"Come on, come on, we're back. Xu Sixuan responded to Luo Tingting from afar, holding Coco with one hand and going back together.

I don't know what's going on.

Luo Tingting looked a little anxious!

Xiao Yang, who was the first to walk in front of Luo Tingting, looked at her back and didn't see Chen Jing's figure.

Xiao Yang couldn't help but asked, "What about Dad?" "

Ke Dad has now gone to the field in the back mountain, and it seems that some sugarcane has been planted over there, just now Ke Da's people from a village came over, saying that someone came to buy sugar cane, let's hurry up and help." The

warm-hearted Luo Tingting suggested.

They are fans of Ke Dad, since they have come here to travel, why not help Ke Da cut sugar cane by the way.

However, this matter cannot be forced to others at will, and Luo Tingting also asked for their opinions.

Everyone looked at each other and nodded very affirmatively: "Let's go." "

Alright, let's go. "

Considering that Coco is a child, it must be tired after going to the mountains for a spin, Luo Tingting and they suggested that Coco go home to rest.

The soft and glutinous little girl shook her head firmly: "My sisters are gone, how can Coco go to the house to rest alone, Coco wants to go to the sugarcane field with her sisters and brothers."

Luo Tingting smiled, she took Cocoa, and the group went to the direction of the back mountain.

Here is a large piece of sugarcane planted by Chen Jing, all of them are very strong, and from a distance, they are thick and big.

This is a paradise for those who love to nibble on sugar cane.

"There are so many sugarcanes, is this a paradise?" Zhao Lingling, who had always been shy, rushed away shyly, and no one else could be seen in her eyes, as if there was only sugar cane.

The breeze was gently blowing, and the leaves of the sugar cane rustled.

"Well... It's delicious, I love it so much, I always dream of having a sugar cane field, and this place fulfills my fantasy.

Zhao Lingling said without exaggeration.

In the bright eyes, there is joy.

"Sister Luo, Sister Zhao... What's wrong with her?"

Luo Tingting beside her squatted down, smiling and stroking Coco's little face: "She's a foodie."

"I'm not a foodie, I'm a qualified food expert.

Zhao Lingling in front of her turned around and explained.

is obviously a foodie, so she has to flaunt herself with a beautified title, among the three sisters, Zhao Lingling is the least narcissistic, but in terms of food, no one can compare to Zhao Lingling.

Coco, who suddenly realized, sighed and looked curiously at Zhao Lingling who was scurrying around in the sugarcane field.

I couldn't help but smile in my eyes.

Sister Zhao is a little cute!

At the other end of the sugarcane field, Chen Jing walked out of it, followed by Chen Yu.

"I heard your voices from afar, and I came back very early, Zhang Wei? Why didn't I see

Zhang Wei?" He told Zhang Wei to take good care of them, and the person who came was a guest.

Coco preemptively said, "Uncle Zhang Wei is home." "

So early?"

is a bit out of line with Zhang Wei's style of doing things.

"We met Aunt Su Lanzhi on the way back, and finally Uncle Zhang Wei planned to go home to rest.

Coco's words revealed a lot of information, Chen Jing understood in seconds, no wonder Zhang Wei wanted to leave.

"Brother Chen Jing, let's prepare the goods, and we'll talk about other things later. Chen Yu reminded.

"Cheng, you're here just in time, help with this. Chen Jing knew that they were here to help, and he was indeed a little busy now, and when the big guys started to move, Chen Jing showed a rich smile.

Of course, Chen Jingquan saw Zhao Lingling's performance.

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