"Classmates, are you worthy of being my classmate? Others don't know, but I know it clearly. There are some things I don't want to say, and I don't want to repeat them, I hope you can keep to yourself, so that we can all live unharmed, but if you dare to make a little trouble, don't blame me for being merciless. "

Guo Lizhi is not afraid of things.

Guo Lizhi dropped the words full of threats, and after seeing Su Lanzhi's face change, she glanced at Chen Miaomiao again, one was angry, the other was wronged, it was really a white lotus, a green tea.

Guo Lizhi snorted coldly, turned around and strode away, with a belly full of anger.

Chen Miaomiao in the back comforted Su Lanzhi, but Su Lanzhi's eyes were full of pride, she deliberately provoked Guo Lizhi because she knew Guo Lizhi.

They used to be high school classmates, but what's the use of that?

It's just a matter of being high school classmates for a few months.

In school, Guo Lizhi is better than him everywhere.

Later, she married Chen Yu, who was a little interesting to her.

What advantages does Guo Lizhen have? Can get Chen Yu's thoughts.

It just so happens that this time I can take revenge on the two of them, and now both of them are the most hated people by Su Lanzhi, and after going back, Guo Lizhi made a fuss with Chen Yu.

Chen Yu didn't understand what was going on at first, and thought that he had done something wrong, which made Guo Li sad.

After asking carefully, he learned about Su Lanzhi, and the angry Chen Yu almost went to Su Lanzhi with a knife to settle the score.

Fortunately, Guo Lizhi stopped Chen Yu in time, and after the husband and wife made their words clear, they turned from shock to anger, this little slut did it on purpose.

"You don't want to clash with her head-on, her heart has long been wrong, and I don't know what happened to her outside all these years. I think she must have some secret out there.

Guo Lizhi slapped on the table: "Little slut, she will wait for me." I happen to have classmates working outside, and maybe I can find out something, so it's best not to let me catch the handle, and if I do, I'll make her feel bad.

Cheng Chenyu, who was sitting on the chair, looked at his wife's angry appearance and trembled.

You can't offend your own tigress if you offend anyone, but the feeling of being protected by a tigress is still quite beautiful.

Guo Lizhi turned his head to glance at Chen Yu, who was smiling, and Guo Lizhi snorted coldly: "Don't be proud of me, it's all the right and wrong you provoke me." If I find out what's really going on between you, you'll wait and see.

"Don't worry, wife, you are the only person I love, and the other women are just a piece of in front of me, nothing." "

Hmph, you don't talk to me poorly!" This

matter ends here, and the husband and wife will pass it over, but Guo Lizhen will still investigate Su Lanzhi's affairs in private, not only Guo Lizhi, but also Chen Jing's side is also investigating Su Lanzhi's affairs.

He had to let Zhang Wei see Su Lanzhi's true face clearly.

On this day, when Chen Jing was about to ride a bicycle to the town to do errands, Chen Jing had already heard that Su Lanzhi had also gone to the town, and it seemed that he had gone out with a man from the next village.

Recently, Su Lanzhi and that man have also been in a hot fight, but Zhang Wei's guy doesn't seem to know.

He mentioned it once or twice, but Zhang Wei said that Su Lanzhi told him that it was a friend of hers, but how could a friend go out on an appointment together?

"Dadby, when are you coming back today? Can you come back a little earlier? Today is Ergouzi's brother's birthday, I want to give Ergouzi's brother a taste of Dadby's egg tart, he hasn't eaten it."

Coco came out of the house and saw Chen Jing sitting in the car, and Coco said his request.

In fact, I just want Chen Jing to come back to cook.

"Dad will be back soon after finishing his errands, but Coco remembers to go to the third grandmother's house for dinner. "

Okay, I'll be obedient, Dad is more safe than on the road, I'll wait for you at home!"

"Okay, wait for me at home." Daddy will come back in the evening and make you tarts to eat.

"Okay, dad is gray.

Coco waved her little hand at Chen Jing, and she watched Chen Jing ride out.

After arriving in the town, Chen Jing went to a place, and he was greeted by a bald young man.

"Brother Chen, you're finally here!"

"How's things going?"

Chen Jing got straight to the point, and the bald young man smiled heartily: "Brother Chen, don't worry, there will definitely be no problem with my shot." These are the photos I took, and these are her opening records, including the address, the identity of these customers is not clear for the time being, but Brother Chen, this woman, you must not provoke her, she is not a clean woman, nor is she a good woman.

Chen Jing looked at the photos above, including the customer records above, and he had already guessed Su Lanzhi's identity.

Su Lanzhi has been outside all these years, and I am afraid that he is doing unsightly business.

No wonder she came back with a bright time.

Su Lanzhi came back in such a hurry, I'm afraid that something happened outside!"

"Okay, I've worked hard for you, I'll transfer the money directly to you." "

Hehe, thank you, Brother Chen, if you have any needs in the future, just ask, I'll ask you in our area." The

bald young man patted his chest proudly. Chen Jing gave him a thumbs up.

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