"No, I've always given you gifts and likes. You can't take away your fan title from me."

"Besides, if this is true, then I stole it from my dad's collection; if it's false, I bought it." Baoyou said sincerely.

Zhang Yang: "..."

When did Leek become the fan title in his live broadcast room?

It has a bit of "air force = fishing guy" meaning, which is quite reasonable when you think about it.

"For the sake of your thirteenth-level fan card, I will call you brother, and treat what I just said as if I didn't say it."

This treasure was genuine and not subject to punishment, so Zhang Yang went straight through the appraisal process.

"Brother Baoyou, this thing of yours is a very typical pastel ornament from the mid-Qing Dynasty, which can be seen in the early Jiaqing period."

"It's a pity that Qianlong died early."

"However, although Jiaqing was not a good emperor, he had a good father. Jiaqing's early pastel craftsmanship inherited most of the advantages of Qianlong's pastels, and was not as exaggerated as his father's. The market response was quite good. .”

"I bought it as a repatriated Guangcai and spent more than 30,000 RMB." Baoyou asked cautiously: "Did I lose money or make a profit?"

"Guangcai? Who sold you?" Zhang Yang stood up: "Please be sure to give me his contact information."

"An international student...Teacher, is that such an exaggeration?"

"This pair, 20 W's." Zhang Yang raised two fingers and said, "That's why I just said that you would be expelled from the university."

"Besides, it doesn't matter whether it's money or not. The main thing is this antique philanthropist who sells genuine goods at low prices. I really want to get to know him."

A piece of porcelain that has been returned overseas and is almost authentic can be sold for a loss of 170,000 yuan. It is definitely a legend.

[One dares to sell, the other dares to buy]

[Bad news: I bought the wrong one. Good news: blood money! 】

[A layman like me really can’t tell the difference between Guangcai and Pastel]

[Most people don’t need to tell the difference, they are all buying fakes anyway]

"Actually, it's easy to distinguish." Zhang Yang explained to the audience: "The more expensive ones are pastels."

"Then this is mine..."

Baoyou took himself as an example, and Zhang Yang could only add one more sentence:

"The pattern that is more in line with Chinese aesthetics is pastels."

As for other things, such as the different colors and textures of pastel and Guangcai, etc., it is difficult for ordinary people to see the reasons for these identification points.

"I still recommend that you make the distinction based on price."

"The price of returned Guangcai porcelain is around 100,000 yuan;"

"But an ordinary piece of modern pastel porcelain does not need to be made in the late Qing Dynasty. As long as the quality is slightly better, the price is already the same as that of Guangcai."

Perhaps Zhang Yang's valuation for this pair of pastel ornaments was a bit beyond everyone's expectations. When the last treasurer was trying to win, he temporarily took out a pastel figure plate from the antique shelf.

He was supposed to be preparing to appraise the Kangxi blue and white general jar with a wide opening in his hand.

"Friend Bao, you are quite powerful."

Zhang Yang noticed that the antique shelves behind the other party were full of items.

Although they have not been identified one by one, at least judging from the shape of the vessels, none of them are fabricated.

Look at this pastel porcelain plate. It is so plain and it looks like the style of Yongzheng pastel porcelain.

The painting depicts two graceful maids.

One is holding on to the willow tree, his clothes swaying in the wind;

One is holding a xylophone with an elegant posture.

That's so heavenly... Wait, why are these two people's faces so weird?

Zhang Yang looked carefully.

Grape-shaped faces are really rare, and the bun on top of her head looks like the handle of a grape.

Is this the "high-end" aesthetics of the Qing Dynasty aristocrats?

He then looked at the lady's hand drawings.

The green onions and jade fingers mentioned...how do they look like pickled pepper chicken feet?

Something was wrong. The more Zhang Yang looked at it, the more loopholes he felt.

"Teacher, I received this Yongzheng pastel lady's plate from the famous collector Zhao Ge." Baoyou took the initiative to introduce the source of his items.

Brother Zhao? Really unfamiliar.

Zhang Yang asked Baoyou: "Are there any more awesome ones with some background?"

"Yes, this thing was first collected by Mr. Wu Bei, a Belgian export porcelain collector."

Wu Bei? I don't seem to recognize him either.

Zhang Yang was very curious as to where Baoyou knew these experts.

People who can play with genuine blue and white general jars are not like the National Treasure Gang!

Anyway, what Baoyou said means, this thing is a fine Yongzheng pastel porcelain plate that is "inherited in an orderly manner".

Just wait for Zhang Yang to estimate.

But the item information shows that the actual production time of this thing was 2003.

And it's not an ordinary imitation, it's a high-end fake with Yongzheng base tires and later color added.

The so-called "post-painting" is to use chemical materials such as hydrofluoric acid to wash off the patterns on the old porcelain, repaint it, and then refire it in a low-temperature kiln.

As the saying goes, "One pastel tops three blue flowers."

A blue and white porcelain plate from the private kiln Yongzheng costs only tens of thousands of yuan.

Transformed into pastels, with some exquisite patterns, it can fetch at least half a million.

It's a pity that people who paint beautiful ladies neither care about their heart nor their kidneys.

"Friend Bao, if I look at this thing, it doesn't look right."

"Huh?" Baoyou was surprised by Zhang Yang's words and turned the plate over in his hand.

"You want me to see it, right?"

Zhang Yang predicted Baoyou's words and told him directly:

"There is no problem with the foundation. This is the foundation of Yongzheng, but it is an added bonus."

"Are there any extras later?"

Baoyou understood the meaning of this word, so he asked Zhang Yang in a very puzzled tone:

"How did you figure this out?"

"Because the painters who could draw pastels during the Jiaqing period couldn't draw something like this." Zhang Yang explained with a shrug.

"Let's put aside the characters' faces and body parts, and let's talk about a very simple question."

"The woman on the right holding the willow tree had her clothes and belts blown up, but the leaves of the willow tree didn't move at all."

[Hahahaha, what if it’s an iron tree]

[This fake is not up to standard]

[This was the case when I first learned painting. The teacher asked me if there was a tornado blowing in the scene and why things were blowing randomly]

Baoyou didn't know whether he was persuaded by Zhang Yang or because he was depressed after watching the barrage. In short, he was silent for a long time.

"Friend Bao, your general jar opens very well, there's nothing wrong with it." Zhang Yang comforted, "It shows that you have good taste."

Baoyou ignored his words and suddenly said:

"No, I have to go to him. How dare you defraud me of my money?"

I don't know if he was talking to himself or to the people around him.

Anyway, after saying that, he took the initiative to hang up the microphone.

At this time, Zhang Yang didn't know that this treasured friend would make a comeback in a few days and do the whole thing.

His mind has already flown to the Hailin Museum's cultural relics admission ceremony.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the ceremony officially started.

Under the shining of the setting sun, Zhang Yang unveiled the brocade cloth covering the two bronze swords in turn.

Both swords are placed in special glass display cases, and they are treated similarly to the sword of King Gou Jian of Yue.

After Master Wang personally introduced the characteristics of the two swords, the media and the audience began to take turns visiting.

"My friends, the divine sword is here!"

"I have a sword that can open the gate of heaven."

"I suggest you meditate on the spot and see if you can learn any skills from the sword."

Zhang Yang stood in front of the live broadcast camera, leading more than 40,000 viewers in the live broadcast room to carefully appreciate the peak level of Chinese weapons culture more than 2,000 years ago.

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