When Su Ziang was thinking about how to start the [Victim Foundation], when it came to His Royal Highness Qiao, it also came to an end.

Shark Live HQ.

“Mr. Zhang, His Royal Highness Qiao called the headquarters and hoped that our shark would help her clarify that it was just a P-map effect of software. ”

An executive walked briskly to Mr. Zhang’s side.

As soon as Zhang Lishun heard the executive’s words, his brows immediately furrowed.

“Help her clarify?”

The executive’s face was also bitter, and he said helplessly: “Mr. Zhang, His Royal Highness Qiao is the last anchor on our platform after all, if even she is gone, what anchor can we have.” ”

“If it goes on like this, our whole shark will be finished, and there will be no popularity, but if there is no anchor who can handle it, the audience will leave sooner or later. ”

Zhang Lishun knew that the executive was right.


He sighed.

“You open Weibo, open it, take a good look, what is the appearance of His Royal Highness Qiao being hacked by the whole network now!”

“Don’t you think our sharks are dying fast enough?!”

As he spoke, he grew angry.

“Lao Tzu can’t figure it out, before the shark live broadcast, there were obviously such good resources, and there were so many anchors, as long as you don’t die, you can always defend your position as the leader in the live broadcast industry!!”

“Why did you come up and coerce ‘Master Su Susu’!?”

“Could it be that Chen Duoyu before really believed that ‘Master Su Susu’ would leave us shark!!”

He scolded: “What a bastard!!!If he hadn’t instructed the executives to do such a thing, the ‘Master Su’ wouldn’t have left our shark at all, okay? Our shark has such a large flow of people, such a high number of viewers, as long as the service can keep up, who can compete with us!!”

When the executives on the side heard Zhang Lishun’s words, he lowered his head deeply.

“It’s exploded!!!Mr. Zhang!The live broadcast room has exploded!!”

At this point, another executive sped over.

“What’s exploding?”

Zhang Lishun and other executives asked suspiciously.

“His Royal Highness Qiao’s live broadcast room exploded!!”

The executive looked flustered and hurriedly said: “There are many people who directly poured into the live broadcast room of His Royal Highness Qiao, speaking frantically, because there are too many people who speak, it directly exceeds the peak that our platform server can withstand at present, and then the server explodes!!”

Zhang Lishun’s face darkened.

Some executives were slightly surprised.

There are too many speeches in the live broadcast room, and it explodes directly, isn’t it a good thing?

But immediately, they opened the live broadcast room and almost blackened their eyes.


Sure enough, it exploded directly!!

The entire screen went black, and even some of the surrounding pictures didn’t display properly.

Even if the live broadcast room explodes, there will be a barrage that fills the entire screen.

It’s all ridiculing His Royal Highness Qiao.

Among them, “press the F button for you” and “press F to enter the tank” are the most spoken by many netizens.

There are even hundreds of thousands!!

This number is still rising rapidly.

In fact, they also underestimated the impact of this on the Internet as a whole.

Everyone says that online dating is online fraud.

But who would have thought!!

A grandmother in her forties and fifties can make a young female voice in her early twenties!!

And he also said that he was a beauty anchor!!

If it weren’t for Su Ziang’s hacking of the shark last time, and the repair has not been completed until now, plus the Su Meitu Show he took out, there may still be countless viewers who have been deceived by His Royal Highness Qiao.

After an overnight gestation, everything broke out here!


Zhang Lishun hurriedly said: “Our shark live broadcast must now get rid of contact with His Royal Highness Qiao!!immediately!!!! immediately”

Immediately, Shark directly published its own announcement on the official website, on Weibo, Qihu and other public platforms.

Shark live broadcast: “Our company’s announcement on the handling of the incident of the anchor Lori becoming an aunt. ”

A few days ago, the incident of Lori becoming an aunt aroused social concern. ”

“After investigation and verification by the platform, the incident was independently planned by the anchor His Royal Highness Qiao, and the anchor made inappropriate remarks in the incident, challenged the audience’s bottom line, and caused adverse social impact, and the platform is now handling it as follows. ”

“From now on, the live broadcast room of His Royal Highness the anchor will be permanently closed, and there will be relevant videos and the forum in the anchor’s personal comment area will be closed. ”

“Shark has always adhered to the core values of Xia Guo, resolutely opposed malicious hype and other behaviors on the Internet, and actively promoted the positive energy of the Internet. ”

“Thank you for your attention and support from all walks of life, and we will continue to strengthen the management of the platform. ”

“Regulate the words and deeds of anchors, and lead the healthy development of the live broadcast industry in cyberspace. ”

But this announcement, not only did not calm down, but made countless netizens eat big melons and ridicule sharks.

“Hehe, the shark is really shameless now, aren’t you praising His Royal Highness Qiao? When you praised His Royal Highness Qiao, didn’t you take a good look at other people’s background information?”

“Even such a good person as Su Dada was forced away by them, you guys are good now, and then pick up someone like His Royal Highness Qiao who deceived the audience!!”

“Show! It’s too showy!!It’s a good live broadcast platform, but you have made it a disgusting platform!!”

If it weren’t for coming back to incense His Royal Highness Qiao, do you think Ye would come to the shark to watch the live broadcast!?”


Fans disdain at the same time.

On the other hand, His Royal Highness Qiao also seized the time to act.

She saw the announcement made by the shark live broadcast and felt that she couldn’t stay in the shark anymore.

She immediately ran to the live broadcast of Bolo Polo, but she didn’t expect that she would be banned as soon as she started the live broadcast.

This made her directly dumbfounded.

Polo Polo immediately issued a statement: “Our company does not welcome His Royal Highness Qiao to broadcast live on my platform, because the anchor has bad behavior.” ”

After Polo Polo made a statement, all the audience knew that His Royal Highness Qiao had secretly gone to Polo…

Something that all viewers didn’t expect.

Just one afternoon.

All platforms that can live broadcast have issued statements one after another.

Tiger Live: “Our company does not welcome His Royal Highness Qiao to broadcast live on my platform, because the anchor has bad behavior.” ”

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Xiong Da live broadcast: “Our company does not welcome His Royal Highness Qiao to come to my platform for live broadcast, because the anchor has bad behavior.” ”

Fangs live broadcast: “Our company does not welcome His Royal Highness Qiao to come to my platform for live broadcast, because the anchor has bad behavior.” ”

Penguin Live: “Our company does not welcome His Royal Highness Qiao to broadcast live on my platform, because the anchor has bad behavior.” ”

Shake Yang: “Our company does not welcome His Royal Highness Qiao to come to my platform for live broadcast, because the anchor has bad behavior.” ”

Slow Hand: “I… Alas, His Royal Highness Qiao, don’t come to harm us slowly, please, the official statement will not be issued, you just need to be a little self-aware. ”

All viewers: “…”

They were all confused.

His Royal Highness Affection Qiao ran through all the platforms that could be broadcast live in the morning and afternoon…

Oh, my God……

Break off!

Absolutely amazing!!


Besides, Su Ziang’s side, after he finished reading the news in the morning, he walked around the magic city, and drove his own Lamborghini poison around the streets in a very stylish manner.

It attracted the attention of countless passers-by, and it can be said that I enjoyed the feeling of bombing the street.

I have to say, it’s true that it’s a little cool.

After taking a good turn in the magic city and eating good Western food, at one o’clock in the afternoon, Su Ziang returned to the mansion.

I debugged all the equipment needed for live broadcasting.

It was two o’clock in the afternoon.

Su Ziang is ready to start the live broadcast.

In fact, before the broadcast started, there were viewers waiting in the live broadcast room.

In his live broadcast room, he already has seven or eight hundred thousand popularity.

The real number is 30,000 or 40,000.

When the screen in Su Ziang’s live broadcast room was fully lit.

The barrage exploded at this time.

“Wow!!I’m back!!”

“Su Shen is awesome, I admire you so much. ”

“I’m almost freezing to death outside, wouldn’t it be good to open the door early?”

“Alas, my Su Da seems to be handsome again recently, he looks so handsome, does Su Da want to show his face, don’t learn from His Royal Highness Qiao. ”

“Yes, His Royal Highness Qiao has shown his face, Su Dada, aren’t you showing your face now?”


Su Ziang just glanced at the barrage and was speechless.

“I’m not a good-looking anchor, why am I showing my face?”

He immediately smiled and said, “By the way, everyone has experienced the Su’s Meitu Show, how do you feel?”

When Su Ziang asked this sentence, the entire live broadcast room was full of resentment.

“Huh, Su Dada, are you embarrassed to ask?”

“I’m embarrassed to say it, Su Da, you’re even embarrassed to ask!!”

“Well, it’s nothing, it’s just that my photos scared my girlfriend and almost scared her heart out. ”

“Well, it’s nothing, it’s just that my friend took my picture and used it to blackmail me for a dinner night. ”

“Ugh… Don’t say it, it’s good that Master Su is happy. ”

“In a word, Su is awesome…”

Su Ziang couldn’t help but laugh.

Seeing everyone so happy, it seems that this virus has created surprises for many people.

Of course.

Su’s Meitu Show is for His Royal Highness Qiao.

That’s not a surprise.

It’s fright.

Su Ziang looked at the camera and said with a smile: “Okay, let’s start today’s live broadcast, in a while, there is a new rule to say, don’t rush now, I won’t say much about the rest, just start extracting victims.” ”

He directly opened the lottery.

Countless spectators became excited.

The hacker bosses also waited in the live broadcast room early, and the moment Su Ziang opened the lottery, they all began to show their hand speed for more than 20 years and send barrages frantically.

To be honest, they want to win the lottery no less than the rest of the audience.

Because, they want to take this opportunity to have a good talk with Su Ziang.

They are now already thinking about how to hug their thighs and what kind of thigh-hugging posture is the best if they win.

Soon, a minute passed, and in the midst of the barrage of “I am the next victim”, a new victim was born.

Su Ziang looked at the ID of the winning lottery and said, “UP Lord Wang Nan?”,

“This brother, I’ll pull you directly into the microphone. ”

As he spoke, Su Ziang pulled the person named Wang Nan, the UP master, to the wheat order. ,

He got straight to the point and asked, “What do you want?”

Wang Nan was a little excited, he finally saw Su Shen himself.

At this time, countless viewers were also sour.

“My God, I know this UP master, I just knew the UP master of Su University yesterday, this is a new fan, why did he let him win it. ”

As the first fan of Su Dada, I don’t accept this lottery, there is an insider!!”

“This UP master, I advise you, the appeal you make must be better, you must be a person!!”

“yes, don’t us girls!!”

“Don’t mess with our students’ !! either”


In the barrage of countless audiences, Wang Nan slowly spoke.

“Su Da, I’s…”

“Actually, my girlfriend and I have been in love for three years. ”

“The other day, when I proposed to her, she kept saying that I didn’t give her the best proposal, and it wasn’t romantic at all. ”

“Although she still agreed to my proposal, I still have a lot of regrets in my heart. ”

“So I want to… In other words…… Can Su Da make a particularly romantic virus…”_

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