"Nico Robin must know about this, so let her answer it?"

"Are you not smart enough? Nico Robin is not allowed to answer this question, otherwise fairness will be destroyed."

Now everyone's curiosity even overshadowed their desire for rewards.

They all wanted to know what secrets Nico Robin had hidden in her body that made the navy pursue her so relentlessly.

Garp, the three admirals of the navy, all hoped that no one would answer this question.

Or just skip this question directly, otherwise what happened twenty years ago would be revealed, which would be disadvantageous to the navy.

But now they had no way to stop the live broadcast, and could only watch...

【Crocodile: I know the answer, I will answer it!

Crocodile in the desert weighed the pros and cons and thought about it, and finally chose to speak.

This is his best chance, and he doesn't want to miss it.

He is absolutely sure about this question, because the reason why he asked his men to keep an eye on Nico Robin is related to this question.

A man in a cloak and a scar on his face appeared on the giant screen.

He was holding a cigar, and his eyes became very firm.

Crocodile's sudden appearance surprised everyone.

Isn't this Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea? Does he really know the answer to this question?

The appearance of Crocodile also stunned the three admirals of the navy. He should not know the answer, right?

Now they can only pray that Crocodile will answer incorrectly.

【This question only has two chances to answer. If you get it wrong twice, the question will be invalid.】

The ethereal voice came again. No one was surprised by this rule.

After all, every time you get it wrong, you eliminate a wrong answer. If you get it wrong three times, then the remaining answer for the fourth time must be the correct answer. This way, it would be unfair.

【Crocodile: The reason for the bounty on Nico Robin is because she destroyed six navy warships. This reason is a bit far-fetched. How could an eight-year-old girl do such a thing? In addition, she could not be rewarded with 79 million Baileys just for stealing important navy supplies. Otherwise, where would the face of my Shichibukai be? So there is only one truth! The answer is D, Nico Robin has the ability to interpret the text of history! 】

As Crocodile's choice was announced.

Garp's face sank, and the eyes of the three admirals of the navy also became deeper.

Sure enough, it can't be concealed?

For twenty years, the secret that the navy has been trying to hide has been announced today!

After Crocodile finished answering, the entire World Conference Hall was in an uproar!

Although I don't know whether the answer is correct or not, if Nico Robin, the son of the devil, can really interpret the text of history, it seems to be more in line with her identity.

This answer not only surprised the members of the member countries present.

The four major pirate groups in Marijoa Bay were also shocked.

The historical text is exactly what the Four Emperors of the New World are looking forward to. However, the historical text alone is not enough, someone must interpret the text above.

Then Nico Robin became the focus of everyone.

【BIGMOM: No wonder the navy is so anxious to capture Nico Robin. Haha, Nico Robin, I wonder if you are interested in joining my pirate group. I will ensure your safety.

Big Mom immediately extended an olive branch to Nico Robin.

Because she has a historical text tablet in her hand, but the text on it cannot be deciphered. Only professional scholars can decipher the text on it.

【Kaido: Such a beautiful girl should join our Beasts Pirates. Are you interested? I will treat you ten times better than BIGMOM.

Kaido, one of the Four Emperors, also extended an olive branch, because at this time he also kept a historical text stele, and was in the same situation as BIGMOM. If he wanted to know the location of Raftel, he had to interpret the historical text.

Now the only person who has fully interpreted the historical text is Goldo Roger, who has become the Pirate King.

Seeing that two of the Four Emperors wanted Nico Robin to join their pirate groups at the same time, everyone realized at this moment the importance of Nico Robin.

【Sengoku: Nico Robin can't go to any pirate ship, unless you want to be the enemy of the navy! Want to be the enemy of the World Government!】

As the admiral of the navy, Sengoku Buddha can't allow this to happen. Nico Robin is such a dangerous person, she must be under the control of the navy.

Her secrets must never be made public.

But if this live broadcast continues, it is hard to predict what will happen next.

At the same time, everyone is looking forward to whether Crocodile's answer is correct. Once it is confirmed that Crocodile's answer is correct, it means that the navy is deliberately hiding something!

【Crocodile answered correctly! Crocodile gets one point】

【Since Crocodile answered correctly the first time, he was rewarded with a magic jar and an A-grade physical pill! 】

The screen showed Crocodile, who won two prizes.

A pill that seemed to emit silver light, and a magic jar.

Crocodile looked at the two prizes and smiled with relief.

This magic jar had been used by Straw Hat Luffy before, and a devil fruit was opened.

Not knowing what he would get, Crocodile no longer hesitated when he thought of this, and smashed the artifact tube directly.

An extremely dim light flashed out.

Then an exquisite iron box appeared in front of Crocodile.

He got a box of high-end cigars!


Crocodile was stunned for a moment, then took a big puff of his cigar.

Why can others get devil fruits, but he only gets a box of cigars? This luck makes people speechless.

【Luffy: Siguoyi! I can even get a cigar! Can this magical jar be opened to make barbecue?】

【Zoro: Luffy, act like a decent guy and stop just thinking about barbecue!】

【Buggy: Hahahaha, I am dying of laughter, Crocodile's luck is just too bad. 】

The people in front of the giant screen finally understood that the magic jar depends on luck, and what can be opened depends entirely on luck.

But what is the use of this pill?

【[Constitution pills can enhance physical fitness after taking them]

Crocodile's doubts were resolved, and he swallowed the constitution pill without hesitation.

The moment it entered his mouth, Crocodile felt an unprecedented smoothness, and then an infinite force gathered in his body.

It began to impact every inch of his skin.

Looking at his own image on the giant screen, even Crocodile himself was stunned.

His physical fitness was strengthened, and the scars on his face also disappeared miraculously.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene.

This pill seems a bit magical! It has a great effect on enhancing physical fitness!

"This pill is good! It works very well!"Even Crocodile himself nodded with satisfaction. It is much better than giving himself a devil fruit.

He feels that his strength has been improved to a higher level now.

Crocodile and Luffy benefited from answering the questions, which made more people more confident in answering the questions.

【Nico Robin, as the only surviving scholar of O'Hara, has been wanted by the navy because she can read historical texts!】

【For the specific reasons, you can read it yourself. I hope Nico Robin can answer it for you personally. 】

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