He got up and searched for the wild vegetables and herbs he had brought back today. There were several that could stop the disease.

"But it's so itchy." Chen Yiyi pouted and tried hard to resist the urge to scratch it with her hands.

"It will be ready soon, just wait a moment." Lin Xuan found some fennel and purslane, put them in a bamboo bowl and crushed them with a wooden stick.

"Lin Xuan, you made these things, aren't you going to give them to me to drink?" Chen Yiyi asked in surprise

"You think too much. This is for external application.

Lin Xuan rolled his eyes and said,"Go make some pine needle tea to stop itching.

There are many mosquitoes in the wild, so it's inevitable that you will feel itchy.

"Okay." Chen Yiyi didn't even put on her jacket, she went out in a vest and shorts.

"Be careful not to catch a cold."Lin Xuan glanced at the camera and scanned the outside of the wooden shed. He didn't see the drone.

The camera was responsible for filming the inside of the shelter, while the drone was responsible for filming the outside.

"No, it’s not cold at all now," Chen Yiyi chuckled.

With a way to relieve the itch, she wouldn’t keep thinking about scratching.

A few minutes later, the herbs and wild vegetables were mashed into a paste by Lin Xuan.

He urged,"Okay, sit down quickly and I’ll help you apply some herbs"

""Okay." Chen Yiyi held the ceramic cup filled with pine needle tea.

After she sat down, Lin Xuan pulled down her collar, and a wet mess stuck to her back.

"It feels so good." Chen Yiyi let out a long sigh. The wet feeling made her ignore part of it.

"Don't move."Lin Xuan reminded him and pressed the herbal paste with his hands to prevent it from falling.

It's an external application medicine. It takes some time to take effect. He is not sure if it will work. Now he can only try it. As long as it is not taken orally, there will be no harm.

"Lin Xuan, do you want to keep pressing it?" Chen Yiyi asked with a red face

""Hmm. Press it for a while and see." Lin Xuan said softly. It's something that can be solved by hand. It's better to use less cloth. After all, there is not much cloth left, and we can't waste it!

"Lin Xuan, it has been ten days since we came to Crescent Moon Island. If we can really survive for a month, should we continue to persevere?" Chen Yiyi suddenly asked.

The girl asked this question because she felt that it would be difficult for the two of them to survive for a year. After all, as long as they survived

, if they could not survive for a year, they would not gain anything, which would be a bit unworthy.

"Do you think we can't last a year?" Lin Xuan asked calmly.

He knew that the allergy made the girl a little anxious and doubtful about her ability.

"Well, a little bit.

"We will get better and better, maybe you won't want to leave in the future."Lin Xuan gently comforted

"No way." Chen Yiyi said coquettishly.

No matter how good the wild is, it is still inferior to urban life. The basic conditions are much worse. First of all, there are fewer ways to obtain knowledge. She likes reading books and the like.

However, occasionally living this kind of life. The girl still finds it very interesting.

"Let's make a decision when the time is right."Lin Xuan said softly.

As long as life gets better and better, maybe one year won't feel sad anymore.

"I'll listen to you." Chen Yiyi said softly.

She was just a little sad that she was afraid of dragging Lin Xuan down at the last moment. After all, a year was not so easy to live with now.

"You will feel better if you think that other challengers are suffering the same hardships as us."Lin Xuan said sarcastically.

"I don't know how the other challengers are doing. They must have a lot of meat to eat."Chen Yiyi licked her lips and said.

The girl thought that the two of them, who had no experience in surviving in the wild, were doing well now, so the others should be doing better.

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