Under Wang Guixiang's order, everyone worked one after another, but Coco walked inside with Huzi and saw the novelty.

[I lost it, this is the technique of grafting?

] [God, why is this like this, it's really interesting.]

[If I had this skill, I would also go back to farming, and maybe I would be able to become an excellent farmer.] [

Hahaha. 【

Loading ratio.】

[What to show, who wouldn't.] [

Envy. [

It's so lively, it's so lively, I want to sell ice cream in this past, and it will definitely drive a lot of economy.

[But dad is so handsome, look at those young girls, they are actually peeking at Kedda, hahaha.

[At the beginning of man, the nature of sex.

[Earlier, you have a problem with your brain.

[This anchor's ambition is not small, it is online sales, and it is to build a greenhouse, his ambition is not small, and he is quite capable, I admire.

[Ambitious, courageous, dare to fight, dare to do, I admire the anchor, life is exactly like this, don't be afraid, we have to rush forward.

[Come on, brothers, the anchors have worked so hard, can we still say bitter, we still have to work hard in the same place, he is very inspirational.

[At that time, I paid attention to the anchor because of the giant pumpkin report, and later... I found him to be an excellent inspirational and positive anchor, and I came to see him every once in a while, and I was able to stick with him even more.

[Probably this is the power of example.

[Some sailors don't brag here, if you continue to brag, I'm going to die of disgust.

[Disgusting. [

Spicy chicken, what is there to promote.

[Some people are alive, but they are dead.

[I want to follow the anchor for a lifetime to see how far the anchor can go.

[Dad, love you, come on.

[Come on, Dad, Ollie give.] The

fans in the live broadcast room were unusually enthusiastic.

The big guy looked at Chen Jing through the anchor, and the situation here attracted the attention of many people.

Among them must be people who include his rivals, the Fang family.

Once Chen Jing gets up, their Fang family will inevitably be affected a lot.

There was laughter and laughter in the greenhouse.

"Hahahaha... Who says it's not, I can make money now, I must show my family, and when I came, I said that I was deceived, what does that old thing know, and I have been stubborn all my life. "

My old man too, he said that there is no free lunch in the world, hmph, he knows a fart, do we eat for free? We rely on labor!"

"That is, we men and women are the same, we can hold up half the sky."

"Eh, it's the first time I've seen Chen Jing, I've heard of him earlier, and when I see him today, this kid looks really good, and his daughter is also very well-behaved and cute.

"It's a pity that it's a single dad.

"What's wrong with a single father, he will also marry a daughter-in-law in the future, how can he do it without a son in our countryside."

Wang Guixiang, who came over, smiled disapprovingly: "Boys and girls are all the same, the same are our children, his sister-in-law, you can't have such thoughts, how good are your three daughters." "

Well, I just want to have a son. "

Is it so important that sons and daughters can give you a pension and send you to the end of your life? Life is in the world, you don't know anything after death, it's just a pile of mud, whether it's a son or a daughter, they can inherit your blood, we inherit the family's upbringing spirit and the blood in the children's body, the blood continues, the inheritance continues.

Wang Guixiang's words immediately caused a lot of discussions, including fans in the live broadcast room.

Someone disagreed: "Third aunt, if you don't have a son, the child's father will be cut off."

"You, what you fancy is nothing more than the inheritance of the surname, if you want the inheritance of the surname, in the future, your daughter will give birth to two children, and it would be good to have one with your surname, even if it is not like this, but our blood is continuous, whether it is a boy or a girl, it is your blood, it is your child!".

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