153 chapters like to hold a money field!


A dance, around, passers-by clapped wildly, and shouted with excitement.

“Awesome! Little sister, this fan dance is really amazing! ”

“I didn’t expect that I could actually see this level of dance on the side of the road, with the dance skills of the young lady, I believe, definitely not an ordinary person!”

“Today is really a lucky day, I can actually meet such a beautiful young lady when I come out for a walk.”

You can also enjoy such a beautiful dance. ”

“Love love, want to know the name of the young lady, in the future, I will be your iron fan!”

Jiang Ze’s fan dance instantly conquered dozens of passers-by who were watching.

Their eyes were full of heat when they looked at Jiang Ze, and Jiang Ze in front of them was like a goddess in their eyes.

Not only does she look very beautiful, but she also dances so well.

In the past, they could only see such characters on TV.

Jiang Ze smiled slightly, and his sweet voice came out: “Don’t worry, my name, I’ll tell you later.” ”

“But for now, please allow me to keep it for a while and maintain the mystery!”

“I hope the beautiful little sister and the handsome little brothers can understand.”

Jiang Ze’s women’s clothing and cos’ fire dance are already stunning in appearance, plus this sweet and greasy sound.

As soon as the words came out, the passers-by next to them didn’t think much about it, so they quickly nodded.

“Understand, understand!”

“We’re not in a hurry, wait! Wait until you’re willing to tell us. ”

“Anyway, we’re not going anywhere tonight, we’ll just stay with you and watch you!”

Jiang Ze smiled, these passers-by are very well-behaved and obedient.


“Brothers and sisters, you are so good!”

“The dance I just danced, if you like it and have spare money, you can hold a money field~”

The words fell, and in the stunned eyes of the others, Jiang Ze didn’t know where to take out a bowl the size of a basin.

Then, in front of him.

“Lying groove, Kato Sawa, you are too shameful, when we communicated just now, we didn’t say such a thing!”

PDD looked confused and watched Jiang Ze take out the bowl that was larger than the basin.

In my heart, it’s all lying groove.

Jiang Ze, now also a super popular anchor, on the teasing platform, the popularity has remained in the top five.

And now, actually engaged in one set!

PDD and ZCC looked at each other and stood a little farther away in tacit agreement, so as not to let everyone know that they were in a group.

At the scene, passers-by saw the large bowl taken out by Jiang Ze, and their faces were also strange.

I didn’t expect that such a beautiful little sister would actually do such a thing.



It’s so cute…

“Wow, what a cute little sister, how can there be such a cute girl in this world!”

An eighteen-nine-year-old man holding Luban No. 7 held back his excitement and shouted.

“This bowl is bigger than the anchor’s face.

Woo, looking at it, how come the hand can’t help but dig towards the money in his arms. ”

“A hundred dollars in his pocket, restless, the moment he saw the bowl, he seemed to want to run in.”

“The anchor is so beautiful and the dance is so good, I have to use financial support to make me feel at ease.

Otherwise, there is always a feeling of white, which makes me very ashamed in my heart. ”

One by one, although they felt that Jiang Ze’s behavior was a little strange.

However, looking at Jiang Ze’s face, listening to Jiang Ze’s sweet voice, and then thinking of the fan dance before.

Suddenly, one by one, he stepped forward, took out the banknotes in his pocket, and gently put them in Jiang Ze’s bowl.

Ten, twenty, fifty, one hundred…

These passers-by, the one who gave the least tip, was ten dollars.

Perhaps because of Jiang Ze’s appearance, they didn’t want to show it.

At the beginning, the man who gave ten yuan saw the amount of tips from those behind, and his face turned red.

He felt embarrassed in his heart, so he quickly ran to the small shop next to him and exchanged the money in his mobile phone for cash.

Rush back again!

Then, in the surprised eyes of others, he directly put ten red hundreds into the bowl in front of Jiang Ze.

“Anchor, can you add prestige?”

After he finished putting it away, he quickly asked.

“No, little brother, WeChat this thing, you need to be familiar with it before you can give it.”

Jiang Ze smiled slightly, and his tone was gentle.

WeChat, of course, can’t just give it!

Otherwise, it will make his forcing fall.

Today, he intends to maintain the image of a goddess with full talent scores.

A thousand dollars, I want to add his prestige.

This, absolutely not!

Faced with Jiang Ze’s refusal, the man was stunned for a moment, but did not continue to entangle.

Hurriedly, retreated towards the back.

“Oh, the toad wants to eat swan meat, a thousand dollars, just want to add this kind of goddess prestige, it’s just too much.”

“Yes, this guy looks like an otaku and doesn’t know the market at all!

The appearance of this girl in front of her, coupled with the superb dance skills, is the top card wherever she puts it!

This kind of top card, where is a little money can be impressed. ”

“Ahem, although what you said makes sense, can the example given be better.

The little lady is so pure and sweet, you can think so? ”

Passers-by were not far apart, so the muttering sounds were basically heard in Jiang Ze’s ears.

Therefore, the content about the top card is naturally no exception.

“Your sister, can you speak!”

He complained in his heart.

If it weren’t for the clean eyes of the man who spoke, he would definitely think that this was a man who had become too lewd.

Sending away the man who wanted prestige, Jiang Ze glanced into the bowl in front of him.

It was found that this bowl, which was larger than his basin, was almost full.

He swept it down and came up with an approximate number.

This pot of banknotes looks like more than 5,000 fast money.

“I’ll go, outdoor art selling is actually so profitable?”

Jiang Ze was stunned, this Nima, after it turned out to be able to dance, it was so easy to make money.

I remember the hard life when he was doing game live broadcasts in the past.

I can’t help but feel sad.

If he had known this, he would have been a game anchor and practiced his dance.

How good it is to be a good looking plus dancing anchor.

“Thank you so much little brothers and sisters, you are so enthusiastic!”

His face was sincere, and his voice became sweeter.

The number of onlookers is also increasing, from a few dozen people at the beginning to more than a hundred.

Moreover, people from afar saw the lively appearance of this side, and they were curious and looked towards this side.

It is human nature to watch lively.

PDD had been squeezed into a corner at this time, and in order not to block the sight of the people behind, he could only squat down helplessly.

Next to him, ZCC held up his mobile phone, expressionless.

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