While the two were chatting, Chen Yu came back from outside smiling, and after seeing Coco, he went up and pulled Coco's braids.

"Uncle Chen Yu, don't scratch my pigtails. "

Huh... Why can't I catch it, the little girl's pigtails are for people. Chen Yu deliberately grabbed it twice, and Guo Lizhi on the side rushed over with a broom: "What are you talking about, hurry up and let go, it's still an elder, don't bully Coco."

Guo Liqing's eyes glared, and Chen Yu's anger disappeared in an instant.

The daughter-in-law glared, and he was stunned.

After all, a daughter-in-law is used to spoil, not to mention his favorite girl, spoiling her, and being happy himself.

The atmosphere between the two was slightly different, and although Coco couldn't tell what it was like, she was obviously aware of the difference.

It's a little familiar.

What is it like?

When Coco was puzzled, she suddenly realized the happiness of a hundred flowers blooming.

"Uncle Chen Yu, is my dad coming home?"

"Your dad went to the village chief's house, he will come to pick you up later, and now Uncle Chen Yu's house is staying well."

Coco nodded.

Dad is so powerful, the village chief will definitely praise Daddy, but Coco is a little proud, and her slightly raised chin reveals a hint of arrogance.

After Chen Yu saw it, he pinched Coco's little face: "The little girl understands everything."

"Daddy is so smart, and of course Daddy's daughter is also smart. "

Yes, yes, you father and daughter are the smartest.

Coco, who was praised, grinned, and she continued to pick up the small fork to eat watermelon, in Chen Yu's house, there will always be endless watermelon.

However, Guo Lizhen can still see that Chen Yu is in trouble.

"What's the matter?"

"Hehe, whoever knows me, my wife too!"

Guo Li glanced at him: "Keke, don't talk nonsense." "Pay attention to the influence, in this regard, Guo Li is quite traditional, and she doesn't like to make out with her husband outside and bite her ears or something.

She's thin-skinned!

"Brother Chen Jing helps us sell watermelons, he has already prepared it over there, wife, we will be busy from tomorrow, and we can also sell things online!" Guo

Lizhi's eyes widened for a moment: "What you said is true?" "

Of course, Brother Chen Jing won't lie to me."

At that time, his reaction was the same as Guo Liqing, and after chatting a lot, the husband and wife agreed that from now on, they would obey Chen Jing's arrangement.

Chen Jing is their nobleman and their family.

The husband and wife are very grateful to Chen Jing.

In the past, they planted watermelons, but in the end, they lost money, and even if they sold them cheaply, they couldn't make much money.

"Hey... Feed...... Pay attention to the big guy, our Qingxi Village will soon start building the road, just now I have been instructed by the superior leader, before the road is repaired, I hope the big guy will clean up the firewood piles on the side of the road..."

This is a great joy!

Roads are being built, and their village is really going to start building roads.

"I heard you right. "

No... My seventy-year-old woman heard me right. How could you have misheard, build roads, build roads. "

What is the reason for building the road?"

"What else can it be, of course it's Chen Jing, Chen Jing's leaders are here, it must be because of him, my God, Chen Jing is the blessing of our village!"



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