
Han Donglai's blindfold was taken off.

Han Donglai opened his eyes and saw the old man in the front.

Han Donglai was not panicked and looked directly at the old man.

"Who are you?"

The old man took a puff of his cigar and slowly exhaled.

The whole secret room was filled with smoke, just like the palace of Hades in hell.

He slowly said:"Master Han, you surprised me."

Han Donglai asked:"What surprised me?"

The old man:"I am surprised that you are not panicked at all in this situation."

"If it were an ordinary scholar, he would have been so scared that he would have knelt down and begged for mercy."

"But you are different."

Han Donglai:"Will it be useful if I kneel down and beg you?"

The old man smiled and shook his head:"Of course it's useless"

"That's it. Since begging for mercy is useless, why should I kneel?"

The old man admired Han Donglai even more.

"So I admire you, you are a scholar with backbone."

Han Donglai didn't want to waste time talking to him.

He said directly:"Just tell me, why did you arrest me?"

The old man smiled and said:"You are so smart, you can���A guess."

Han Donglai smiled and said,"It's nothing more than hybrid rice."

The old man gave Han Donglai a thumbs up.

"Master Han, you are really smart. You are worthy of being a scientist who can develop a hybrid rice with an output of 2,500 kilograms per mu."

"To tell you the truth, I am attracted by your knowledge. If we can cooperate, I think……"

Before the old man finished speaking, he was interrupted by Han Donglai.

"No, I can't give you what you want."

The old man leaned forward and said,"Master Han, do you know the value of your research results?"

Han Donglai nodded,"I know."

The old man said,"Then you are not tempted? That is a research result that surpasses Yuan Lao. If you hold this patent in your hands, you will have unlimited wealth."

"Even, I dare to guarantee that you can become one of the world's richest people, wouldn't you be tempted?"

Han Donglai shook his head:"I am not studying hybrid rice for money."

Hearing this, the old man laughed.


"Not for money? Is there anyone in the world who doesn't like money? I don't believe it."

"Are you afraid that I will take your share? Don't worry, I only need 30% and you can take 70%. How about that? We can sign an agreement."

"I, Li, will never go back on my word once it’s spoken."

Han Donglai said with a smile,"Do you really think that everyone in the world is like you, doing whatever it takes for money?"

"Take for example, if Mr. Yuan really wanted money, wouldn't he have become a billionaire long ago? But he didn't."

The old man frowned:"That's because he's stupid, and also because he didn't meet me. If he had met me, I would have helped him, and his life and the lives of his family would have been very comfortable."

Han Donglai laughed:"You said Mr. Yuan is stupid?"

Then he shook his head:"People with different ideals cannot work together." He stopped talking.

The old man frowned even deeper:"So what you mean is that you don't want to cooperate?"

Han Donglai didn't want to pay attention to him anymore.

There was a cold look in the old man's eyes.

"Master Han, I hope you won't refuse my toast and drink the wine instead."

"I tell you, my methods are horrible, most people really can't bear it."

"I hope you will just obey me, otherwise, you will suffer a lot of physical pain, which is not what I want to see."

"After all, you are a great scientist, and I respect you very much."

Han Donglai smiled.

He stared at the old man and said :

"Can I ask you a question?

The old man said,"

"Do you know Wang Qiankun?"

The old man was stunned for a moment, and said solemnly:"Do you know him?"


On the other side, with fifty big guys all out, mobilizing their own connections and resources, it took less than ten minutes to investigate.

"I checked it out." (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Donglai was captured by Li Laoguai, a local tyrant in Jiangbei area."

"Li Laoguai? Lao Wang, do you know him?"

Lao Wang gritted his teeth and said,"I know him, damned Li Laoguai, he will definitely die this time."

"This guy has always been dishonest. He used to work for me and often smuggled and sold drugs. In the end, I kicked him out."

"I didn't expect that he would dare to touch Donglai this time. He is really courting death."

"Don't worry, classmates, this guy won't see the sun tomorrow."

The classmates were relieved.

"Okay, Lao Wang, be careful."

They are very clear about Lao Wang's methods. They are also very relieved.

Lao Wang nodded:"Okay, I have locked the location of this guy."

"In less than half an hour, Donglai will come out safe and sound.

The students all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, Lao Wang."

Lao Wang:"No, it's my fault. I deserve this to happen on my territory."[]

"I hope Donglai won't blame me."

"No more talking, classmates, I'm going to kill the dog."

After saying that, he turned around and left the office with his people.



The man called Li is naturally Li Laoguai.

He stared at Han Donglai.

"Do you know Wang Qiankun?"

Han Donglai said,"I am his classmate."

Wang Laoguai didn't believe it and then burst into laughter.

"Classmate? Hahahaha, I'm dying of laughter"

"Does someone like Wang Qiankun have classmates? Even if he does, can he help you?"

"Hahahaha… I am dying of laughter. I don’t know who he is, Wang Qiankun? He is a profit-seeking guy."

"I used to work for him and I am very familiar with him. Classmate? Even if you are really his classmate, can he come to save you? You are kidding."

Han Donglai smiled and shook his head:"Whether you believe it or not is your business."

Li Laoguai frowned, thinking in his heart, is he really Wang Qiankun's classmate?

Impossible, he knows Wang Qiankun too well, it is impossible for him to have any classmates.

How can a man who is involved in the underworld have a friendship with such a scientist.

Impossible, even if Li Laoguai is beaten to death, he would not believe it.

The younger brother next to him said:"Boss, he can't have just heard of Wang Qiankun's name and used it to scare us!"

Li Laoguai nodded:"That's right"

"Based on my understanding of Wang Qiankun, he must be lying to me."

Then he said coldly,"Since you don't agree, let him suffer first."

""Let's do it."

The men below nodded:"Yes."

Just as they were about to do it, the door of the secret room was kicked open.


Today, whoever dares to touch my classmates will be killed!".: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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