[I envy the days of the anchor.

[There's nothing good in the countryside, and there's a lot of gossip.]

[That's because you don't have the ability.

[If you have a mountain of gold and silver, who dares to say that you are not.]

[The anchor just make a farmhouse, you can be a chef in this skill.]

[I envy the anchor every day.

Chen Jing has always been very good at cooking, and after the fish is placed in the oven, Chen Jing starts to prepare the side dishes.

Coco outside walked in with a basket of vegetables, put the vegetables in front of Chen Jing, and said, "Daddy

is going to start cooking now?" "Yes, the fish is going to be roasted for a while, and now Dad is going to start making side dishes." Coco now goes outside and washes the fruit that Dad bought and puts it on a fruit plate.


When Coco ran to the car, she saw that Chen Jing had bought a lot of fruits, and Coco was carrying a bunch of grapes and a bunch of grapes.

She brought a small basin and washed it by the sink.

These fruits are big and fresh, and after the cocoa is washed, it goes back to the kitchen, and the cocoa picks one, hands it to Chen Jing, and says with a smile: "Dad eats it." "

Okay, that's good!" The

interaction between the father and daughter is very cute.

Wait until the oven turns off automatically.

Chen Jing beckoned Coco to sit at the table, he carefully turned on the electric grill, came out with a plate of grilled fish, and placed it in front of Coco.

Coco's eyes widened in surprise.

The side dishes and grilled fish inside are very beautiful, and you can smell the deep aroma.

"Wow, Dad is so good, Dad is so good at grilled fish, it's delicious to look at, and there are my favorite quail eggs in these side dishes. Coco covered her mouth in surprise.

Suddenly being praised by his daughter like this, Chen Jing raised his head slightly proudly and proudly.

"Your dad is not an ordinary person, sit down quickly and have a good taste of dad's craftsmanship. The

camera focuses on the grilled fish on the table.

The heat is very suitable, and the skin of the fish is scorched.

The rising heat, and the scent, seem to come out of the camera.

After it is just baked, it is poured with hot oil, and the sound is very good.

Chen Jing served two bowls of rice, handed a small bowl to Cocoa, and looked at Coco gently: "Eat slowly, no one will rob you." "

It was so tasty, much more delicious than what we had in a 5 star hotel. "This is Cocoa's truest reaction.

Chen Jing smiled and said nothing, the father and daughter had dinner, but Coco's words were caught by the sunspots.

[Yo, a farmer still goes to a five-star hotel, this is a good anchor for your publicity?

[Hype dog.

[Selling human designs, hateful. Which

law stipulates that people can go wherever they want if they have money.

[Jealousy makes people feel malice.

[There are so many keyboard warriors, why don't you go to disaster relief if you have time to type on the keyboard.] [

Garbage anchor, character collapse.

[I'm an old fan of the anchor, the anchor has never sold a persona, don't frame the anchor again, I tell you... Those who don't know the anchor are not qualified to make irresponsible comments. [

Yo Yo Yo, the dog bites. [

Roll rough.] [

Get out, manage the black.] Chen

Jing and Cocoa were satisfied with the book outside the camera, and he took the opportunity to look at the camera, and he had already seen the remarks on it.

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