After Su Ziang went off the air.

His live broadcast room is still not calm.

Countless viewers are still in his live broadcast room, reporting the results of the “Su Work Gang”.

“Report Su Shen!Coordinate Dabian City, Tianshen Network Technology Company has been reported by the instructor ‘Platelet No. 1’!!”.

“Report to Su Shen!, coordinate Jingzhou City, the construction company under Pengda Group has been reported by the instructor ‘Platelet 771’!!”.

“Report Su Shen!Coordinate Tian’an City, Yuanfang Biotechnology Company has been reported by the instructor ‘Platelet 8890’!!”.

“Report to Su Shen! coordinates…”

In this barrage, you can see countless viewers who are forced to work overtime with tears in their eyes.


He Zeng never bowed to the capitalists.

He has never bowed to life.

In times of economic distress, it is a blessing to have a job.

Oppression seems to have become a matter of course.

A warrior who dares to resist and speak out in his heart is treated as a fool.

Such a status quo.


At this moment, because of Su Ziang, it has completely changed!


With the help of countless netizens, the “Su’s Work Gang” has spread across the country at a terrifying speed.

All companies working overtime were accurately detected by the instructor’s platelets, and then the evidence was collected and reported to the labor bureau.

The audience reported the results in the live broadcast room, and also expressed their inner excitement.

“Don’t talk about it, brothers, I will report these companies you send one by one, even if it is just some of my meager strength, I hope to make my own contribution to this era. ”

“No matter what life is like, no matter how difficult the status quo is, justice may be late, but it will not be absent!”.

“Everyone should report it, it’s time for a change. ”

“996 is such a blessing, let them capitalists enjoy it themselves, we are just working, that is, we are doing things with money!”.

“Don’t give money, talk about what bullshit feelings to Lao Tzu!!”.

“Su Shen, awesome!!”.


At this moment, everyone is carrying an emotion.

Its name is ——



On this night, countless capitalists who were forcing employees to work overtime without paying them 996 were reported.

On this night, labor bureaus in countless places received a report from an enthusiastic netizen named platelets, along with many audios and photos.

This night, countless netizens frantically reported, with nearly hundreds of millions of people.

A phone call, an urgent call somewhere.

One document after another, it was sent somewhere.

When all the senior leaders of Xia Guo saw it, they all felt shocked.

I couldn’t take a break, so I hurriedly got up and held a conference.


A red-headed document, from the central to the local, let all public officials study it.

There is only one central focus of the document.

“Violations of labor laws must not be allowed!!”.

In this way, the core interests of countless workers, employees, and social animals are protected.

“It’s long overdue. A super big leader sighed, “Alas, now our society is too impetuous, everyone wants to make money desperately, and there are capitalists who say, how can you not exploit employees when you do business.” ”

“Listen, is this a human word?”

“Needless to say, this time the central government has already issued the red-headed document, I don’t allow anyone, pay attention, it’s anyone!

“Remember who we are! Remember our mission. ”

“Serve the people!”.

“Not for the capitalists!!”.

An old leader said these words from the bottom of his heart, which shocked countless officials below, and they didn’t dare to say more, so they hurriedly moved.

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The red-headed document was issued, then executed, in a maximum of ten hours.

This time, the whole society is really going to change.

Something like 996 can be brought to the surface by these capitalists, and it is said that it is a blessing, which is so ironic for the working people of the whole country!

Can it be tolerated?

No, you can’t!

Absolutely not!!

This night, I don’t know how many people and how many black gauze hats were taken off.


The next day, when countless entrepreneurs and black-hearted bosses were called to tea, there was also an uproar on the Internet.

On almost all forums in China, there has been a wave of opposition to 996.

All of a sudden, a lot of people started talking about it.

In the midst of the pressure, “Sect Leader Loli”, as a loyal fan of Su Ziang, naturally learned the whole thing for the first time.

After a night of thinking and polishing, he uploaded an article titled “Opposing 966 is the obligation of every working person!” to Qianghu.

This article was instantly pushed to the top of the hot search.

“Many people don’t realize that they work overtime for free, and in their opinion, it may be an early investment in the company, which has not yet developed in the company, and they should think more about the company. ”

“They only hope that after the company develops, they will drink water and not forget the people who dig wells. ”

“It’s just that they, the old people of the company, can really get the rewards they deserve after the company is on the right track?”.

“The reality is clear, and it has told everyone the answer-“.


“Remember, the company doesn’t have a little stake in you. ”

“You’re just a part-time worker!”.

“Do you still think about the company?”

“I just want to ask, aren’t you a fool in the eyes of your boss?”

“I’m sorry, I’m a little rude, but, that’s the way it is. ”

“Maybe you will say, the boss is very good to me, and I get along very well, even if I am a friend, help, and overtime, it’s nothing. ”

“Listen, is this a human word?”

“No matter which boss, which capitalist sees you working so hard for yourself, can he not be happy?”.

“Can he not call you brother?”.

“You think the boss wants to make you a friend, but in fact, he doesn’t want to make friends or be nice to you, but he sees the value you can use!”

“In reality, the birds hide the rabbits, the dead dogs cook and the !?? is less.”

“Wake up!!”.

“When your boss talks to you about brotherhood, that’s when you should be most vigilant. ”

“I was sold, and I was given money!?”.



“Finally, I want to say: thank you Suda, thank you to everyone who spoke up for this!!”.

“This era is wonderful because of you!!”.

“I, Sect Leader Loli, would like to be the vanguard of the anti-996!!”.

“Su Dada’s ‘Su’s Work Gang’ is worth everyone’s download and use!”.

The popularity and dissemination of this time are not at all the same order of magnitude as the previous article he posted.

The likes instantly exceeded the million level.

There were also nearly half a million responses.

“Sect leader Loli is awesome, and I am the same, I support Su Da!!”.

“Die for a work system like 996!!


“Since I have the ‘Su’s Work Gang’, my family no longer has to worry about me being forced to work overtime!”.

“There is one thing to say, and it does make sense!!”.

“Dingding, brothers, maintain this heat, and let those capitalists see what real power is!!”.


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