【Wait for the sugar cane.】

[But Dad, Dad, look at me... When my winter vacation comes, I'm going to travel to you too. [

Are you stupid in front, it's very cold in winter, not to mention that the south is wet and cold, so it's better to go home and enjoy the heating. [


[I also seconded the proposal.] 】


Everyone's discussion continued, and after Chen Jing noticed this, he had other calculations in his heart.

"That's the end of today's live broadcast, and when it comes on the shelves in the future, I will release a video in advance, everyone have a good rest, bye-bye.

After turning off the live broadcast, Chen Jing put away his mobile phone, he now has some vegetable seeds in his hand, enough spring water, and Tiangong books, and there are a lot of other things given by the system.

It was about everyone's proposal, and Chen Jing had a plan in his heart.

"Dabi, what are we going to cook at night? Wouldn't Dabi be tired from cooking so much?"

There were several of them, but Coco felt sorry for her Dabi, Chen Jing squatted down and hugged Coco.

"With my baby caring, Dad is not tired. "


After the father and daughter chatted for a while, Chen Jing prepared the dinner for the evening.

While washing the dishes, Chen Jing thought of something, and he asked about Zhang Wei again.

Although Coco is a little girl, she didn't hide it and told the truth.

This time, Coco was particularly clear.

Chen Jing frowned slightly, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Su Lanzhi still pesters Zhang Wei, and Su Lanzhi is a scourge.

"Brother Chen Jing... Coco is also at home, just right, quickly make some glutinous rice cakes from Auntie and eat them while they are hot. After

giving birth, Guo Lizhi and Chen Yu's care, Guo Liqian's spirit is very good, and she has done a very good job recently.

If she hadn't been born in the countryside, Guo Lizhen would definitely have been able to gallop in the shopping mall.

"Thank you, Auntie.

Coco walked in quickly with the glutinous rice cake, leaving Chen Jing and Guo Lizhen behind, about the work, Guo Lizhen made a brief report, and what she said was also the point.

"Okay, that's it.

Chen Jing believes in her ability very much, however, Guo Lizhi in front of him was a little hesitant, I don't know what happened, Chen Jing saw it, and after that, he said frankly: "If you have anything to say, just open your mouth."

"Well, actually... Or about Su Lanzhi, Brother Chen Jing, when you see Su Lanzhi, you must stay away from her, this woman is restless. "


Guo Lizhi continued, "I heard that Su Lanzhi has recently gotten along with the second donkey in our village.

Thinking of Chen Erdonkey in the village, Guo Li shook his shoulders with a cold feeling, Chen Erdonkey is an old bachelor in the village, he has always lived alone, his sense of existence in the village is not weak, he has never married a wife and had children in his life, and he lives on only two acres of land.

Life is very tight, but fortunately, I have the strength to work with my strength, and I can make money to support myself.

Chen Jing really couldn't figure out how Su Lanzhi could get mixed up with Chen Erdonkey, Su Lanzhi is only in his twenties this year, and Chen Erdonkey is already in his forties.

The two stood together, simply Beauty and the Beast.

Chen Jing was a little incredulous: "This... How is it possible? Su Lanzhi and him..."

This news is not a matter of opinion to Chen Jing.

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