Zhang Wei didn't understand, he smiled and said: "Brother Chen, don't worry, I, Zhang Wei, have never been a person who drags mud and water, and now I have all my thoughts on Su Lanzhi, Lanzhi She is so beautiful, so gentle, she is simply my goddess."

When talking about Su Lanzhi, Zhang Wei's eyes flashed with little stars.

Seeing anything is so gentle, Chen Jing, who was sitting opposite him, sighed slightly in his heart after seeing this scene.

I hope that when he sees the truth, Zhang Wei can calm the anger in his heart, and he can be as calm as he is now, and don't care so much.

"Hopefully you can do it.

"Brother Chen, I know you're worried about me, but this time you really don't have to worry about me, Laneige is the most special girl I have ever met, and I will definitely be happy when I marry Laneige in the future."

Chen Jing took a sip of tea and had no other reaction.

Zhang Wei knew that Chen Jing had always disliked Su Lanzhi, but he didn't know the reason why he didn't like Su Lanzhi. Zhang Wei didn't ask either.

The two of them sat on the windowsill, looking outside from time to time.

At this time, Chen Jing saw a familiar figure, that person was indeed Su Lanzhi, and there was a man standing next to Su Lanzhi.

The two of them had just come out of the hotel.

"Zhang Wei, isn't that

Su Lanzhi?" Chen Jing glanced at Zhang Wei, at this time Zhang Wei had also noticed Su Lanzhi, he watched Su Lanzhi walk out of the hotel with a man.

I was a little shocked in my heart, the two were very close, and Su Lanzhi held the man's arm.

I didn't know that I thought they were a couple.

"It's... This must be Laneige's friend.

"What friend can be so close?" Zhang

Wei opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a moment, and men's intuition is sometimes very accurate.

Chen Jing continued: "Whether he is a friend or not, you might as well make a phone call to Su Lanzhi and ask where Su Lanzhi is."

Chen Jing said this, and Zhang Wei's heart shook.

He held the mobile phone and tried to dial it out three times and twice, but he never had the courage, and finally he dialed out, and the phone was quickly connected, but no one answered.

He watched Su Lanzhi put the man in the car, and then he stood at the door of the hotel and picked up the phone.

"Laneige, where are you?"

"What's the matter? I'm in our township now, I'm out to do something." "

Oh no, I just wanted to call you all of a sudden.

"Then since it's okay, I'll hang up first, I still have something to do here."

"Okay, goodbye!"

After Zhang Wei hung up the phone, he glanced outside again, Su Lanzhi hung up the phone, but Su Lanzhi did not go far, but quickly walked in front of a luxury car, and a pot-bellied man got out of the car, and the two walked into the hotel intimately together.

Zhang Wei holding his mobile phone.

His hands were clenched tightly, and a pair of eyes stared straight at their backs until they couldn't see them.

"Brother Chen, you did it on purpose.

Zhang Wei now understands why Brother Chen chose to be here, Brother Chen knows all this, so he wants him to see it with his own eyes.

Chen Jing did not hide from him.

"Since you have already guessed, I won't say anything more, Zhang Wei, this woman Su Lanzhi is not suitable for you. I was going to give you all these photos at first, but I was afraid that you wouldn't believe it, so I let you see them with your own eyes. Zhang Wei, how do you plan, choose for yourself. "

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