What appeared in front of him was a dirty little girl, with a dirty white dress and small braids falling apart.

The shoes on my feet have gone.

There was also mud on his white face, and Chen Jing felt a pain in his head for the first time.

The scene in front of her was also quite embarrassing.

Behind Coco was Huzi.

Both are small clay figurines.

"Daddy, look.

Coco walked towards Chen Jing with a small bucket, showing off the small fish inside, these are today's achievements.

"I'm in the river.

Chen Jing stared at Coco, the little girl saw that her father's face was a little wrong, and mentioned the things in the river, and Coco felt a little bad for a moment.

Things don't seem right.

She looked at Chen Jing cautiously, her father's expression was serious, and she was so frightened that she didn't dare to speak, and the little girl stared at Chen Jing pitifully.

Zhou Rongrong hurriedly came over, stood in front of Coco, looked at Chen Jing, and explained: "I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of Coco, don't blame Coco."

Chen Jing hummed lightly.

Chen Jing sighed slightly, stepped forward and returned home with Cocoa, but Coco followed behind silently.

I wanted to open my mouth three times and twice, but I didn't know what to say.

After Chen Jing took Coco home, he didn't say a word.

He fetched a basin of water by the pool and picked up a towel to wipe Coco's face.

It is necessary to scrub the little dirty guy clean.

"Dabi, I'm sorry, Coco is wrong, Coco shouldn't have listened to Dadby.

Chen Jing, who washed her hands, raised her eyes and looked at Coco, and said, "What's wrong?"

Hearing her dad talking to her, Coco held back her happiness, and said in a milky voice: "Coco shouldn't go to the river to catch fish, Dad said that it is very dangerous to fall into the water, this is Coco is not good, you shouldn't go to the river secretly, Dad Don't be angry, Coco promises not to go to dangerous places in the future, Dad Don't be angry." The

little girl purred and stared at Chen Jing, who couldn't lose his temper in front of his daughter.

"Do what you promised your father, otherwise... Daddy really won't care about you anymore.

Chen Jing's words were serious, but Coco nodded immediately, Dad was her dearest, so Coco was reluctant to leave Chen Jing.

After realizing that his daughter was scared, Chen Jing was slightly satisfied, which was a wake-up call and a reminder.

"Dad only has one daughter, Coco, if Dad loses Cocoa, Dad will not be happy in his life, can

Coco bear to watch Dad alone?" "Don't, Coco don't leave Dadby, don't want Dad to be sad and sad alone, Dadby, Coco is really wrong."

Coco's eyes were slightly red, and she looked at Chen Jing nervously.


"Good, this time Dadby is not angry, but Coco can't have a next time."

Chen Jing's voice was gentle, but Coco nodded solemnly, and finally Chen Jing smiled.

After Coco saw it, she giggled out loud, and Zhou Rongrong was very relieved to see the communication between the father and daughter, but fortunately, there was no other trouble between the father and daughter.

Zhou Rongrong was ashamed of her failure to take care of the child.

But Zhou Rongrong felt that Chen Jing was making a little fuss, which of the children in the countryside was not running around, everyone was fine.

The little boy who followed Coco was a sensible man and would definitely not take Coco to dangerous places.

"Chen Jing, children sometimes can't be too strict, and children also need to be free. "

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