[Yes.] [

Attentive man, I want to pursue other reporters, and I don't look at how many catties and taels I have. [

Puxin man.

[Everyone has the right to pursue love, don't be too powerful. Are journalists a noble group? Some people don't deliberately exalt others and belittle themselves.

[Wow, someone sprinkled chicken soup.]


Lift my noble buttocks and fart at you, little spicy chicken.】

[Can the management of the live broadcast room manage some people, don't be unscrupulous in Dad's live broadcast room, what if you get a number? [

Through the screen, I smell the fragrance.]

[It's another day of wanting to wear cocoa.] [

There is a father who is like a father, and a woman who is like a coco, and I will definitely go to my father's hometown during the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday.

[I want to too.]

[No, I want to go home to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival with my parents. [


[Please take pictures then.] [

But dad is a must for fishing. In

the hall, Coco sat next to Chen Jing, and Zhou Rongrong wanted to sit next to Chen Jing, but Zhang Wei preemptively occupied the position closest to Chen Jing.

Zhou Rongrong was a little unhappy in her heart.

With a smile on his face, Zhang Wei greeted Zhou Rongrong warmly.

"Reporter Zhou, don't be polite when you come to our house, Brother Chen's cooking is delicious, you can try the fish, in fact, I cook very well, I have time to cook for Reporter Zhou."

Chen Jing ate the meal silently, thinking that Zhang Wei, this kid, was quite capable of bragging.

The front foot said that he married his wife to cook and wash clothes, and now he is slapping his face.

Chen Jing glanced at Zhang Wei teasingly.

"Thank you.

Zhou Rongrong smiled shyly.

There are no other excessive words.

The attitude is not close.

Zhou Rongrong is not a fool, she saw Zhang Wei's hospitality.

"Zhang Wei, you have that kind of cooking skills, why don't I know?"

Brother Qiang laughed.

There was a hint of amusement in his eyes.

Zhang Wei secretly poked and prodded at him, but Brother Qiang didn't see it: "I ate a meal you cooked once, and the taste is unique." "

Aha... yes, that means my skills are pretty good. The

two sang and harmonized.

Chen Jing ate quietly, and didn't want to answer, Zhang Wei was deliberately showing himself.

After a meal.

Brother Qiang and Zhang Wei drove away, Chen Jing was washing dishes in the kitchen, and Zhou Rongrong walked in from outside and said, "I'll help you."

"There is still a little left, it will be done soon, the road is being repaired outside, so reporter Zhou should go to work as soon as possible." "

He made sense and there was nothing wrong with that.

Zhou Rongrong nodded, and went out with something in her heart.

But as Chen Jing said, the road construction outside is in full swing, and the road is much smoother this time.

When it's raining, you don't have to worry about standing water, and how can muddy roads continue to appear.

The matter of Qingxi Village, the news of Chen Jing in Qingxi Village has spread to several villages.

When Xu Lan and Xu Taohua returned to Qingxi Village together, they were shocked by the scene in front of them.

The gap between what I heard and what I saw with my own eyes was too big.

"My mother, the road is really repaired. "

Mom... is indeed building roads, these are the credit of Chen Jingge.

After hearing about Chen Jing's deeds, Xu Taohua inquired clearly, and saw Chen Jing's deeds on his friend's mobile phone.

Chen Jingge is a genius! He

is also a well-known person who has appeared in newspapers and television.

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