The hearts of the navy soldiers were completely broken. They worked hard for the World Government, but in the eyes of the World Government, they seemed worthless.

Spandam, that bastard, what right did he have to dominate their lives!

This incident also made the civilians on other islands even more angry.

The live broadcast revealed too many unbearable things of the Navy and the World Government. The two high-ranking organizations that claimed to be just were actually already corrupt.

World Conference Hall.

At this time, the faces of the three admirals of the Navy gradually became ugly.

They could even feel the anger in the eyes of the members of the surrounding member countries.

The most wronged one was Aokiji. He didn't want to launch the Demon Killing Order. Who knew that he would hand over such an important thing to Spandam, that idiot, in the future.

After these broadcasts, he would never believe Spandam.

The Navy also became a little confused because of this video.

The previous O'Hara incident had made some of the Navy recruits doubt their choice. After all, they joined the Navy for justice, not for this kind of pseudo-justice!

One thing after another made them gradually give up on the Navy and the World Government.

The atmosphere in the Navy Headquarters also made Zhan Guo feel a little worried. He knew the influence of this matter very well. Spandam's remarks could threaten the Navy, which would make the Navy's morale loose!

Think about it carefully, every Navy is working hard for the World Government, but in the eyes of the World Government, their lives are worthless. How disheartening it is.

Zhan Guo knew that this matter must be handled properly, otherwise, the impact of this matter on the Navy would be even greater than O'Hara.

Spandam must be punished!

On the other hand, the Five Elders who were watching the video were all crying because of Spandam's stupidity.

What the hell is this guy doing!

Even if you look down on the Navy, you shouldn't say it directly!

Why can the World Government rule the entire world and have so many member countries at the same time? It depends on prestige and means. The CP9 organization is a sharp blade of the World Government, and so is the Navy.

Both are indispensable.

But Spandam's approach has affected the Navy and the World Government.

If this guy's stupid behavior in the future is not properly resolved, I am afraid it will bring huge losses to the World Government and the Navy.

The Five Elders wanted to fire Spaddam right now. If it weren't for his father Spandine, Spandam would never have been able to become the CP commander! The

Five Elders were annoyed. They couldn't turn off the live broadcast, but the live broadcast was becoming increasingly unfavorable to the Navy and the World Government.

"Fire that bastard Spandam! He's such a fool. Just in case, even if this happens in the future, we need to prevent it from happening now!"

"Not all the people in CP9 are idiots. Spandam is an exception. Also, Lucci's methods and strength in CP9 are very good, so you can let him be the acting commander first!"

"Now it seems that this is the only way, and we cannot let the identity of CP9 be fully exposed.

They are still looking for information about Pluto. If we get Pluto, the ruling power of the world government will be further strengthened, and those revolutionary armies will be defeated by us!"

"What about Nico Robin? What should she do? If a person who can interpret the text of history is ignored, it will make people feel uneasy no matter how they think about it!"

The Five Elders briefly discussed how to deal with this matter next.

Things that are going to happen in the future cannot have any impact on the present.

Their plans for the World Government are still going on.

The picture on the giant screen gradually paused, as if it had finished playing.

Spandam, who was on a mission in Alabasta, received a call from the World Government at this time.

"Spandam, from this moment on! Your position as the CP9 leader will be revoked, and Lucci will be the new leader. You will be punished after the mission is over!"

The voice from the World Government sounded unquestionable.

But Spandam was unwilling to do so. After all, this happened in the future, and the truth was still unknown. Moreover, he had done nothing wrong, and it was a bit absurd that he lost his position as leader for nothing.

"I want to talk to the Five Elders! You can't convict me for something that didn't happen! I don't accept it!"Spandam was of course a little anxious.

He was dismissed from his post when he had done nothing. No one could accept this.

What the hell is this live broadcast doing!

"This is the result of the discussion among the Five Elders! Just accept it!"

The signal of the Den Den Mushi was interrupted, and Panstamm was completely dumbfounded.

What the hell is this? He obviously did nothing!

"No, I can't just sit there and wait for death!"

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