Su Lanzhi's face, Chen Jing especially disliked, in his eyes, Su Lanzhi is a person with a serious illness.

No wonder she was able to charm Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei, that fool, is Su Lanzhi's opponent, while he was thinking, Su Lanzhi walked slowly, her eyes were full of arrogance.

Standing in front of Chen Jing, he took out a look that looked at him with a look that looked at the world.

"In my eyes, my ability is charm, Chen Jing, you don't look down on me, some people take a fancy to me and come to lick me! Don't think that you are great with a few dollars now. Your good brother still likes me!"

she just likes to watch Zhang Wei lick the dog, and she has a happy sense of revenge in her heart.

Su Lanzhi's actions, after Chen Jing watched it from beginning to end, he didn't have any special feelings.

He looked at Su Lanzhi with a special gaze, and felt more and more that this woman was debauched.

Zhang Wei's mind is now on Su Lanzhi, which is definitely not a good thing.

"Su Lanzhi, do it yourself. Chen

Jing didn't want to say anything else!

Chen Jing walked past her.

Su Lanzhi in the back was very disdainful.

Su Lanzhi, who turned around, looked at Chen Jing's back and clenched his fists unwillingly.

She deliberately dialed out a phone call, and her voice was deliberately loud: "Zhang Wei, I suddenly have a little headache now... Well, I don't want to go to the hospital, maybe I didn't have a good rest last night.

Chen Jing, who was originally walking, didn't look back when he heard her voice.

There are some things that must be hurried.

After Chen Jing left the alley, he happened to meet Chen Yu.

I don't know how long Chen Yu has been here.

"Brother Chen, have you been avoiding Su Lanzhi recently. I advise you not to get too close to her, this woman is not a good thing.

When Chen Yu mentioned Su Lanzhi, there was some fierce light and disgust in his eyes.

This made Chen Jing interested.

What the hell is going on, it made Chen Yu have such a big reaction.

"Why do you say this?"

"Hmph, when it comes to Su Lanzhi, I'm annoyed, at the beginning... She wanted to seduce me. Fortunately, I was determined at that time and did not fall into her trap, this woman has been dishonest since she was a child, Brother Chen Jing, she is a restless vixen. In

front of Chen Jing, Chen Yu did not hide it.

mentioned the things that Su Lanzhi did in the past to seduce him.

If he hadn't met Guo Lizhen later, his innocence would probably have been ruined in the hands of Su Lanzhi, who was a businessman in the village at that time, and his money was naturally better than others.

Su Lanzhi is a powerful woman who knows what is best for herself.

Fortunately, he got out of the sea of suffering early.

After listening, Chen Jing's brows furrowed slightly: "She is indeed a dishonest woman. "

What? Brother Chen Jing... Are you supposed to..."Chen Yu was a little incredulous.

Under his gaze, Chen Jing nodded, did not hide Chen Yu, and said the matter briefly, Chen Yu said angrily: "Slut, I don't know shame, sure enough, she came back to set off a storm in the village, pretending to be so good in front of outsiders, exposing her true nature in front of us, phew!"

Chen Yu is especially shameless!

But Chen Jing is very worried at this moment, and Zhang Wei's side must cut off Zhang Wei's thoughts as soon as possible.

He couldn't watch Zhang Wei being deceived.

"I'll go to the village chief's house, you go to Chen Kang to be busy with the channel, we must have more shared channels, once the vegetable greenhouse is up, the channel is far from enough. "

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