Chapter 58: The big guys gathered, all of them are the top big guys in Dragon Country

"What's wrong?"

Chu Yuan looked at the middle-aged lady, who looked to be in her fifties.

The girl whispered,"My mother is here~"

"Your mother? Then what are you afraid of?"

Chu Yuan was puzzled. Afraid of his own mother? Aren't little girls the little treasures of their mothers?

The little girl sighed helplessly:"It's complicated, it's a long story."

Then she saw the woman's eyes looking at her.

She looked majestic.


The little girl stuck out her tongue, stood up, and whispered,"Mom."

The middle-aged woman said sternly,"Who told you to run away?"

"She even sneaked out to attend Aunt Liang's birthday party. Are you done with your work?"

It turned out that the little girl's nickname was Momo.

Momo lowered her head and said,"I just wanted to come and see Aunt Liang."


Look , you have to get my permission too.


Momo lowered her head, not daring to talk back.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were stunned by the middle-aged woman's powerful aura.

For a moment, no one could react.

"Damn, this woman looks amazing."

"Yeah, she looks like a bitch."

"But let's be honest, she is dressed like a rich person. I took a quick look and found that her outfit alone is worth at least 500,000 yuan, and the bag alone is worth 400,000 yuan."

This netizen is an expert and can tell the value of a middle-aged woman's outfit at a glance.

His words shocked the netizens in the live broadcast room.

"Oh my goodness, rich people"

"This lady is really rich. I can't understand the life of rich people."

"A bag is enough for my entire income for several years, even if I don't eat or drink."

"A lady is a lady. It's good to be rich. It seems that this little girl is also from a wealthy family, but she doesn't have that high-handed feeling. I like this little Momo very much."

"That's right, we all like her. This little girl is really good. Although her family is rich, she is not pretentious, arrogant, and extravagant. She is really a good girl."

The netizens in the live broadcast room were all praising Momo.

The lady came over and glanced at Chu Yuan.

She thought he was the one who wrote the congratulatory list.

Of course, Chu Yuan was indeed the one who wrote the congratulatory list, but he was helping Momo.

The lady said,"Please write it for me, the wife of the president of Jiaotong University, Yuan Ziwei."

She took out a gift and put it on the table.

Then she glanced at Momo.

"Come with me."

Momo nodded and followed the lady in.

She turned back and whispered to Chu Yuan:"Don't forget our agreement."

Chu Yuan smiled and nodded:"Don't worry, it won't happen."

Little Momo followed the lady in.

Chu Yuan and Chu Ling were left alone.

Both of them were confused.

They were also here to attend the birthday party, how could they become the ones writing the congratulatory list?

What a coincidence!

At the same time, the netizens in the live broadcast room were really surprised.

They were startled by the lady just now.

"The wife of the president of Jiaotong University?"

"That is one of the top ten universities in the capital. She also came to the birthday party. It can be seen that Liang Xiaoru is indeed not simple. I am more and more curious about her current position."

"I am also curious, for such an amazing person, her position must be very impressive!"

"That’s right, the president of the Imperial Capital’s divine school, the president of a 211 university, these things happened who knows how many years ago"

"Her current position is probably higher than this. What position will it be?"

Netizens are a little confused. It's not that they can't guess, but they dare not guess.

Because there are many positions above the university president.

She can join a state-owned enterprise, go into politics, or continue to serve as the president of a university.

Maybe the secretary position of a large group is possible.

In short, there are countless possibilities.

Chu Ling on the side also said:"Grandpa, the person just now is the wife of the president of a famous university."

Chu Yuan nodded:"Yes, all the people who came this time are dignitaries." (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"You can tell by the cars outside."

The cars outside are basically luxury cars, just like business tycoons attending some kind of forum.

Then, a group of luxury cars appeared.

"Grandpa, look, there are another group of luxury cars coming.

Chu Yuan looked and saw a group of luxury cars appearing.[]

After getting off the bus, all of them were middle-aged and elderly men and women in suits.

They walked over here and announced their names.

Each one was more shocking than the other.

"Chairman of Donghong Group……"

"Secretary of Helong Group……"

"General Manager of Dayou Group Didu Branch Co., Ltd.……"

"Chairman of the Cigarette Capital Branch……"

Groups of big men came one after another.

They were all big men.

Chu Yuan was shocked, and Chu Ling opened her mouth in shock.

Her mind was buzzing, and her scalp was numb!

These were the big men among the big men! They were basically the big men of state-owned enterprises, and they were leaders of monopoly state-owned enterprises.

Oh my god, Chu Ling was really shocked.


"Why are there so many big leaders?"

"Are they all here to attend Aunt Liang’s birthday party?"

"What position does Aunt Liang hold to have such great power? Horrible."

It wasn't just Chu Ling who was shocked.

Hundreds of thousands of people in the entire live broadcast room were shocked, and the barrage of comments exploded.

Countless"wow"s flew all over the sky.

"I'm super, I'm super, I'm super"

"Chairman of Donghong Group, my god, what kind of person is this? A state-owned enterprise worth hundreds of billions! He also came to Liang Xiaoru's birthday party? Oh my god, I was shocked."

"Who is that? The secretary of Helong Group? Another big boss of a 100 billion group. My god, it's too scary. Too scary."

"And the general manager of the Capital Branch of the Oil Group? This... I was so scared that my tongue was tied. The general manager of the Oil Group, or the head office, I was stunned."

"The last one is even more terrifying. The chairman of the Modu branch of the cigarette company is a giant. The chairman came to Liang Xiaoru's birthday party. My God, how powerful is she?"

"It’s terrifying just thinking about it, this kind of person is at least a big shot!"

"That's right, at least it's like this, otherwise the chairman of Modu Cigarettes is here, who can match this specification, only the big boss can match it"

"Liang Xiaoru is really a god-like existence, so amazing, I am more and more curious about her identity"

"I'm also very curious, please reveal the secret quickly, I can't wait any longer."

Chu Ling looked at Chu Yuan

"Grandpa, what do you think about this?"

Chu Yuan smiled faintly:"What's there to see?"

"This Xiaoru is probably more powerful than Youlong, Liangcai and Dahu!"

"But then again, this girl was better than Liangcai, Dahu and others back then."

"This girl is not simple!"

Chu Ling thought about it, more powerful than Uncle Tang, Uncle Qu, and Uncle Zhao?

What position would that be? My God, it's too amazing.

Chu Ling felt incredible.


Another large group of private enterprise chairmen came. Like

Da Ma Ge, Xiao Ma Ge, Xiao Huang Huang, Xiao Li Zi and others came.

The moment they saw Chu Yuan, they were stunned.

: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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