In fact,

the contradiction between the eldest brother and the second brother is attributed to the partiality of the old father and the old mother, and the eldest brother has not forgotten it for so many years.

In the entire Chen family, the parents are most partial to the second brother, in fact, they can't blame the parents for being partial, it's really that the second brother's health has always been bad.

As a parent, it is inevitable to be partial.


Okay, the matter has been settled, let's go back, there are still things to do at home." Wang Guixiang urged Chen Zhenfa.

There are some things that are not clear, who is right and who is wrong, forget it, it is unclear.

"Third uncle, third aunt, bring some winter dates back to eat, the winter dates in our backyard are ripe. Chen

Kang has always been generous, carrying a lot of winter dates and handing them to Wang Guixiang.

When taking things from the old family, Wang Guixiang glanced at Xu Lan, saw her and said with a smile: "Take it and eat it, this is not a rare thing, we can't eat it and waste it in the end, croppers, we can't waste food."

"It's rare for my sister-in-law to be bright.

Wang Guixiang said quite unexpectedly.

"Alright, take it and eat it. "

They have been concubines for so many years, who doesn't know whom, Wang Guixiang smiled and accepted the winter dates she gave.

After Chen Jing returned home, Coco had not come back, and his mind was now on the greenhouse and online shopping, Chen Jing turned on the live broadcast.

He has memorized almost everything in the Tiangong book, and now he still has to do it in a wheelchair.

Ergouzi's wheelchair caused quite a stir in the village.

Villagers in need came to the door.

He glanced at the various gifts piled up in the courtyard, and Chen Jing continued his work.

"Chen Jing, is Chen Jing at home?" a

voice came from outside.

Immediately after that, a figure appeared, and it was the elders of the village who entered.

"Granny... What about my own family!" Chen

Jing greeted her, and the old lady who called her grandmother had gray hair, carried a basket in her hand, and was dressed very simply and cleanly.

The old lady walked slowly, and as Chen Jing approached, the camera followed.

"It's good that you're at home, you're too busy to come back and bother you, come... This is bacon made by the grandmother herself, and she will give it to you and your children to taste. She

did have a small piece of bacon in her basket.

Chen Jing knew that this was probably the most valuable thing in the old grandmother's family.

"Even if my grandmother has something to do, no matter how busy I am, I still have time to say a few words to my grandmother.

Chen Jing moved a chair, and the old lady sat on the chair and smiled, as if she had something to say, but she was embarrassed to speak.

Her eyes glanced at the wheelchair made by Chen Jing, and Chen Jing, who noticed this, instantly understood the old lady's intention.

"Is the old lady ordering a wheelchair for the old man?" The old

lady nodded embarrassedly: "Chen Jing, I know it's not easy for you to make a thing, and you also know the situation of our family, I hope you don't dislike this bacon." "

Grandma doesn't have to be polite, how many people in our village need wheelchairs, the village chief is already counting, in fact... You are not in vain to set a wheelchair, the village chief took out a part of the collective money as a customization fee, grandma, don't be polite to me, these bacon grannies take back and keep them with the old man to eat, you see... There were so many things that we couldn't eat.

Chen Jing made it clear one by one, pointing to the gifts stacked together.

The old lady's eyes showed surprise, there were indeed a lot of things here, but the old lady's tone became more and more affirmative: "Everyone else has taken things, and I can't miss it, you must accept this bit of bacon." "

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