"Oh shit, there’s a big crocodile hiding in the water plants!"

"I saw it too, it was so scary!"

Netizens exclaimed in amazement

"Let's go and take a look at this crocodile."

Lin Xuan held the bamboo raft and began to walk towards the water grass.

After a while, Lin Xuan came near the water grass.

He looked forward and saw that there was indeed a huge and ferocious crocodile lurking in the water grass.

This crocodile was five or six meters long, with a slender tail coiled in the water, looking extremely terrifying.

The huge mouth was full of densely packed teeth, with fangs exposed, and each tooth was very sharp, looking like a bayonet, extremely shocking.

"Damn, this crocodile looks so fierce"

"These teeth are amazing! They are sharper than my kitchen knife."

Netizens were so scared when they saw the crocodile's mouth that they posted comments one after another.

Lin Xuan nodded and said,"This crocodile looks difficult to deal with. It is lurking under the water now. We have to find a way to lure it out.""

"Look how I lead it out."

As he spoke, Lin Xuan picked up a bamboo pole and slapped it directly onto the water.


Violent water splashed up.

The big crocodile lurking at the bottom of the water heard the movement on the surface, flicked its long tail, and immediately rushed out of the water like a rocket.


The big crocodile opened its mouth and roared. The sound was extremely terrifying, causing water to splash and the momentum was terrifying.

"Damn... so scary."

Netizens were all shocked when they saw this.


The big crocodile swept its tail and suddenly rushed towards Lin Xuan, like a torpedo, with an extremely shocking momentum.

"This crocodile is in its most energetic state now. It is difficult to catch it at this time. Let's take it for a walk first."

Lin Xuan said, and then immediately began to push the bamboo raft back.

The big crocodile was chasing him relentlessly.

Lin Xuan pushed the bamboo raft in a winding way, just like driving an S car, deliberately walking to consume the crocodile's physical strength.

The big crocodile was angry and swung its tail hard. The speed soared, opened its huge mouth and rushed up quickly, biting the tail of the bamboo raft.


A crisp breaking sound was heard.

The tail of the bamboo raft was directly bitten off by the big crocodile. A large amount of river water poured into the bamboo raft, and the bamboo raft was about to sink into the water.

"Oh shit!"

"The bamboo raft is going to sink!"

When netizens saw this scene, they screamed in fear.

However, Lin Xuan's face was calm, and he said:"It doesn't matter if the bamboo raft sinks. Anyway, it is impossible to outrun the crocodile with the bamboo raft. I was planning to abandon the bamboo raft and jump into the water to give the crocodile a walk."

"What?! Anchor, you want to jump into the water to play with crocodiles?!"

When netizens heard this, they were stunned.

"Damn it! Anchor, are you trying to kill yourself by jumping into the water?"

"Uh, are you sure you didn't jump into the water to feed the crocodile?"

Netizens raised doubts.

However, what happened next shocked the netizens.

Lin Xuan directly abandoned the bamboo raft, then suddenly jumped, stepped on the crocodile's back with both feet, and jumped directly into the water.


After he jumped into the water, he turned around and patted the crocodile's tail.


The crocodile was extremely angry, its eyes turned red, it suddenly shook its body and glared at Lin Xuan fiercely.

"Oh shit!"


Netizens were stunned

"The anchor actually jumped into the river?!"

"My God, the anchor actually jumped into the water on the crocodile's back and patted its tail!"

"Shit, the anchor has completely pissed off the crocodile!"

""Host, run!"

Countless comments were posted in the live broadcast room.

Netizens were shocked by Lin Xuan's actions.

They thought Lin Xuan was going to abandon the bamboo raft and escape, but who knew that Lin Xuan actually stepped on the crocodile's back and jumped into the water, and even patted the crocodile's tail. This courage and bravery really surprised netizens.


At this moment, the big crocodile suddenly pounced forward, its speed was already extremely fast, it opened its bloody mouth, revealing a mouthful of sinister teeth, and bit towards Lin Xuan viciously.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan was not panicked at all. He moved his hands, paddled the water surface vigorously, and swam forward as fast as an engine.


Instantly, water splashed.

Lin Xuan's body flew through the water like a rocket, and a long wave of water appeared behind him. His speed was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, he had already pulled dozens of meters away from the crocodile.

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

""What the hell!"

Netizens couldn't help but exclaim in amazement when they saw this scene.

"The host’s swimming speed is so fast!"

"Damn, has the host turned into a mine? Why is he swimming so fast?"

"No wonder the host dared to jump into the water, he is indeed a man of great skill and courage. His swimming speed is so amazing!"

"Holy shit, I'm completely impressed by the host! This swimming speed is too outrageous!"

"The anchor is so strong, I am completely convinced by him!"

Netizens saw that Lin Xuan swam faster than the crocodile in the water, and they were all full of admiration and could not help but be surprised at Lin Xuan's superb swimming ability.

At this time, the big crocodile was also completely confused. What's wrong with this human? How can he swim so fast? This is too incredible!

The big crocodile was a little doubtful about his life at this time. It was stunned for a moment, and its swimming speed fell a lot. Lin Xuan swam a farther distance.

Realizing that the big crocodile did not catch up, Lin Xuan stopped swimming.

He turned around and waved to the big crocodile.

"Big crocodile, come and chase me."

Lin Xuan wanted the big crocodile to keep chasing him, consuming its physical strength, and when it was almost exhausted and weak, he would attack the crocodile. In this way, he could easily kill it.


The big crocodile was furious when he saw this human provoking him. His eyes were bloodshot.

Suddenly, he swung his tail and continued to chase him fiercely.


Water splashed.

The big crocodile caught up like a rocket.

Lin Xuan smiled slightly, and then continued to paddle quickly in the water. His swimming speed was faster than the crocodile.

The crocodile could not catch up with Lin Xuan. It was always about two or three meters away from biting Lin Xuan's body.

The big crocodile felt as if it could catch up with this prey at any time, but it could never catch it. It was so angry that its eyes turned red and full of bloodshot. It wished that it could eat this hateful human alive.

"Damn, the host is so awesome, he made this big crocodile run around in circles!"

"The anchor is indeed very talented and courageous, so amazing!"

"My god, is the anchor walking his dog? He's playing with the big crocodile as if it were a puppy!"

"I have been completely impressed by the host's ability. He walked the crocodile like a dog. Awesome!"

"Without further ado, I kneel down to the anchor silently, it's awesome!"

In the live broadcast room, netizens saw Lin Xuan hanging the crocodile for fun, and they all exclaimed in amazement, praising Lin Xuan's operation for being so strong, simply playing the crocodile like a dog.

Everyone can see that Lin Xuan deliberately kept a distance of about three meters from the big crocodile. He hung the crocodile and let the crocodile chase him continuously, consuming its physical strength.

This requires a lot of courage and physical strength. If Lin Xuan's physical strength is not good, he will be caught up by the crocodile behind him and eaten at any time.

Netizens admire Lin Xuan's courage and strong physical ability.

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