Previously, all the factions that answered the questions correctly received a considerable reward. If a large pirate group like Whitebeard were the first to obtain five points, not only the pirates would not want to see this, but also the navy and the world government would not want to see this happen.

【Fire Fist Ace, please tell me your answer!】

Ace carefully thought about the answer to this question. There were many clues in the previous video.

The two admirals who had the closest relationship with Nico Robin were Akainu and Aokiji.

The answer was probably between these two. According to normal circumstances, it seemed that Akainu was more likely, after all, he destroyed the refugee ship in Ohara.

【Ace: I choose Aokiji, because he launched the second Demon Slayer Order!

This time, Ace is going to think in reverse and choose Aokiji.

Because according to the situation, Aokiji is the least likely person to launch the second Demon Slayer Order. After all, he let Nico Robin go before, and the justice he upholds actually has a little compassion.

So Aokiji may not do such a cruel thing as launching the Demon Slayer Order.

【Marco: Ace, did you make the wrong choice? Why did you choose Aokiji? He let Nico Robin go, so how could he issue the Demon Slaying Order? I think Akainu is the most likely person. Look at his face, it makes people feel very uncomfortable!】

【Joz: That's right, I think it's Akainu too, Ace, I'm afraid you'll have to accept the punishment for giving the wrong answer.】

【Akainu: Hey! You guys, be careful when you say bad things about me. I'm even more annoyed with you pirates!】

"The Whitebeard Pirates may have to face punishment!"

"That's right, no matter how you look at it, I feel that Admiral Akainu is the one who issued the Demon Slaying Order! After all, his justice is more extreme!"

"Who knows? This time it must be because Nico Robin launched the Demon Killing Order! But which island will be affected this time?"

"It will probably be another bloody storm, and no one knows what will happen!"

Everyone found Ace's answer a little incredible.

Compared to Aokiji, they thought Akainu was the most likely person to launch the Demon Slayer Order.

After all, Akainu seemed to be a bit more vicious. However, no one had the right answer in their hearts. Only when the answer was revealed did they know whether Ace was right or wrong.

Even Ace himself did not have any confidence. He was answering this multiple-choice question completely based on luck. As for whether it was right or not, he was not sure.

【Fire Fist Ace answered correctly!】

【It was Aokiji who launched the Demon Slayer Order, so it was indirectly launched by him! As for why, you will know it after watching the picture. 】

The impact on the giant screen suddenly came to a place that looked like a rotating corridor.

At this moment, Spandam was pulling Nico Robin and walking upwards. Nico Robin's hands were handcuffed by seastone.

"Go away!" Spandam seemed a little annoyed at this moment.

""Asshole! Why do even pirates come back to this kind of place?"

Spandam said anxiously.

This scene made everyone outside the giant screen stunned.

Could it be that this is Judicial Island?

But wasn't it Aokiji who issued the Demon Slaying Order?

What does it have to do with Spandam? And the pirates that Spandam mentioned must be the Straw Hat Pirates. After all, the previous video had shown the scene of Luffy and his crew rescuing Nico Robin, and everyone knew this.

"cp9, everyone answer me, what are you doing now!"Spandam took out Den Den Mushi in a hurry and said,"Why did the pirates chase here, what are you doing!"

"Hey! These bastards!"

Spandam shouted a few times, but found that no one answered him.

"Wait, yellow, gold……"Nico Robin looked at the Den Den Mushi in Spandam's hand with horror.

That was her childhood nightmare.

Because what Spandam was holding at this moment was a golden Den Den Mushi!

Spandam was stunned for a moment, not realizing what was happening.

Then he looked down at the Den Den Mushi in his hand, and was dumbfounded:"Golden Den Den Mushi!"

Seeing the scene on the giant screen, everyone was ashamed!

The three admirals of the navy couldn't bear to watch. This Spandam was so stupid that he even took the wrong Den Den Mushi.

No one expected that the Demon Slaying Order twenty years later would be launched in this way. It was totally like a joke.

This Spandam is completely idiotic!

The picture on the giant screen turned again and came to the headquarters of the navy.

"The Silver Den Den Mushi is moving! It's the Demon Slayer Order!"

"General Aokiji's Demon Slayer Order authority has been used!"

""Hurry up and send people to assemble, and go to the launch site of the Demon Slayer Order immediately!"

An alarm sounded at the Navy Headquarters, and all the navy was in chaos, and began to prepare for the Demon Slayer Order!

This scene also made many pirates on the sea feel ridiculous. Who would have thought that the Demon Slayer Order that could destroy everything would be launched in this way?

They also felt that the Navy did not take the Demon Slayer Order seriously at all.

Aokiji, who was sitting in the World Conference Hall at this moment, was even more speechless. This was his authority for the Demon Slayer Order. Why would he give it to a fool?

The launch of this Demon Slayer Order was too childish.

Sengoku of the Navy Headquarters was even more helpless. What was going on?

When did the Navy become so stupid!

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