In the year 1520 of the Haiyuan calendar, the Marijoa World Conference was held.

The kings of 50 countries, the Celestial Dragons, and important figures from the Navy and the government had all arrived at the conference.

While everyone was fiercely discussing the most dangerous person in the world, countless fleets from eight directions of Marijoa were rushing towards them.

""Oh no! Red-Haired Shanks's pirate fleet is coming from the east!"

A guard rushed into the conference room and said anxiously.

The dozens of kings of the member countries and the navy leaders present were a little shocked.

Why did Red-Haired Shanks come to the World Conference? Is he taking any action? In addition to being shocked, another guard rushed in.

"Report! The Whitebeard Pirates' ships are approaching from the north!"

"Report! The BIGMOM Pirates have also appeared!"

"The Kaido Pirates have also entered the surveillance area!"

One after another urgent report has made the originally calm Marijoa completely boil!

The four emperors of the New World actually went to the holy land of Marijoa at the same time. Now is the time for the World Conference. What do they want to do!

"Oh, so scary~ Do these pirates want to stir up a bloody storm in Marijoa?" Kizaru, one of the three admirals of the navy, said with some surprise. Akainu, who was sitting next to him, was much calmer, his face sank and he said:"Now that we are here, we can catch them all in one fell swoop!"

【The live broadcast of the famous scenes of the Great Pirates is about to begin! 】

After Sakaski finished speaking, a somewhat mechanical voice came.

A huge holographic image appeared in the center of the entire conference hall.

The sudden scene made dozens of kings and three admirals of the navy at the scene stunned.

What is this? Is it the power of the devil fruit?

Has Mary Geoise been invaded?

Who can quietly put such a large screen in the World Conference Hall?

The atmosphere in the entire World Conference Hall suddenly became tense. There are heads of dozens of countries around the world here, and there must be no mistakes.

At the same time, the East China Sea, the West China Sea, the North China Sea, the South China Sea, the Grand Line, the New World, the Four Emperors Pirate Ship, and every island and every village have a huge projection screen.

Before everyone understood what was happening.

The holographic screen has begun to play the picture.

The picture shows a tavern, where Red-haired Shanks is slumped on the ground and is hit hard by a beer bottle. The other party also said rudely: [This is a pirate, too weak? Hahahaha……】

There were many people watching around, but I couldn't see the faces of other people. I could only see Shanks. The hand holding the bottle looked mysterious and powerful. He was stepping on a pissed-off boy.

【Shanks, let him know how powerful pirates are. Pirates are not as weak as he said. The boy said unconvincedly that his face was about to be crushed.

Shanks not only did not resist, but also wiped the water marks on his face with a smile.

Red-haired Shanks?

Seeing the red-haired appearance on the giant screen, the kings present were stunned for a moment? What is he doing?

Is it a conspiracy?

And who has the courage to hit the red-haired man on the head with a beer bottle!

""Go and get Mr. Garp!" Aokiji's face darkened, realizing that something was wrong.

The Navy was responsible for the security of this World Conference, and as high-ranking officers in the Navy, they were just going through the motions. When something like this happened, they naturally had to ask Monkey, the most prestigious person in the Navy.·D·Karp, only he might know what happened.

The picture on the giant screen paused, and the mechanical electronic sound came out again.

【Question: Who hit Red-Haired Shanks with a beer bottle?】

【The answer time is ten minutes. If no one answers, one person will be randomly selected for punishment!】

【Answer correctly to get rewards, including the Navy Six Styles, Devil Fruits, and even the Historical Text Slate……】

【If you answer incorrectly, you will be punished, your own strength will be exploited, or you will be wiped out! 】

The voice echoed in the World Conference Hall.

Dozens of kings were a little overwhelmed.

What happened?

Although Shanks did not reach the level of the Four Emperors a few years ago, he was also a famous pirate on the sea. Who dared to attack him?

On the wall of the Holy Land of Marijoa, a navy stood there with a burly figure. After he stood up, his cloak was fluttering in the wind.

The hero of the navy, Vice Admiral Garp!

At this time, Garp had noticed the sudden situation on the sea. The four major pirates of the New World actually rushed to Marijoa at the same time! The safety of the kings of the member states and the safety of the Celestial Dragons of the Holy Land of Marijoa must be protected.

"Vice Admiral Garp, something has happened in the conference hall. Admiral Aokiji asked me to invite you over.

A navy soldier came to Garp and said anxiously.

"I understand."Garp was a little surprised. There must be no accidents at the World Conference.


On the other side , the pirate ships of the Four Emperors of the New World were still approaching Marijoa, and the same scene happened on their pirate ships.

"Boss, isn't this the scene where you were beaten? Who broadcast such a lame scene? Hahaha."Lavru laughed along with Chicken Legs.

Even the deputy captain Ben Beckman's face was filled with a smile.

"Ahem, don't mind these things."Red Hair said somewhat awkwardly.

He never thought that his embarrassing scene would be broadcasted.

Now he is more curious about who organized this grand scene.

According to reports, the four major pirate groups are moving closer to Marijoa.

And the day before, Red Hair unexpectedly received a letter, which said that on the day of the World Conference, the Navy would interpret the contents of the four historical text slabs.

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