"Damn, this girl is amazing"

"This kind of thinking, this kind of brain, this IQ must be at least 180!"

"I never thought that he would ask such a question and say such a thing."

"Suddenly I realized that there is a big gap between my brain and this little girl's. This little girl is amazing!"

"It's really incredible. Just that kind of thinking is very extraordinary. I couldn't react. She would think like that."

"I didn't expect it, until she finally expressed her intentions, I realized how smart she was."

"It's really amazing!"

Hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room were shocked by the girl's thinking.

Of course, the girl couldn't see all this.

Chu Yuan was grabbed by the girl's arm, looking at her excited face. He really felt a little confused.

Let him teach her to be a scumbag? It's a pity that she thought of that.

He just wanted to scare the girl. How could he have the experience of being a scumbag!

Even though Chu Yuan had experienced many ups and downs, he felt helpless in the face of such a thing.

He shook his head and said,"It's not that easy to learn a scumbag."

"What's more, this kind of thing needs to be experienced slowly by oneself, and it can't be taught."

Chu Yuan could only fool her like this to see if he could pass.

But the little girl was very capable.

She looked unbelieving:"Impossible, there is nothing in the world that can't be taught"

"You just won't teach me, you won't teach me, do you want to watch the flowers of the motherland being destroyed by scumbags?"

Chu Yuan suddenly felt that this little girl was not easy to deal with.

So he said:"No, my stuff is really hard to teach"

"Then can you explain some special cases and tell us how the scumbag cheated the women?"

"I have a strong ability to comprehend things, and I can learn them as soon as I learn them."

Chu Yuan opened his mouth wide:"Ah, this……"

He felt that if he didn't teach this girl today, he would not be able to pass this level.

What a difficult master!

Chu Yuan looked at the live broadcast room and asked for help from the netizens in the live broadcast room.

In fact, she really doesn't know how to do this thing!

""Netizens, the old man is in trouble and needs your help."

Chu Yuan looked helpless and spoke to the netizens in the live broadcast room.

The little girl was stunned and looked at the live broadcast room.

She was shocked:"What? You, you, you are actually broadcasting live?"

She remembered the photo she had just shown Chu Yuan.

Her face changed drastically and became very ugly.

"It's over."

Then his face turned pale

"I'm going to be killed by you this time, woooooooooooooooooooo"

"Didn't I say not to tell anyone? You, you, you actually live streamed it"

""Wow! ~ I'm crying so hard."

The little girl's tears flowed down.

There was no sense of pretense at all.

The tears came as soon as they came.

All the netizens in the live broadcast room were amused by the little girl's cuteness.

"Hahahaha... I'm dying of laughter"

"This little girl is so cute!"

"You see, she really cried, tears were streaming down her cheeks, she looked so sad."

"She didn't even know that Mr. Chu was broadcasting live, which made her look a little silly! It was so conspicuous, but she couldn't see it?"

"Is it true that the smarter people are, the more silly they are? That should be the case."

Then the little girl seemed to have thought of something.

She leaned over and said,"Let me see how many people know about this."

When she looked closely, there were 500,000 people.

The little girl cried loudly.


I cried so hard that I almost died

"I was so miserable. Aunt Liang wanted to beat me to death. People all over the country saw it."

"What should I do? I’m going to be beaten to death by Aunt Liang. What should I do? I don’t want to die!"

""Wow~ I'm still young, I haven't been in love yet, and I haven't met such a handsome teacher yet!"

She looked at Chu Yuan's photo on her phone and burst into tears.

Chu Yuan was amused by her.

Shaking his head:"Don't worry, your Aunt Liang won't blame you"

"Impossible, she will definitely do that, because I exposed her secret."

Chu Yuan said firmly:"I can assure you that she will never blame you. If she blames you, just say that I wanted to see it."

The little girl suddenly had an idea and immediately stopped crying.

"You're her teacher, so this is possible."

"I just don’t know your position in Aunt Liang’s heart. If you were an ordinary teacher, you wouldn’t be able to protect me. Woo woo woo~"

Chu Yuan patted her shoulder confidently.

"Little girl, I hold a very high position in your aunt Liang's heart. Don't worry, nothing will happen."

"I promise you."

The girl stared at Chu Yuan:"Really?"

Chu Yuan swore:"Of course."

Then he said:"But you have to tell me the story about Aunt Liang."

The girl wiped away her tears:"You also have to teach me how to identify a scumbag."

Chu Yuan was stunned.

At this time, she was still thinking about scumbags.

My God, what is this girl thinking in her head? It's incredible.

Hundreds of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room completely fell in love with this girl.

They all expressed their willingness to offer suggestions.

"Hahaha... little girl, I'm a veteran in the love field, let me teach you a few tricks"

"Hahahaha… I’m a top-notch playboy. Come on, let me teach you a few ways to identify a scumbag."

"Girl, look here. I have dated more than a hundred girlfriends, so I am the most qualified to teach you how to identify a scumbag."

"I am the most affectionate person in Jiangnan. I have dated at least 200 girlfriends, if not 300. I will teach you how to be a scumbag. I hope you can learn more from it."

"Little sister, please accept me as your master, I am willing to teach you everything I know."

The netizens in the live broadcast room liked this little girl very much.

They all expressed their willingness to accept this female disciple.���This is actually the simplest thing.

The man knows it very well and is very familiar with it. It is so familiar that it cannot be more familiar. The girl was excited when she saw the netizens in the live broadcast room were so enthusiastic.

"Wow, that's amazing."

"He has dated more than a hundred girlfriends. He must be a scumbag. A scumbag."

"Oh my god, you've dated 300 girlfriends? How did you manage to stay so busy? That's incredible!"

"Seniors, you are all my seniors, you are all so awesome."

"Dear seniors, please teach me some of your unique skills!"

"I would like to express my gratitude here."

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