center? He is actually a R&D staff member of Huawei? Oh my god!"

"What age is he now? About 60, maybe? He is still working in the R&D center of Huawei Company at the age of 60. It is amazing."

"No wonder his aunt said that Tang Youlong was doing well. It turned out that he was working in R&D at Huawei Company, and he might even be a small leader. He was indeed doing well. His annual salary should be at least several million!"

"This student is awesome, earning millions a year, he is indeed a top student who graduated from a 985 university."

Some netizens were more careful.

They found something in Tang Youlong's tone.

"Did you notice Tang Youlong's words, 'It's just my identity’"

Netizen A:"What's the problem?"

Netizen B:"This sentence shows that Tang Youlong's work or identity is not suitable for exposure."

Netizen C:"So you mean that Tang Youlong's work needs to be kept confidential?"

Netizen S:"It's possible, but Huawei's R&D department does keep the identities of its staff confidential, which is normal."

Netizen A:"I just don't know what he is developing."

On the other side.

Chu Yuan and Chu Ling are on their way to Shenzhen.

On the way, Chu Ling looks at Chu Yuan.

"Grandpa, some netizens said that Tang Youlong might work in the R&D department of Huawei Company.

Chu Yuan nodded:"Huawei Company, I know it, China is great, it is a national enterprise."

"Let's go check it out first!"

Huawei R&D Center.

Tang Youlong sat on the sofa.

He recalled the scenes of Teacher Chu's class.

"The three great thoughts are truly the greatest thoughts in the world"

"Did Teacher Chu come up with this set of thinking himself, or did someone else come up with it?"

This was Tang Youlong's doubt.

Because over the years, he has been using this set of thinking patterns, and this set of thinking patterns has helped him solve too many problems.

Whenever he encountered a problem that he couldn't solve, he would use this set of patterns, and then the problem would be solved.

It can be said that this is the most powerful thinking pattern he has ever seen in the world.

Back then, Teacher Chu passed this set of thinking patterns to their fifty students.

Those fifty students were all admitted to university.

The key is that the identities of those fifty students are now more terrifying than each other.

If those fifty people get together and shake their feet casually, I'm afraid the whole world will shake.

It's that terrifying.

For example, he is now the chief scientist of Huawei Company.

He led the research on Huawei chip technology, broke the US blockade, and produced the Kirin chip.

All of this is the result of Tang Youlong's research.

It can be said that if there was no Tang Youlong, there would be no���Huawei Chip.

His status in Huawei is equivalent to that of Mr. Ren, respected by thousands of people.


Xiao Li, I want to take a few days off to relax.

"What? Dean? You want to rest?"

Tang Youlong looked at him:"Why, can't you?"

The assistant shook his head quickly:"No, no, no, no, I'm just surprised that the dean would also rest."

Tang Youlong thought about it and it seemed so.

Over the years, he has been committed to the research of Kirin chips and has no time to rest.

Chu Yuan let out a long breath.

"My mission is accomplished."

"It's time to take a good rest. As for my identity, there is no need to hide it any longer."

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