Chapter 95 This scene should only be seen in heaven, how many times can you see it in the world, one word is awesome

Seawater planting is also a way to grow rice.

Grandpa Yuan calls it red rice.

In fact, this is also the planting method first proposed by Academician Yuan Longping.

Academician Yuan has also made considerable breakthroughs in this regard.

Now Han Donglai has also made major breakthroughs in seawater planting?

Chu Yuan was surprised.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were also curious about this

"Seawater planting?"

"I know this. It is said that Grandpa Yuan has also made a major breakthrough in this regard."

"As far as I know, it seems that the yield per mu is 300 kilograms."

"Three hundred kilograms per mu? Although it is not as terrible as the 2,500 kilograms per mu, this is seawater planting! It is not land planting, which is already very good."

"That’s right, seawater farming is extremely difficult, and it’s already amazing to achieve a yield of 300 kilograms per mu"

"Daqiang just said that Han Donglai has made a big breakthrough in seawater planting. I'm curious, how big is the breakthrough?"

"Yes, has it surpassed the 300-kg yield per mu? It is highly likely that it has surpassed it, otherwise Daqiang would not have said that he had made a major breakthrough."

"That's right, I'm just curious about how big a breakthrough has been made."

Netizens were curious about this.

Here, Chu Yuan followed Daqiang and others to a port.

There happened to be a small port nearby.

It is very suitable for seawater planting.

When they approached and saw the endless rice fields.

Chu Yuan and Chu Ling, nearly one million netizens in the live broadcast room were stunned.

One by one, they were stunned.

"This is……"

Everyone opened their mouths wide! With an expression of disbelief.

It took a long time for them to react.

Then, the live broadcast room exploded.

"Oh shit, is this rice?"

"How come I look like gold!"

"It is indeed gold, piles of gold, golden and glittering."

Countless people opened their eyes wide, full of shock.

Because what appeared in everyone's sight was a piece of golden rice.

In the farthest distance was a piece of turquoise sea water, connecting to the sky, and the closest was a piece of golden rice, stretching as far as the eye could see.

The two formed a beautiful landscape painting.

They were also clearly divided and looked particularly vivid.

This scene was like a very beautiful landscape painting, so beautiful that it was breathtaking.

"Damn, I'm totally dumbfounded."

"It is so beautiful that it makes people forget everything."

"When I saw this scene, I felt like I was in fairyland. How could there be such a beautiful scenery in the world!"

"Yes, this scenery really does not belong to this world. It is probably a treasure lost in the world."

"Indeed, such a scene makes me intoxicated."

There are nearly one million netizens in the live broadcast room, and there are all kinds of people.

Rich, poor, dignitaries, famous teachers, scientists, white-collar workers, etc.

There are all kinds of people, no matter who they are, they are shocked by the scene in front of them.

Big Brother Ma, Little Brother Ma, Mr. Wang, Huang Zhengzheng and others are also in the live broadcast room.

They are all stunned.

"Is this really from the human world?"

"It's so spectacular, I've never seen such beauty before."

The chairmen of major groups, the heads of state-owned enterprises, the directors of cigarette groups, and the leaders of universities were all shocked.

"How can there be such a beautiful scenery in the world? It's incredible."

The handsome young men and women sighed.

"If a boy confesses to me here, I will definitely agree to him."

"I must take my girlfriend here to enjoy this stunning view."

"I must go here to propose to my girlfriend. I don't think she can refuse me."

"If I suddenly take my girlfriend here, she will be moved to tears"


Countless handsome men and women yearn for this place.

They hope to bring their significant others here to enjoy the beauty of time.

In the Shangang Primary School group, the fifty netizens were also attracted by the beautiful scenery. (To read the exciting novels, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

They all condemned Han Donglai in the group.

"Donglai, you are so rude! You didn't tell us about such a beautiful place."

"Yes, such a beautiful scenery can only be seen a few times in the world. Donglai, you have gone a bit too far!"

"Donglai, you are such a selfish person. You enjoy this beautiful scenery alone. Damn it. You didn't even inform us when something good happened."

"Yes, Donglai is really abominable."

Han Donglai immediately explained in the group

"Classmates, I told you that this is the result of our research."

"This is the first time I have seen this scene, so you can't blame me, I am innocent."

"So, next time, next time you come, stay here, live in this beautiful scenery, how about that?"

Seeing Han Donglai say this, the students nodded.

"Okay, that's a deal."

"Next time I go there, I will definitely pack up this beautiful landscape painting, hehe……"

"Not to mention, if anyone builds a tourist attraction with this beautiful scenery and does some marketing and advertising, the income will definitely be high.、"

"Damn, this is my idea, Lao Guo, we have the same idea, next time we will discuss how to do it."

"OK, then we can work hard to build a world-class tourist attraction."[]

"This is really possible, let's do it."

Han Donglai saw that his classmates began to attack his seawater planting in the group.

He felt helpless.

However, this is reasonable.

Seawater planting must be promoted after all.

It doesn't matter who promotes it or who makes the money. Han Donglai also said that it doesn't matter.

Of course, it's best for people around you to make money.

After a while.

Chu Yuan and Chu Ling finally reacted.

Chu Yuan murmured:"Is this seawater planting?"

Daqiang nodded:"Yes, this is the latest research result of seawater planting"

"Even Donglai had never seen this scene before! He had been on a business trip a few months ago and had not returned since."

"I wanted to wait for him to come back and give him a surprise, but I didn't expect that Old Chu would come. So I let Old Chu meet him first. I'm sure Donglai won't be angry."

Chu Yuan nodded woodenly:"Oh, so that's it!"

"It is my honor. To be honest, this is the first time I have seen such a beautiful scenery."

"This scene should only be seen in heaven.

Daqiang smiled and said,"I agree with this statement."


Chu Yuan looked at Daqiang and asked a very important question.


How much can this seawater planting produce per mu ?: 「Thiết Quyền Cảnh Cáo"

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