For Crocodile, this is also a very good opportunity.

Because he is 100% sure of the answer to this question, who makes him the president of Baroque Works?

So as long as he is the first to be strong, he will win this question. But there is another bad result, that is, his identity will be exposed, and his plan may fail.

【Weiwei: I know the answer to this question. I will answer it!]

Just as Crocodile was about to answer, Weiwei on the giant screen spoke.

【Crocodile: I want to answer this question too!

Crocodile said with a glimmer of hope.

It was the first time that two people appeared at the same time and wanted to answer the question.

This also made everyone a little confused. Why did they both know the answer?

"On one side is our Alabasta Princess Vivi, and on the other is our hero Mr. Crocodile. How should we choose?"

"I will support whichever of them can answer correctly! They are both from Alabasta!"

"I still hope Princess Vivi gets the answer right!"

"I hope Mr. Crocodile is right, he has helped us a lot!"

The conflict between Vivi and Crocodile put the people of Alabasta in a dilemma.

In their opinion, Crocodile, as one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, has done a lot of good things here.

As for Princess Vivi, not to mention, the people also love him very much.

Nefertari Cobra looked at the giant screen nervously. He didn't expect Vivi to answer questions too.

The situation in Alabasta is not optimistic now.

Cobra has no time to care about other things.

【Princess Vivi is the first to answer, she will answer this question! 】

Accompanied by a mechanical voice.

Crocodile was like a deflated ball. He didn't expect that he would lose the qualification to answer the question just because he was one step slower.

This question is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, what a pity!

Although Crocodile still wanted to answer, he didn't dare to do anything rash now. He had experienced the punishment and reward before.

Princess Vivi has become the focus of the world. Will Vivi be the next one to answer the question correctly?

"The president is not Nico Robin! She is the son of the devil, so it seems that there is no problem for her to become our president. She just needs a title to hide her identity!"

"I think it might be Spandam! After all, he is the head of CP9, so it doesn't seem strange to set up a Baroque Works?"

"Why don't you say the president is Princess Vivi? Baroque Studios might be a secret organization in Alabasta!"

"I heard that Baroque Works is very mysterious and no one knows the identity of the president!"


Many people began to wonder what the answer to this question was.

Especially on several islands such as Whiskey Peak, Baroque Workshop is still very famous.

【Weiwei: The answer is C, Crocodile! He is the president of Baroque Studio!

Weiwei answered the question directly. She was very sure of the answer, so she didn't answer it in her mind at all.



This answer was beyond everyone's expectations.

Especially the members of Baroque Studio, they didn't expect that the mysterious Mr. 0 was actually the Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile!

Is this the correct answer?

Everyone was a little uncertain!

"What! Our president is Crocodile! I can't believe it!" Mr.1 Daz Bonis said in surprise.

Although he is a senior agent of Baroque Studio, he doesn't know who the president is.

"I didn't expect that our president is such a familiar person, the Seven Warlords of the Sea!"Mr.2 Von Clay also exclaimed.

Crocodile is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and many people know his name.

"Now, the goal of our Baroque Studio should be clearer! Our ideal kingdom!"Mr.3 Gal Dino said.

All the members of Baroque are now more motivated.

Because they know who they are working for.

【Congratulations, Weiwei, you answered correctly! Crocodile's face turned ugly when he heard the words"correct answer". Is it true that he can't hide it anymore? He didn't want to reveal his identity now, because his goal has not been achieved yet. Once the identity of the Baroque Studio is revealed, his plan will not be implemented.

【The Kingdom of Alabasta gets one point!】

【Reward Princess Vivi with a seastone pistol!】

【Two physical fitness pills as a reward!】

【A special devil fruit fragment as a reward! 】

As the voice fell.

Princess Weiwei had many more rewards in her hands.

She had been following the live broadcast on the giant screen before.

Knowing what the physical pill means, it is a very good medicine.

There is also a seastone pistol, which is a powerful weapon. For the devil fruit ability users, it is a complete nightmare!

Once the bullet of the seastone pistol hits the body, they will lose the devil fruit ability!

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